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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise clínica, cirúrgica e laboratorial de pacientes com conjuntivocálase(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2004-08-01) Souza, Carlos Eduardo Borges [UNIFESP]; Engel, Dinorah Piacentini [UNIFESP]; Branco, Bruno Castelo [UNIFESP]; Hofling-Lima, Ana Luisa [UNIFESP]; Souza, Luciene Barbosa de [UNIFESP]; Barros, Jaison [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Denise de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To evaluate clinical, surgical and laboratorial findings in patients with conjunctivochalasis. METHODS: Ophthalmologic examinations using 1% rose bengal, Schirmer test and impression cytology were performed in ten patients and after surgery. RESULTS: Sintomatology improved in all patients on surgery. Impression cytology revealed metaplasia in eight patients. CONCLUSION: Surgical treatment may improve signs and symptoms in patients with conjuctivochalasis. Scamous metaplasia was a frequent finding in these patients.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da acuidade visual, parâmetros de superfície ocular, filme lacrimal e uma nova classificação para a meibografia de pacientes com acne vulgar submetidos ao tratamento oral com isotretinoína(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-04-15) Andrade, Fábio Mendonça Xavier [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Denise [UNIFESP]; Wakamatsu, Tais Hitomi [UNIFESP];;; Analisar e documentar as alterações na acuidade visual, superfície ocular, filme lacrimal e glândulas de Meibomius induzidas pelo uso de isotretinoína oral em pacientes com acne vulgar virgens de tratamento Métodos: Os indivíduos com o diagnóstico de acne vulgar e indicação de tratamento oral com isotretinoína foram avaliados com a medida da melhor acuidade visual corrigida (MAVC), teste de Schirmer, questionário de sintomas OSDI e, com o auxílio do aparelho Oculus Keratograph 5M (Oculus, Wetzlar, Alemanha), foram medidos a altura do menisco lacrimal (AML), hipermia bulbar (HB), tempo de rotura do filme lacrimal não invasivo (TRFL-NI), documentada a presença ou ausência da camada lipídica do filme lacrimal (CLFL) e realizada a meibografia. Em seguida os pacientes foram tratados com isotretinoína 0,5mg/kg/dia por 16 semanas e a avaliação oftalmológica foi repetida. Para análise da meibografia, foi desenvolvida uma escala personalizada, intitulada Meibography Health Score (MHS) e sua confiabilidade foi testada entre 11 avaliadores médicos ao analisarem 10 imagens de meibografias de participantes do estudo. Os avaliadores foram divididos em 3 subgrupos: oftalmologistas com experiência em meibografia (grupo A), oftalmologistas sem experiência com meibografia (grupo B) e radiologistas (grupo C). A meibografia também foi avaliada com a escala clássica baseada em áreas de exclusão glandular (meiboscore) Resultados: Vinte e seis pacientes foram incluídos. A idade média foi 17.5 anos e 19 (73.1%) eram do sexo masculino. O índice OSDI aumentou significativamente. Não houve diferença estatística nos valores de MAVC, teste de Schirmer, AML, HB e TRFL-NI. A CFLF permaneceu visível na maioria dos pacientes após tratamento. Na maioria dos pacientes, houve piora da classificação MHS e nenhuma alteração ao utilizar o índice meiboscore. Na avaliação de confiabilidade da escala MHS, a mesma apresentou índice de confiabilidade geral moderado (0.63) e melhor desempenho no grupo A (0.78) e C (0.89) Conclusões: A isotretinoína oral induziu aumento de sintomas oculares e alterações meibográficas bem documentadas com o MHS, sem alterar significativamente a acuidade visual, os parâmetros de superfície ocular ou teste de Schirmer.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do olho seco no pré e pós-operatório da blefaroplastia(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2006-06-01) Lima, Carlos Gustavo De Melo Gonçalves De [UNIFESP]; Siqueira, Giordano Bruno [UNIFESP]; Cardoso, Isabel Habeyche [UNIFESP]; Sant'anna, Ana Estela Besteti [UNIFESP]; Osaki, Midori Hentona [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSES: To evaluate the importance of objective examinations in conjunction with ocular history and orbital and periorbital anatomy, to identify patients at risk of developing a post-blepharoplasty dry eye complication. METHODS: A prospective study was peformed on 29 patients with dermatochalasis who were studied before and three months after blepharoplasty. Changes in ocular symptoms, physical examination and in objective tests, like Schirmer's test, tear film break-up time and rose Bengal coloration were evaluated. RESULTS: No statistically significant alteration in results of objective tests, except Schirmer II test, was found between the pre- and postoperative period. Regarding eyelid anatomy, alterations in palpebral fissure and excursion of the upper eyelid were observed that were statistically significant postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to state that the palpebral fissure alterations happen frequently in patients submitted to esthetic blepharoplasty. It was also possible to conclude, by this study, that the objective tests for dry eye evaluation, did not show significant alterations postoperatively, except for Schirmer II test.