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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Labirintos da formação dos enfermeiros para a atuação na reforma psiquiátrica brasileira(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-11-28) Baiao, Juliana Jesus [UNIFESP]; Marcolan, Joao Fernando [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform represents a process initiated by the joint action of professionals, users and family members aiming at changing the care model. This movement led the Brazilian State to implement public policies that changed the reality of mental health care offered in the country. This process also included recommendations for improving the training of professionals working in the area in order to overcome the hegemonic asylum model and sustain the transformative practice of care. It is also observed that part of the Nursing courses did not adapt to the Reform proposals, so that it maintains in its disciplines / curricular units focus on teaching mental disorders approaching the model of traditional psychiatry. Objective: To analyze the education of nurses from public and private educational institutions in the city of São Paulo, from the perspective of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. Method: This is a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory research, using the methodological framework of document and content analysis. This study included teachers responsible for the Mental Health disciplines in the education institutes in the city of São Paulo. The data were collected through the analysis of the pedagogical political projects (PPP) that guide the undergraduate Nursing courses and by conducting interviews with the teachers following a script composed by guiding questions of the theme. Results: Of the 25 possible education institutes participating in the research, eleven granted authorization, but nine of them effectively participated. From the analysis of the PPP and the interviews, three categories were created that deal with the professional history of the teacher responsible for the Mental Health course unit, the teaching of the Mental Health discipline in the courses and its insertion in the education program. It was noticed that part of the teachers did not choose to work in mental health spontaneously, also, some of them had no previous experience of teaching. Regarding the discipline of Mental Health, it was observed that they had insufficient workload; core theoretical contents in the study of psychopathologies; practical block with insufficient workload and in some schools is not performed in health services; there is no interrelationship with the other subjects that make up the education program, so that transversality is not adopted by most schools; the teaching of Psychiatric Reform and mental health policies with unsatisfactory workload, being summarized in a few hours / classes. The guiding questions identified the profile of x nurses to work in mental health, number of students who entered the area, problems in the care network such as insufficient number of services, lack of articulation between them, lack of human and material resources, inadequate infrastructure. Considerations: it was found that the educational institutions studied are unable to offer undergraduate nursing training from the perspective of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform and mental health policies. This condition results from the very reduced workload of the specific Mental Health discipline, the lack of articulation between the other disciplines of the curricular matrix, the inadequate amount of substitutive services to perform the practical activities, the emphasis given to the teaching of psychopathologies and the lack of qualification of teachers.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPercepção Dos Indivíduos Com Transtornos Mentais Sobre O Estigma Social Que Recebem(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-04-27) Franco, Talita Cristina Marques [UNIFESP]; Marcolan, Joao Fernando [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Prejudice and stigma directed to individuals with mental disorders bring serious harm and damage to their lives, for this as a general objective, this research analyzed the perception of these individuals on the prejudice and stigma that victimize them. As specific objectives were analyzed the factors that lead society to such practices, even in the face of many advances in concepts and was identified the psychic suffering generated by prejudice and stigma, as well as the way these individuals faced the situation. This research was carried out in Álvares Machado, São Paulo State, in the only Basic Health Unit to perform psychiatric care. Twenty-one participants were interviewed, nineteen women and two men, who were between the ages of eighteen and seventy years old, all in treatment processes. The research used the qualitative approach and a semi-structured questionnaire was used, with guiding questions to evaluate the participants' perception. Data analysis was performed based on the Bardin content analysis method. The research was authorized by the Health department of Álvares Machado, São Paulo State and by the Standing Committee on Research Ethics involving Human Subjects (CEP). It was verified that lack of knowledge about the mental disorder is the main cause for the prejudice, coming from the social, professional, religious, family and even the professionals responsible for the treatment, a fact that damages the process of the psychopathological situation, causing these Individuals feel inferior, incapable and ashamed of themselves, culminating all this with exclusion. The data also point to the suffering of the family, due to the lack of material resources or preparation to live with the family member with mental disorder, but on the other hand, showed that the family support to some of the individuals was not lacking. All the participants faced the situation in the hope of alleviating suffering; sometimes this confrontation was due to the isolation, crafts, walks and attendance in religious settings. The suffering caused by family, social, religious, scholastic, professional and in the treatment environment associated to problems caused by hospitalizations and social exclusion interfered in the treatment and aggravated the psychopathological situation. Society, in its prejudiced way, isolates individuals with mental disorders, preventing them from exercising their basic rights as citizens, and has the view that they are antisocial, violent and dangerous, as seen centuries ago. The changes arising from the Psychiatric Reform in Brazil have not yet had the desired effects, specifically regarding the change of mentalities about madness and insanity in the social context. Research has proven that prejudice and stigma-targeting individuals with mental disorders is a reality and cause more suffering to these individuals.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Repensando assistência ao paciente psiquiátrico no hospital geral: contribuição à reforma psiquiátrica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 1998) Campoy, Marcos Antonio [UNIFESP]; Souza, Mariana Fernandes de [UNIFESP]Este trabalho permitiu mostrar o caminho percorrido pelo paciente psiquiatrico que buscava assistencia especializada no pronto-socorro do hospital geral. O objetivo visou averiguar com esta se dando esta asssitencia no ambiente do hospital geral e, e se isso poderia contribuir com a proposta da reforma psiquiatrica, que visa a dimunuicao da manutencao em hospitais especializados e a cronificacao da doenca mental. Utilizei para desenvolvimento do trabalho a metodologia do estudo de caso que permitiu analisar os resultados obnservados na caminhada feita pelo paciente no pronto-socorro, desde sua chegada, passando pela triagem com a abertura de ficha para consulta, durante a consulta medica e no momento da observacao psiquiatrica na enfermaria. A analise permitiu mostrar que diferentemrente do que preconiza a reforma psiquiatrica que preve acolhimento dos pacientes, isto nao acontecia na essencia do significado do termo. Os pacientes com problemas de dependencia quimica ocuparam por mais tempo os leitos da enfermaria de observfacao psiquiatrica, enquanto que os psicoticos, mesmo em maior numero de consultas, ocuparam-na menos tempo, o que permite a interferencia de que os pacientes eram encaminhados para internacao especializada, de forma direta, apos a consulta medica, o que nega a proposta da reforma. O medico psiquiatra foi o profissional que demonstrou melhor acolhimento do paciente no pront0-socorro, reforcando a inferencia de que o conhecimento especifico possibilita maior envolvimento e vinculo com o pacientee, portanto, melhor resultado nas acoes de assistencia oferecida aos que sofrem mentalmente