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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Asma ocupacional(Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia, 2006-05-01) Fernandes, Ana Luisa Godoy [UNIFESP]; Stelmach, Rafael; Algranti, Eduardo; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do TrabalhoWork-related asthma is one of the principal occupational respiratory diseases in terms of prevalence. Innumerable chemical substances used in various production processes can cause or aggravate occupational asthma. This chapter contains a brief description of the definition and classification of work-related asthma, as well as the epidemiological repercussions, natural course, diagnostic criteria, progression and legal aspects of the disease, with the objective of raising an alert regarding this disease and its implications for workers.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ocupacional(Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia, 2006-05-01) Bagatin, Ericson; Jardim, José Roberto [UNIFESP]; Stirbulov, Roberto; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Santa Casa de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências MédicasOccupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, despite having been widely discussed for nearly half a century, is still rarely addressed in Brazil. Various studies, especially those that were population-based, have revealed the relationship between occupational exposure to aerosols and impairment of the airways. This chapter aims to remind physicians of the diagnosis of occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by presenting a succinct review of the literature on the theme, which should be incorporated into the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, in terms of the scope of the diagnostic basis as well as in terms of the questionnaire specific for the disease. Collecting detailed work histories and characterizing exposure to inhaled agents known to have deleterious effects on the respiratory system will surely result in improved approaches to making diagnoses and prognoses of this disease, as well as contributing to its greater control.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Doenças asbesto-relacionadas(Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia, 2006-05-01) Terra Filho, Mário; Freitas, Jefferson Benedito Pires De; Nery, Luiz Eduardo [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Santa Casa de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Departamento de Medicina Social; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This chapter presents a bibliographic review of asbestos-related diseases. The latest diagnostic, radiological, computed tomography and lung function aspects of benign pleural disease, asbestosis, occupational lung cancer and mesothelioma are discussed.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Doenças granulomatosas ocupacionais(Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia, 2006-05-01) Bagatin, Ericson; Pereira, Carlos Alberto De Costa [UNIFESP]; Afiune, Jorge Barros; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Instituto Clemente FerreiraA variety of diseases are encompassed in the didactic denomination of granulomatous diseases of probable occupational etiology. As well as presenting similar clinical aspects, such diseases are characterized by certain common traits: formation of granulomas; systemic and respiratory manifestations; environmental or occupational exposure to organic or inorganic agents; and T lymphocyte involvement in the pathogenesis. Included in this category are hypersensitivity pneumonitis, mycobacteriosis (all forms) and sarcoidosis, as well as beryllium disease and other lung diseases caused by exposure to heavy metals. In order to highlight the risk of developing one of these diseases as a result of environmental or occupational exposure to etiologic agents, we address aspects related to epidemiology, pathogenesis and evaluation of exposure of these diseases, as well as those related to diagnostic criteria, prevention and control. We have given special emphasis to groups of individuals considered to be at high risk for developing these diseases, as well as to the need for health care professionals to remain aware of the potential occupational etiology of such diseases, a decisive factor in devising effective measures of prevention and epidemiological surveillance.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Grau de exposição a praguicidas organoclorados em moradores de aterro a céu aberto(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2003-08-01) Santos Filho, Eladio; Silva, Rebeca de Souza e [UNIFESP]; Barretto, Heloisa H C; Inomata, Odete N K; Lemes, Vera R R; Kussumi, Tereza Atsuko; Rocha, Sônia O B; Secretaria de Estado da Saúde Hospital Guilherme Álvaro; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Instituto Adolfo LutzOBJECTIVE: To estimate the degree of internal exposure to organochlorine pesticides (persistent organic pollutants, POP) among inhabitants of an open-air dump. METHODS: This was an observational study with simultaneous measurement and control, in which the criterion for subjects was that they dwelled in an area contaminated by POP and the effect of such contamination was the concentration of such substances into the blood. The study population consisted of 238 people living on an open-air dump in Pilões, in the municipality of Cubatão, SP, Brazil, and the control population was formed by 258 people, also resident in that municipality, in the Cota 200 district. The following pesticides were analysed: hexachlorobenzene (HCB), p-p'DDT, p-p'DDE, p-p'DDD, o-p'DDT, a HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane); b HCH; g HCH; aldrin; dieldrin; endrin; heptachlor; heptachlor-epoxy and mirex. RESULTS: The average blood level of HCB in Pilões was 4.66 µg/l, which was 155 times higher than the average for Cota 200 (0.03 µg/l). In Pilões the average blood concentration of total DDT was 3.71 µg/l, which was twice the level found in Cota 200 (1.85 µg/l). Total HCH presented blood concentrations that were six times greater in Pilões (0.84 µg/l versus 0.13 µg/l). CONCLUSIONS: A positive association was shown between dwelling in Pilões and the presence of POP in the blood, with much higher risks than in localities without the presence of these contaminants.