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do olho seco no pré e pós-operatório da blefaroplastia(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2006-04-01) Lima, Carlos Gustavo De Melo Gonçalves De [UNIFESP]; Siqueira, Giordano Bruno [UNIFESP]; Cardoso, Isabel Habeyche [UNIFESP]; Sant'anna, Ana Estela Besteti [UNIFESP]; Osaki, Midori Hentona [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSES: To evaluate the importance of objective examinations together with ocular history and orbital and periorbital anatomy, to identifying patients at risk of developing a post-blepharoplasty dry eye complication. METHODS: A prospective study was performed on 29 patients with dermatochalasis that were studied before and three months after blepharoplasty. Changes in ocular symptoms, physical examination and in objective tests, like Schirmer's test, tear film break-up time and rose bengal coloration were evaluated. RESULTS: No statistical significant alteration in results of objective tests, except Schirmer II test, between pre and postoperative period were found. In relation to eyelid anatomy, alterations in palpebral fissure and in excursion of the upper eyelid, that were statistically significant were found after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: It may be stated that palpebral fissure alterations occur frequently in patients submitted to esthetic blepharoplasty. It is also possible to conclude, that in this study, the objective tests for dry eye evaluation, did not demonstrate significant postoperative alterations, except for Schirmer II test.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Correlação entre sinais e sintomas de olho seco em pacientes portadores da síndrome de Sjögren(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2008-08-01) Barboza, Marcello Novoa Colombo; Barboza, Guilherme Novoa Colombo; Melo, Gustavo Mendonça de; Sato, Elcio Hideo [UNIFESP]; Dantas, Maria Cristina Nishiwaki; Dantas, Paulo Elias Correa; Felberg, Sérgio; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Departamento de OftalmologiaPURPOSE: To study the correlation between the signals and symptoms of dry eye in Sjögren's syndrome patients. METHODS: We formed the case group with 17 Sjögren's syndrome patients and the control group with 25 normal patients. For evaluation of the symptoms the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire was applied to both groups and, after that, all the individuals were submitted to the ocular tests: Schirmer I and II, coloration of the ocular surface with rose bengal, pachymetry and esthesiometry. Spearman's correlation test was used to analyze the correlations between signals and symptoms and Student's t test for independent samples was used for comparison of the averages of the values found by the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and the ocular tests between the patients of the groups. RESULTS: This study had evidenced a weak correlation between Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) symptoms and ocular tests, which it indicates that not all the patients who presented exuberant symptoms, showed proportionally modified tests. The cornea sensitivity of the case group was reduced when compared with that of the control group. All the studied parameters in the case group presented significant differences (p<0.05) when compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: There was a weak correlation between Sjögren's syndrome patients' ocular symptoms and signals that indicate the severity of the illness. The variation of cornea sensitivity found in the Sjögren's syndrome patient group may be one of the responsible factors for this weak correlation. All the studied parameters were significantly modified in the Sjögren's syndrome patients group when compared with those found in the control group.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Diagnóstico e tratamento da síndrome de Sjögren(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2006-12-01) Felberg, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Dantas, Paulo Elias Correa; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease with worldwide distribution, responsible for considerable impact on the patient's quality of life. The aim of this article is to describe its main symptoms, the currently used different diagnostic criteria and the available treatment for the syndrome.