O impacto da privação do sono na diabetes mellitus do tipo 2 em adultos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
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Esta revisão sistemática tem como objetivo investigar a relação entre a privação de sono e DM2, destacando pesquisas e intervenções atuais que exploram as interações envolvidas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados Pubmed, Sleep Science e LILACS. Os critérios de elegibilidade incluíram trabalhos publicados e disponíveis integralmente em bases de dados científicas e trabalhos com data de publicação a partir de 2019. Após a busca, 79 estudos foram encontrados e a partir dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, apenas seis estudos foram selecionados para esta revisão. O número total de participantes nesses estudos foi de 114.844 indivíduos, com idades variando de 18 a 86 anos. Os estudos incluíram diversas variáveis demográficas e de estilo de vida para levar em conta potenciais fatores de confusão. A revisão identificou uma associação bidirecional entre sono e DM2, com privação de sono e sono excessivo associados ao aumento do risco de mortalidade em indivíduos diabéticos. Os mecanismos propostos incluem alterações no metabolismo da glicose, desregulação dos hormônios relacionados à fome e ao apetite e diminuição do gasto energético. A curta duração do sono foi associada a marcadores de obesidade mais elevados em pacientes com DM2. As descobertas destacam o papel crítico do sono adequado e da regulação do ritmo circadiano no controle glicêmico e no desenvolvimento do DM2. Intervenções no sono, incluindo terapias farmacológicas e cognitivo-comportamentais, foram destacadas como essenciais para reduzir a carga do DM2, particularmente em populações vulneráveis.
This systematic review aims to investigate the relationship between sleep deprivation and T2DM, highlighting current research and interventions that explore the interactions involved. To this end, a search was performed in the Pubmed, Sleep Science and LILACS databases. Eligibility criteria included published works and those available in full in scientific databases and works with a publication date from 2019 onwards. After the search, 79 studies were found and based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, only six studies were selected for this review. The total number of participants in these studies was 114,844 individuals, with ages ranging from 18 to 86 years. The studies included several demographic and lifestyle variables to account for potential confounders. The review identified a bidirectional association between sleep and T2DM, with sleep deprivation and excessive sleep associated with increased mortality risk in diabetic individuals. Proposed mechanisms include changes in glucose metabolism, dysregulation of hormones related to hunger and appetite, and decreased energy expenditure. Short sleep duration was associated with higher obesity markers in patients with T2DM. The findings highlight the critical role of adequate sleep and circadian rhythm regulation in glycemic control and the development of T2DM. Sleep interventions, including pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral therapies, were highlighted as essential to reduce the burden of T2DM, particularly in vulnerable populations.
This systematic review aims to investigate the relationship between sleep deprivation and T2DM, highlighting current research and interventions that explore the interactions involved. To this end, a search was performed in the Pubmed, Sleep Science and LILACS databases. Eligibility criteria included published works and those available in full in scientific databases and works with a publication date from 2019 onwards. After the search, 79 studies were found and based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, only six studies were selected for this review. The total number of participants in these studies was 114,844 individuals, with ages ranging from 18 to 86 years. The studies included several demographic and lifestyle variables to account for potential confounders. The review identified a bidirectional association between sleep and T2DM, with sleep deprivation and excessive sleep associated with increased mortality risk in diabetic individuals. Proposed mechanisms include changes in glucose metabolism, dysregulation of hormones related to hunger and appetite, and decreased energy expenditure. Short sleep duration was associated with higher obesity markers in patients with T2DM. The findings highlight the critical role of adequate sleep and circadian rhythm regulation in glycemic control and the development of T2DM. Sleep interventions, including pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral therapies, were highlighted as essential to reduce the burden of T2DM, particularly in vulnerable populations.
SILVA, Ana Beatriz Cilirio da. O impacto da privação do sono na diabetes mellitus do tipo 2 em adultos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. 2024. 34 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.