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- ItemSomente MetadadadosComparação entre a eficácia antimicrobiana de três diferentes meios de preservação de córnea(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 1995) Rymer, Samuel [UNIFESP]; Scarpi, Marinho Jorge [UNIFESP]
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Hemoderivados como suplemento no meio de cultivo para células-tronco dentárias humanas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-07-27) Pisciolaro, Ricardo Luiz [UNIFESP]; Duailibi, Silvio Eduardo [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: One among many aims of medicine is to overcome injuries inflicted to the organism by diseases, aging and trauma, re-establishing the usual functions. About tissues losses, several authors claim that the ideal replacement is the healthy tissue itself, originated from the same source or developed by Tissue Engineering (TE). However, much research is needed before in vivo application. Objective: To evaluate three different kinds of sera supplies used in stem cell culture media, as to cellular proliferation and cellular injuries on dental stem cell. Methods: Five experiments were made utilizing incompletely developed third molar teeth. After enzymatic digestion, the adult stem cells were cultivated in four different kinds of culture media. Medium I, serum free (SF); medium II, supplied with FBS (heterologous serum- HeS); medium III, supplied with homologous human serum (homologous serum- HoS) and medium IV, supplied with autologous human serum (autologous serum . AuHS).These cultures were analyzed comparatively as to cellular proliferation; they were submitted Von Kossa (VK) and Alizarin Red (AR) markers tests for four weeks (checked weekly), and each two weeks checked for Colonies Forming Unities (CFUs). On the 28th day, all four cultures were submitted to comet assay, and were inspected for possible cellular DNA injuries. The results underwent a non-parametric statistical Friedman fs variance test, with significance (p) . 5%. Results: Culture medium IV reached a cellular proliferation rate higher than medium I, showing a significant result (p*=0,0074). Culture medium II presented a superior proliferation result than medium I, and similar to medium III, although neither of them presented significant result when compared to medium IV. The comet assay fs results showed minor cellular DNA injury in the medium IV cultures, when compared to medium II and III cultures. The CFUs were numerous in the media IV and III cultures, respectively, and there was higher mineralization rate in the medium IV than in the media II and III. Conclusion: The culture medium supplied with AuHS significantly improved cellular proliferation. Human sera proved to be a viable supply to human dental stem cell culture.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Superficial corneal foreign body: laboratory and epidemiologic aspects(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2005-12-01) Macedo Filho, Ednajar Tavares [UNIFESP]; Lago, Aline [UNIFESP]; Duarte, Karine [UNIFESP]; Liang, Shih Jung [UNIFESP]; Hofling-Lima, Ana Luisa [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Denise de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To determine by bacterioscopy and culture the microorganisms carried by corneal foreign body and their sensitivity to antibiotics by antibiotic sensitivity test. METHODS: A prospective study was carried out and information was collected on 101 patients who presented with corneal foreign body at the São Paulo Hospital Eye Emergency Service. Prior to any treatment, a sample of the ipsilateral inferior conjunctival fornix and the foreign body were collected and immersed in thioglycolate broth. Samples were sown on solid culture media including blood, chocolate and Sabouraud agar. Bacterioscopic examination using Gram and Giemsa staining and sensitivity test were performed. Positive foreign body culture results were compared to ipsilateral conjunctival fornix culture to exclude possible normal flora growth. RESULTS: Approximately 92% of patients were males with a mean age of 35 years and in 62.4% (95% confidence interval: 52.2 - 71.8%) had the right eye was affected. Foreign body positive cultures were achieved in 32.7% (95% confidence interval: 23.7 - 42.7%) of the cases. The microorganisms isolated from the foreign body culture were identified as: Streptococcus, alpha-hemolytic (n=4), Staphylococcus aureus (n=4), Staphylococcus, coagulase-negative (n=4), Corynebacterium xerosis (n=3), unidentified Gram-positive bacillus (n=2), Moraxella sp (n=1), Serratia sp (n=1), Acynetobacter sp (n=1). The microbial sensitivity test showed that 95% of the cases were sensitive to chloramphenicol and 90% were sensitive to ciprofloxacin, these being antibiotics used in our routine service. CONCLUSION: Superficial corneal foreign body acts as important contaminant vector and the great majority of isolated bacteria were sensitive to the antibiotic prophylaxis used in the treatment.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosUtilidade de hemoculturas por lise-centrifugao no diagnóstico de infecções em pacientes com aids(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 1999) Rosas, Robert Fabian Crespo [UNIFESP]; Colombo, Arnaldo Lopes [UNIFESP]Doencas oportunisticas que acometem pacientes com AIDS frequentemente sao disseminadas e alcancam a corrente sanguinea. Desta forma, sistemas aprimorados de hemoculturas sao recursos importantes para a investigacao de sindromes infecciosas nestes pacientes. O sistema comercial Isolator de lise-centrifugacao nos parece bastante promissor no diagnostico de infeccao de corrente sanguinea em AIDS, por apresentar bom rendimento na recuperacao de patogenos intracelulares. Neste estudo, foram incluidos sistematicamente pacientes com AIDS, com idade maior ou igual a 13 anos, contagem de linfocitos T CD4+ menor ou igual a 200 celulas/mL e quadro de febre (38ºC) por 3 dias ou mais. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a incidencia de infeccao na corrente sanguinea (ICS) em pacientes com AIDS, determinar as especies de microrganismos mais prevalentes e avaliar a performance do sistema Isolator no diagnostico de ICS. No periodo de O1 de Agosto de 1997 a 30 de Abril de 1999, foram incluidos 111 pacientes com 132 episodios de infeccao, distribuidos em 75 do sexo masculino e 36 do sexo feminino, media de idade de 36 anos (mediana de 33) e media de linfocitos T CD4+ de 64 celulas/mL. (mediana de 48), selecionados entre aqueles atendidos nas clinicas de doencas infecciosas de 3 hospitais de ensino em São Paulo. Em cada episodio febril 1 par de hemoculturas foram colhidas por veia periferica no sistema Isolator, sendo o produto deste processamento semeado em diferentes meios para bacterias, micobacterias e fungos. O indice de positividade geral obtido foi de 46,8 por cento, sendo que 37 por cento das hemoculturas positivas corresponderam a agentes considerados patogenos e 9,8 por cento a contaminantes, entre estes ultimos houve predominio de S. coagulase negativo. Entre os agentes identificados como patogenos podemos citar os gram-positivos em primeiro lugar, com 47,3 por cento dos isolamentos (predominio de S. aureus), os fungos com 21,8 por cento dos isolamentos (predominio de Candida spp.), os gram-negativos com 18,2 por cento dos isolamentos (predominio de P. mirabilis) e as micobacterias com 12,7 por cento dos isolamentos. As medianas de tempo necessarias para deteccao de crescimento foram de dois dias para bacterias gram-positivas e gram-negativas, sete dias para Candida spp. e Cryptococcus spp., 14 dias para H. capsulatum e 28 dias para micobacterias. A performance do Isolator como metodo diagnostico foi satisfatoria (37 por cento)...(au)