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Influência da toxina botulínica tipo A na função lacrimal de pacientes com distonias faciais(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2010-10-01) Oliveira, Fernanda Castro de [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Gustavo Castro de; Cariello, Angelino Julio [UNIFESP]; Felberg, Sergio; Osaki, Midori Hentona [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To analyze the influence of botulinum toxin on the lacrimal function of patients with facial dystonias. METHODS: Patients with the diagnosis of hemifacial spasm or benign essential blepharospasm were evaluated and invited to answer the Ocular Surface Index Disease (OSID) questionnaire. All patients underwent Schirmer I and basal tests; break-up time (BUT) test and lacrimal clearance evaluation. On the following day, the patients were treated with botulinum toxin. The Ocular Surface Index Disease questionnaire and all the initial tests were reapplied 30 days after the treatment by the same examiner. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients were enrolled in this study, 15 (57.7%) with hemifacial spasm and 11 (42.3%) with benign essential blepharospasm. The mean age of patients with hemifacial spasm was 70.9 ± 13.3 years and the male:female ratio was 1:1.5. In the group of patients with benign essential blepharospasm, the mean age was 68.9 ± 8.4 years with a female preponderance (90.0%). After the treatment, the Ocular Surface Index Disease score, Schirmer I and basal tests score decreased in both groups. The mean of Break-up time test increased significantly in both groups. The lacrimal clearance evaluation showed a greater number of eyes that achieved a complete drainage of the tears after the treatment in both groups. CONCLUSION: The treatment with botulinum toxin improved dry eye symptoms in patients with facial dystonia. Despite of the aqueous portion of tear have decreased, blink modifications improved the tear stability and drainage.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Uso oral do óleo de linhaça (Linum usitatissimum) no tratamento do olhoseco de pacientesportadores da síndrome de Sjögren(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2007-08-01) Pinheiro Jr., Manuel Neuzimar; Santos, Procópio Miguel dos [UNIFESP]; Santos, Regina Cândido Ribeiro dos [UNIFESP]; Barros, Jeison de Nadai [UNIFESP]; Passos, Luiz Fernando; Cardoso Neto, José; Universidade de Brasília; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); UnB Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde; UnB Faculdade de Ciências; Universidade Federal do Amazonas; UFAM Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); UFAM Departamento de EstatísticaPURPOSE: To evaluate if oral flaxseed oil (Linum usitatissimum), which reduces the inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, may help keratoconjunctivitis sicca's treatment in Sjögren's syndrome patients. METHODS: In a randomized clinical trial, 38 female patients with rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erithematosus associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca and Sjögren's syndrome were consecutively selected from patients of the Departament of Reumatology of the Amazonas University Hospital. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca diagnosis was based on a dry-eye symptom survey score (Ocular Surface Disease Index - OSDI®), Schirmer-I test, fluorescein break-up time, 1% Rose Bengal staining of ocular surface measured by the van Bijsterveld scale. All patients had ocular surface inflammation evaluated and quantified by conjunctival impression cytology, before and after the study. The subjects were divided into three groups with 13 (Group I), 12 (Group II) and 13 (Group III) patients. Group I received flaxseed oil capsules with a final 1 g/day dosis, Group II flaxseed oil capsules with a final 2 g/day dosis and Group III - controls - placebo, for 180 days. RESULTS: Comparing the results at the beginning and at the end of the treatment, statistically significant changes (p<0.05) in symptoms (OSDI®), ocular surface inflammation quantified by conjunctival impression cytology, Schirmer-I test and fluorescein break-up time occurred in Groups I e II when compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Therapy with oral flaxseed oil capsules 1 or 2 g/day reduces ocular surface inflammation and ameliorates the symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis sicca in Sjögren's syndrome patients. Long-term studies are needed to confirm the role of this therapy for keratoconjunctivitis sicca in Sjögren's syndrome.