Navegando por Palavras-chave "Cápsula do cristalino"
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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Anterior capsule staining using 0.025% trypan blue in cataracts without red reflex(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2001-08-01) Marback, Eduardo Ferrari [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Lincoln Lemes de [UNIFESP]; Fernandes, Fernanda Pelegrino [UNIFESP]; Branco, Bruno Castelo [UNIFESP]; Belfort, Rubens Junior [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Purpose: To describe the use of anterior capsule staining in cataracts without red reflex using a 0.025% trypan blue solution. Methods: Six eyes of 6 patients with cataracts without red reflex were submitted to phacoemulsification using a direct injection of 0.2 to 0.5 ml of 0.025% trypan blue in the anterior chamber previous to viscoelastic injection. All patients had an ophthalmologic examination prior to surgery, as well as pre and postoperative corneal endothelial cell count. Results: In all cases the capsule became stained with a faint blue color that enabled an adequate visibility of the flap during the continuous curvilinear anterior capsulotomy (CCC). There were no intra-or postoperative complications. The endothelial cell loss varied between 1.8% and 26.6% (mean 12.8%). Conclusion: Staining the anterior capsule with 0.025% trypan blue solution allows a good visibility of the capsular flap and facilitates the confection of CCC in cataracts without red reflex.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Eficácia de hipotensores oculares tópicos após capsulotomia posterior(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2008-10-01) Minello, Antonieta Antunes Pereira [UNIFESP]; Prata Junior, João Antonio [UNIFESP]; Mello, Paulo Augusto de Arruda [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To analyze and compare the effects on intraocular pressure (IOP) of several topic hypotensive agents after posterior capsulotomy with Nd:YAG laser in non glaucoma patients. METHODS: 145 pseudophakic eyes underwent to Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Before capsulotomy. 21 were treated with apraclonidine, 20 with brimonidine, 23 with dorzolamide, 20 with latanoprost, 20 with pilocarpine, and 20 with timolol. Controls (21 eyes) received placebo. IOP measurements (Goldmann applanation tonometry) were taken under masked conditions 1 hour before procedure and after 1 and 2 hours. If postoperative PIO was above 20 mmHg its measurements were extended to 4 and 24 hours. Capsulotomy was performed with Abraham lens, under topic anesthetic, using Nd:YAG laser. Ocular hypertension would be considered if the IOP had suffered an increase of 4 mmHg above the initial. Mean total energy used was 2.1 ± 1 mJ. RESULTS: The preoperative IOP did not differ statistically among groups. Mean IOPs of treated eyes 1h (11.9 ± 3.8) and 2h (11.5 ± 3.0) were statistically lower than IOP compared with control group (12,6 ± 2,8) (p=0.001). There were no statistically significant differences for the other measurements. Control and pilocarpine had a percentual IOP increase after 2 hours of 8.7 ± 19.1% (13.5 ± 3.2 mmHg) and 1.2 ± 26.3% (12.5 ± 3.6 mmHg) respectively. Mean percentual postoperative IOP reduction was detected in the apraclonidine group -24.7 ± 15.5% (9.8 ± 2.6 mmHg), in the brimonidine group -8.9 ± 15.5% (10.1 ± 1.7 mmHg), in the dorzolamide group -6.9 ± 20.3% (12.1 ± 2.8 mmHg), in the latanoprost group -0.4 ± 25.9% (12.1 ± 2.9 mmHg) and in timolol group -16.2 ± 14.1% (10.3 ± 1.7 mmHg). These differences were statistically significant (p=0.001). There was no significant difference between frequencies of hypertension (p=0.148). CONCLUSION: Apraclonidine caused higher hypotensive effect after capsulotomy with YAG laser when compared with brimonidine, dorzolamide, latanoprost, pilocarpine, timolol and control group.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nd:Yag laser em catarata infantil(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2006-02-01) Di Giovanni, Maria Elizabeth [UNIFESP]; Tartarella, Marcia Beatriz [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To describe and to evaluate the usefulness of Nd: Yag laser in pseudophakic children. METHODS: Twenty-four eyes of 22 pseudophakic patients with posterior capsule opacification, that had been submitted to posterior capsulotomy with Nd:Yag-laser were prospectively analyzed at the Infantile Cataract Section of the Federal University of São Paulo/Paulista School of Medicine, from June 2001 to March 2003. Age at surgery, IOL type, IOL placement, time interval between surgery and posterior capsule opacification, energy needed (mJ), laterality, initial and final visual acuity were analyzed. RESULTS: Capsulotomy was performed in all pseudophakic eyes. Four (16.6%) eyes received polyacrylic implants and 18 (75%) PMMA lenses. Twelve IOL were in the capsular bag and nine in the ciliary sulcus. The laser energy level required was 0,8 mJ to 2 mJ per spot, total amount was 100 mJ. Nd:Yag laser was feasible in 22 (91.6%) eyes. Only two (8.3%) eyes required capsulotomy surgery. CONCLUSION: The obtained results suggest that Nd:Yag laser capsulotomy may be a good option to improve visual acuity in pseudophakic children.