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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O cotidiano de trabalho do ACS: trilhando caminhos entre prescrições e invenções(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-08-16) Barros, Luciana Soares de [UNIFESP]; Cecilio, Luiz Carlos de Oliveira [UNIFESP];; ttp://; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: This study focus on the work process of the Community Health Agents (ACS), an strategic actor in Brazilian National Health System (SUS) due to its role as “mediator”; between the community and the Primary Care Unit Health (UBS). Objective: This study aims give visibility to elements in the daily work of ACS, trying to understand how he organizes his care practices; builds his relationship with the health team; reflects on their performance in the context of the Family Health Strategy; and the main difficulties encountered to carry out his work. Method: Cartographic method made by participant observation in six UBS of the metropolitan region of São Paulo city that provides the production of field diaries with records of scenes observed in team meetings, group activities, home visits, walking through the territories and other activities. For analysis the concept of “visibility plan”; was used, which means what is highlighting or becomes visible / speakable from the connections of the scenes of similar “nature”; as recorded in field diaries. Results and discussion: From the visibility plans was possible to discuss issues relating to acquaintanceship of ACS with the refusal of the population; to violence and drug trafficking in the territory; to the difficult management of the community’s secrets; and to the multiple dimensions of the complex relationship with the community due to his dual resident / worker status. It was possible to understand a process of transformation of this worker, which has been presented as a multipurpose worker at UBS, occupying the role on an interim manner. This is different from the profile idealized by the ACS policy, which has a certain “militancy”; as a constitutive characteristic of the function. In addition it highlights the connection of the ACS with the rationalization of health practices, that has as elements the bureaucratization and the setting of production targets, increasing his work overload, but also his strategies to handle the flows, exercising their autonomy in the territory. The relationship of ACS with the health team points to domination and subordination of ACS, but also to his resistance movements, inventiveness and cooperative work. Conclusion: This study has highlighted a health worker in mutation that reproduces biomedical and bureaucratic practices, which can disfigure his role as a community link, but can also be quite creative, permanently (re)inventing his practices, in a way much more complex than prescribed in the original formulation of health policy, due, among other things, the complexity of the territories in which he operates.
- ItemEmbargoO trabalho das agentes comunitárias de saúde pelo olhar de profissionais e gestores da atenção primária à saúde do município de Santos – SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-10-22) Mello, Natalia Cristina Brito [UNIFESP]; Nicolau, Stella Maris [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) é fruto do movimento da Reforma Sanitária brasileira que propôs um modelo de atenção à saúde universal e integral e que busca responder às necessidades de saúde da população inserida em seus diversos contextos e territórios. Nesse modelo destaca-se a incorporação das agentes comunitárias de saúde (ACS) às equipes de atenção primária. Moradoras da comunidade, desempenham um papel híbrido ao transitar entre o território e o equipamento de saúde, com função de cadastrar, acompanhar as famílias e identificar situações de saúde da população atendida. O processo de trabalho das ACS passou por intensas transformações desde os anos iniciais do SUS, sendo que o perfil dessa profissional que se apresenta hoje é fruto das relações que construíram, das experiências no dia a dia no trabalho, e das expectativas, incidências e ingerências nos processos de trabalho das ACS pela gestão local e central na atuação dessas trabalhadoras, em sua grande maioria mulheres. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória, por meio de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado e análise temática de conteúdo dos dados produzidos. Foram entrevistados 13 profissionais de UBS tradicional e ESF que atuam junto às ACS no cotidiano de trabalho. Emergiram três temas, a saber: o valor do trabalho e dos saberes das ACS, o modelo de trabalho das ACS: entre o biomédico-prescritivo e o modelo relacional-territorial, e, a ambiguidade na relação das ACS com as equipes e o território: entre o protagonismo e a subserviência. A discussão aponta para uma transformação nos processos de trabalho das ACS que embora apareçam nos discursos como essenciais para pensar o território e contribuir com as equipes na elaboração dos projetos de cuidado tanto individuais como coletivos, aparecem também como trabalhadoras subservientes às equipes e que cada vez mais são absorvidas pelas demandas de trabalho administrativo dentro das unidades de saúde.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Participação social e a potência do agente comunitário de saúde(Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social, 2014-01-01) Castro-Silva, Carlos Roberto de [UNIFESP]; Mendes, Rosilda [UNIFESP]; Moraes, Ramiz Candeloro Pedroso de [UNIFESP]; Anhas, Danilo de Miranda [UNIFESP]; Rosa, Karina Rodrigues Matavelli [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Community Health Agent (CHA) occupies an important mediation place between community and family health strategy (FHS). Although, in a critical view, we consider that the working of this professional, mainly in high social vulnerability locals, evidences the complexity and contradictions which must be discussed in an ethical-political perspective. The objective of this paper was to analyze and discuss aspects of the community organization and acquaintanceship that contributes for the construction of the CHA's social participation processes. It was a qualitative research, made in a health family unit in Cubatao, which had the participative research as a beacon for the procedures used, emphasizing the participative observation and semi-structured interviews. The results indicates that the intense sense of community and the proximity to community political forces contribute for the social participation process, otherwise the predominance of assistencialism and fear triggered by violence situations.