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- ItemSomente MetadadadosApoio à atenção básica de saúde: percurso da pesquisa-intervenção(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-07-11) Brandalise, Carmem Lucia [UNIFESP]; Mendes, Rosilda [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study analyzes the work of the Multidisciplinary Team in the Health and Care Section of Community, Department of Primary Care in the Municipality of Santos which is composed of several professional areas and divided up in a way that meets the four health districts of the municipality, organized to follow all Primary Care services. The methodology used was the research intervention, assuming the construction of spaces for collective questioning in a dialectical movement of action-reflection-action. The data were produced by six problem workshops arranged by themes chosen collectively by the subjects involved in the study: "support matrix"; "work process in health"; "care"; and "interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary." For the record, in addition to recording, it was used the methodology of the scribe, which consists of a free record of the progress of the meeting by one of the workshop participants. The ordering of data included the transcription of tapes and reading the records of the scribes and field diaries. The ordination and classification of data allowed to grasp the relevant issues settling four analytical categories: "The practice of teamwork"; "The practice of care: tensions between what you want and what you do"; "The ways of organizing work to transform the management of care"; and 'Research intervention: capability to invent and reinvent ". The study suggests the need to establish systematic spaces for discussion of the work process with primary care amount of units of responsibility of each SEATESC professional, as well as their monitoring schedules of the teams in the Primary Care services, to strengthen interdisciplinary work and the organization based on the real need of the local teams; and the SEATESC need of utilization of the potentiality of the intervention research method due to the possibility of experimentation, which allows to make room for collective reflections, to find alternative co-management and co-responsibility of care. Finally, the study found that subjects envision possibilities for the development of a supportive practice having reference from their own experience in SEATESC, so that productive assemblages are operated in a way that bring innovations to the practice of care professionals in order to qualify the care with the monitoring in network; the need to review the.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)ÀWỌN `ỌNÀ MÍMỌ́: os caminhos sagrados das mulheres do Axé em Nova Iorque (EUA)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-12-01) Niel, Marcelo [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes [UNIFESP]; Sanchez, Zila Van Der Meer [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This doctoral research is an ethnography about the migration of Candomblé (an Afro-Brazilian religion) to the city of New York in the United States of America. I describe the trip of three Brazilian “mães de santo” (“mothers of saint”) who carry their practices and knowledge from Brazil. I report their establishment in the city, the dialogue with the urban space in a megalopolis, the changes occurred in their rituals and their possible translations in this new space, the clientele and their motivations. The first article, “Àwọn `Ọnà Mímọ́: the sacred ways of the Axé Women in New York”, observe and analyze the itinerary of Brazilian mães de santo (“mothers of saint”) who traveled to New York City carrying the knowledge and the practices of Candomblé with them. It also seeks to analyze how this itinerary promotes the establishment and permanence of Candomblé in Brazil and abroad. The text is based on an ethnographic research carried out between 2013 and 2017, through participating observation and monitoring of the everyday life of these mães de santo (“mothers of saint”). It was possible to learn that Candomblé is founded on an open, dynamic religious codex, and that the constant movement through which it reinvents itself and renegotiates its practices is at the very core of its existence. The second article, “Àwọn Ìyá Awo: the ladies of secretin the Big Apple: women and Candomblé practices in New York City, USA”, the presence of three Brazilian mães de santo (“mothers of saint”) stood out. They have been led to rethink their practices in the context of life in the USA and to reshape standard religious configurations—in short, they have created new traditions, as per Roy Wagner’s academic work (1975). By telling the stories of these women, it was possible to reveal the mechanisms through which they have reinvented their religion: articulating secrets, permissions and transpositions related to their practices while also (and rather paradoxically) contributing to preserve the original essence of Candomblé. And by doing that, they have also helped spread and establish their religion in a foreign country. One of the most important aspects of the reinvention process concerns the so-called hierarchical changes; in New York, the relationship between the mães de santo and the practitioners is more horizontal than then one observed on the terreiros located in Brazil. The third and last article, “Oogun Àṣẹ: Candomblé practices and health care in New York City, USA”, presents the results of an ethnography carried out between 2013 and 2017, which relied on participating observation, interviews and monitoring of the everyday life of three Brazilian mães de santo (“mothers of saint”) who sought to reinvent Candomblé in New York City, USA. The article follows them as they attempt to transpose their religious beliefs and practices to this new, foreign context. It describes their relationship with practitioners who seek health care through the use of plants and prayers during religious rituals and ceremonies.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Entre a Integralidade e a Territorialização: Percursos de uma gestante na rede de atenção à saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-12-25) Torres, Thainá [UNIFESP]; Mendes, Rosilda [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Este trabalho tem como uma das principais linhas de análise o conceito de integralidade, este que é um dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), ordenando o cuidado a uma compreensão integral do ser humano e redirecionando a saúde, historicamente reduzida a uma abordagem biomédica, para uma dimensão ampliada, como valor social, na qual usuários são elevados a sujeitos e protagonistas de seu próprio cuidado. Dado esse panorama teórico-prático, introduz-se aqui a discussão da mortalidade infantil como importante marcador da condição de vida de uma população, intimamente relacionada com o acesso e qualidade do serviço de saúde. A imperatividade desse assunto reside no fato de que a Baixada Santista tem registrado uma taxa de mortalidade consideravelmente mais alta (13,8 para mil nascidos vivos) que a média