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosUso de acetato de triancinolona intracameral ou corticoide oral em cirurgias de catarata congênita com e sem microftalmia, com implante primário de lente intraocular(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Ventura, Marcelo Carvalho [UNIFESP]; Nosé, Walton [UNIFESP]Objetivos: Avaliar os resultados cirurgicos de criancas, com idade abaixo de dois anos, operadas de catarata congenita com injecao intracameral de acetato detriancinolona (AT), e compara-los aos resultados obtidos com o uso de prednisolona oral. Alem disso, relatar os resultados visuais e as complicacoes da cirurgia de catarata congenita com implante primario de lente intraocular (LIO) em olhos microftalmicos. Metodos: Retrospectivamente, foram coletadas dos prontuarios medicos a pressao intraocular (PIO) e a espessura central da cornea (ECC), pre e pos-operatoria (medida no segundo mes e um ano apos a cirurgia), de 53 olhos que receberam uma injecao intracameral de 1,2 mg/0,03 ml de AT no final da cirurgia de catarata congenita. Prospectivamente, 60 olhos foram randomizados em dois grupos: o grupo de estudo (formado por 31 olhos) recebeu injecao intracameral de 1,2mg/0,03ml de AT, enquanto o grupo controle (formado por 29 olhos) recebeu 1 mg/kg/dia de prednisolona via oral por 15 dias, metade da dose e na terceira semana e um quarto da dose na quarta semana. Os resultados cirurgicos s foram comparados, um ano apos a cirurgia. Em estudo subsequente, foram avaliados 14 olhos microftalmicos de dez criancas menores de quatro anos, operadas de catarata congenita com implante primario de LIO. Sete pacientes tinham catarata bilateral (11 olhos atendiam aos criterios de inclusao). Foram avaliadas a PIO O, a melhor acuidade visual corrigida (MAVC) ) e complicacoes intra e pos-operatorias. Resultados: Na analise retrospectiva dos s pacientes, nao houve variacao clinicamente significante na PIO (P = 0,700) e na E ECC(P = 0,419) durante o periodo do estudo. Na analise prospectiva, a PIO e a ECC nao variaram significantemente, um ano apos a cirurgia (grupo de estudo: P = 0,922 e 0,149; grupo controle: P = 0,483 e 0,416, respectivamente). Os grupos de estudo e controle tiveram incidencias semelhantes de deposito de celulas na LIO (P = 0,517) e sinequia posterior (P = 0,247). Nenhum olho desenvolveu opacificacao do eixo visual ou necessitou reintervencao cirurgica. Em relacao aos olhos microftalmicos, na cirurgia a media de idade dos pacientes era de 21,7 ± 2,9 meses e o comprimento axial ocular de 19,2 ± 00,9 mm. Nao houve variacao estatisticamente significante na PIO com a cirurgia (P = 0,18). Dois (15,4%) olhos desenvolveram opacificacao secundaria do eixo visual, dos quais um precisou de reintervencao cirurgica devido a baixa de visao. A MAVC pre e e pos-operatoria foi de 2,09 ± 0,97 LogMAR e 0,28 ± 0,08 LogMAR nos casos bilaterais, e de 1,83 ± 1,04 LogMAR e 0,42 ± 0,13 LogMAR nos casos unilaterais, respectivamente. Conclusoes: Injecao de e 1,2 mg de AT ao final da cirurgia de catarata congenita nao alterou significantemente a PIO e a ECC no primeiro ano apos a cirurgia. Ademais, o AT e a prednisolona oral obtiveram resultados cirurgicos semelhantes. O implante primario de LIO em cirurgia de catarata congenita em olhos microftalmicos resultou em uma melhora da MAVC, sem complicacoes no intraoperatorio e com complicacoes minimas no pos-operatorio
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Variação da acuidade visual em pacientes jovens com ectopia lentis submetidos à cirurgia(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2005-08-01) Waiswol, Mauro; Abujamra, Suel; Cohen, Ralph [UNIFESP]; Almeida, Geraldo Vicente De [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Departamento de Oftalmologia Serviço de Catarata; Universidade de Santo Amaro Faculdade de Medicina; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências MédicasPURPOSE: To assess the results as to visual acuity of two different surgical procedures for ectopia lentis. METHODS: Fifty-one eyes of 28 patients (16 males and 12 females, mean age 16.00± 8.5) with simple (19 cases) or Marfan syndrome-associated (9 cases) ectopia lentis with different levels of subluxation underwent lens extraction with implantation of intraocular lenses (IOL) with scleral fixation (21 cases) or by lens extraction with implantation of the intraocular lenses in the capsular bag expanded by endocapsular ring (RING) (30 cases). Result analysis emphasized pre- and postoperative visual acuity during a six-month follow-up. RESULTS: Both techniques showed significant increase of postoperative visual acuity with and without correction, but it was better among the cases operated on by scleral fixation of the intraocular lenses. More than the used technique, the preoperative subluxation grades were crucial as to the results. CONCLUSION: The two surgical techniques for correction of simple or Marfan syndrome-associated ectopia lentis are safe and effective, resulting in significant recovery of visual acuity, although surgical results are completely dependent on the preoperative lens subluxation grades.