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Imagem nas doenças ocupacionais pulmonares(Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia, 2006-05-01) Meirelles, Gustavo de Souza Portes [UNIFESP]; Kavakama, Jorge Issamu; Rodrigues, Reynaldo Tavares [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)This chapter consists of a review of the literature regarding radiographic and tomographic characteristics of the principal occupational respiratory diseases (silicosis and asbestosis). Special attention is given to the practical relevance of high-resolution computed tomography, which is the most sensitive and specific method of identifying and quantifying the extent of pleural and parenchymal lesions related to such diseases.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Saúde socioambiental na atenção básica: conhecimento, formação e prática(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-11-09) Castelo Branco, Jeffer [UNIFESP]; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Thomaz, Silvia Maria Tagé [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A revolução industrial trouxe consigo, a partir do século XVIII, uma diversidade de novas substâncias e formulações químicas que encontrou, a partir do século XX, um ambiente favorável para sua produção em alta escala. Essa produção de controle tardio, e que ainda é inadequado, fez com que a exposição humana a agentes nocivos se tornasse e permanecesse uma realidade global, cuja manutenção requer cada vez mais ações de promoção da saúde às pessoas e comunidades expostas em seus territórios. Considerando que a Saúde Socioambiental (SSA) observa o movimento dos agentes nocivos na interface ambiente-saúde-sociedade, presentes como poluentes ou contaminantes no ar, no solo, na água, nos bens, produtos, serviços, bebidas e alimentos, como atingem a saúde e os meios e a atenção disponíveis, buscou-se analisar o conhecimento, a formação e a prática das equipes da atenção básica com relação à SSA, com foco na redução do adoecimento decorrente de exposição e intoxicação por esses agentes. A pesquisa foi conduzida em duas fases: na primeira, utilizou-se a escala do tipo Likert disponibilizada a todos os profissionais da Atenção Básica (AB) nos municípios de Santos, São Vicente e Cubatão, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A escala sem ponto central foi validada por um grupo de 11 especialistas e 3 profissionais da atenção básica. Garantiu-se a existência de mínima dispersão com a administração do estudo e o cálculo do coeficiente de correção linear de Pearson; e boa confiabilidade por meio do teste de coeficiente de confiabilidade de Spearman-Brown, em que foi usado o split-half method. Na segunda fase, visando a aprofundar os resultados, utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada aplicada junto aos chefes de Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), elaborada com base nos resultados da primeira fase. Seus resultados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo e correlacionados com os resultados da escala. Inicialmente, a pesquisa revelou haver situação de conforto na dimensão conhecimento, perigo na dimensão formação, e atenção na dimensão prática. Com base nos resultados, a formação é a única dimensão que demanda mudanças imediatas. Ainda que as dimensões conhecimento e prática profissional se apresentem, respectivamente, em situação de manutenção e aprimoramento, essas não se originam de instituições formais de ensino. Depreende-se desses resultados a necessidade de análise mais criteriosa quando se trata de dimensões complexas que vão se tecendo na linha do tempo, que há necessidade de capacitação dos profissionais na área da SSA tanto na formação inicial como na continuada, esperando-se com isso aportar conhecimentos necessários para a formulação de políticas que resultem em estratégicas gerenciais com reflexos concretos na prática da atenção integral. Para tanto, requer mudanças nos currículos formativos da área da saúde que possibilitem uma formação profissional de visão mais ampliada para lidar com a urgência química na contemporaneidade.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O uso do escore poligênico como uma ferramenta de determinação de risco de esquizofrenia(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-09-27) Talarico, Fernanda [UNIFESP]; Belangero, Sintia Iole Nogueira [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a severe and debilitating psychiatric disorder. Its main characteristics are the positive, negative and cognitive deficits symptoms. It is a multifactorial disease; thus, environmental (such as use of substances) and genetic factors (single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs, with low effect size, as well as copy number variations CNVs, with lower effect size) interact together to its development. From genomewide association studies (GWAS), an instrument called polygenic risk score (PRS) is used to estimate the individual genetic risk to SCZ development (from low size effect variants). Objectives: To verify how an interracial admixture may interfere to PRS results. Additionally, to verify the effects of environmental and genetic factors on SCZ patients, in order to improve a tool for risk measurement. Methodology: We used the summary statistics from PGC (Psychiatric Genomics Consortium) SCZGWAS (36,989 patients and 113,075 controls) to calculate PRS in our sample (309 patients and 445 controls). Genotyping was performed with Human OmniExpress Beadchips and Infinium PsychArray BeadChips (Illumina, USA). Genomic imputation was performed on Sanger server and PRScise and PLINK were used to calculate PRS. The environmental factors evaluated were the use of substances, as drugs, alcohol, cigarette smoke and cannabis. The genetics factors were, besides the PRS, the amount of CNVs per individual and whether it was duplication or deletion of base pairs. Results: We explained 5% of variety between cases and controls when including all individual. Better results were obtained when selecting only Caucasians (11% of variability was explained). Moreover, we observed that the exposure to environmental factors were more present in patients with lower genetic risk to SCZ when compared to controls with higher genetic risk, as well as the amount of CNVs. Furthermore, the best SCZ predictor model was the one calculated for all environmental and genetic factors together. Conclusion: This study allowed us to confirm that different ancestries have a negative effect on PRS. Even more, we supported our initial hypothesis stablished at the beginning of the work: patients with lower genetic risk factors had been exposed to more environmental factors and/or CNVs. Lastly, we observed that combining environmental and genetic risk factors is the most accurate predictor do SCZ.