do estado de São Paulo (10,74 por mil nascidos vivos) e do considerado aceitável pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (10 para mil nascidos vivos). A relação equipe-usuário é considerada aqui, o principal elemento do cuidado. O presente estudo teve por objetivo compreender como o princípio de integralidade e a territorialização estão presentes no cuidado à saúde a partir do percurso de uma gestante em uma Unidade de Básica de Saúde. Os resultados obtidos em uma pesquisa de Iniciação Científica (IC) foram revisitados para a elaboração do presente trabalho. O cenário selecionado foi uma Unidade de Saúde da Família (USF) da Areia Branca , localizado na Zona Noroeste da cidade de Santos, região marcada por significativas desigualdades sociais. Essa pesquisa-intervenção de natureza qualitativa fez o uso seguintes dos métodos: (a) observação participante como base da presença e postura ético-política da pesquisadora dentro do consultório durante as consultas pré-natais da gestante escolhida; (b) entrevistas semiestruturadas com os profissionais; (c) registro em Diários de Pesquisa e d) Revisão Sistemática Integrativa, na qual foram analisados dois artigos, obtidos com inserção de quatro termos-chave:integralidade, Redes de Atenção em Saúde, cuidado em saúde e território/territorialização, nas seguintes bases de dados: Scielo, PubMed e BVS. A questão do território se mostrou em toda sua complexidade em razão da gestante possuir documento de comprovação de residência, ainda que a equipe soubesse, por sua própria inserção no território, que ela não residia na área de cobertura, o que criou uma atmosfera de palpável instabilidade e desconfiança na relação com a equipe. Essa situação constituiu terreno fértil para desentendimentos e indisposições que incidiram diretamente em sua adesão ao acompanhamento e cuidado. Nosso estudo permitiu observar novos sentidos atribuídos à integralidade, que ocupa parte do espaço “entre”, de uma produção de cuidado capturada pelo protocolo, para uma perspectiva de criação de espaços de atenção e produção social de saúde. Concluímos que falar em integralidade e em um sujeito que habita e é habitado “no e pelo” território, em uma relação constante e dinâmica, de trânsitos e movimentos, é buscar compreender a totalidade do sujeito, em um intento humanizador e universal.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosExpressão artística como construção do sujeito da saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-02-26) Jabur, Sergio Marques [UNIFESP]; Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research studies the practices of health care situating Psychology as a critical social space (the interlacing between perception and narrative language and the constitution of the subject) historical production and perception of the psychological subject. The study intends to describe and analyze the role of subjectivity, of the experiences learned by the subject and the artistic expression in the improvement of health care, including the experience from the perspective of art as productio n of meaning. W e start from thehypothesis that the individual expresses his existence through art, for he is immersed i n a field of presence with his subjectivity, and being subject to the ever-changing process of transformation; narrating his own experiences in life and his self conduct in the world. The existential phenomenological approach in psychology is possible in this research when we consider man's existence based on artistic expression as a possible therapeutic encounter. The study is therefore justified because when we deal with perception and language we refer to what is most special, that is, the subjectivity of relationships. Art is also a manifestation of the beholder, as we look and we are looked at continuously. It is a study which implies a qualitative approach and the way of thinking is mainly based on the readings of works of Merleau-Ponty , with emphasis on Eye and Spirit, and their commentators, aiming at the establishment of theoretical and methodological tools for future application, and other practices in the field of public health, particularly mental health. It is an interdisciplinary study and it refers to the field of psychology and ands deals with man in the world he dwells.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPolíticas no cuidado: uma cartografia de políticas de cuidado em três unidades de saúde da atenção básica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-10-14) Rodrigues, Andre [UNIFESP]; Henz, Alexandre de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Casetto, Sidnei José [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The term care is used in a myriad of situations and in most of its uses seems to be understood as an act that always works favorably. It is common too, to find this term used vaguely, as if just speaking it made some unambiguous and major meaning come about. However, after looking back to a brief history of this term, we noticed that it has undergone significant variation over time, since it is always connected to multiple policies at play in each period. To care, as a way to call a specific type of relating, must be understood as something able to operate for good, for evil and beyond good and evil, and as something about which is actually impossible to know beforehand, and for sure, what effects will have. In this research we noticed that the statements above have strong resonances with the practices of health professionals. In this work I have relied on the idea that the care provided by health professionals is imbibed in a multiplicity of policies. Supported by the studies about power in Foucault and by the Deleuze-Guattarian claim that before Being there is politics the care is conceived as a praxis that updates policies and is run trough by subjectivation policies present on each historical moment. Therefore, the objectives of our investigations were to detect policies that constitute the care production of health professionals at Primary Care Centers. The study was qualitative and done on a cartographic perspective, which is appropriate to detect such processes. Data were produced as part of the research Primary Care and Network Care Production in Santos City, regarding eleven Care Centers, developed by the Laboratory of Studies and Research on Teaching and Working in Health Care (LEPETS), from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). In the present research, data from three of those Centers were analyzed, specifically, data produced with the author's involvement. Two main themes surfaced from the analysis of the body of work. The first one, named method-care, points to the crossed implications between care policies and research policies built along the investigation. The second one, Ways of Caring, presents and problematizes several care policies mapped throughout the investigation.Results showed that the notion of care is not given beforehand as something established a priori, and also, that there are constitutive relationships between caring and researching, pointing to an ethic and political dimension that arises between these practices.