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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação de sintomatologia depressiva e autoestima em usuários de centro de referência no atendimento a queimados(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-09-24) Moraes, Sandra Renata Pinatti De [UNIFESP]; Marcolan, Joao Fernando [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: Burn is one of the most serious injuries that an individual can suffer, which has a negative impact on physical and emotional variables. Objectives: this study aimed to assess the presence and intensity of depressive symptoms, self-image and self-esteem in burned patient, their associations between the presence of depressive symptoms with self-esteem and self-image and to analyze the impact of these symptoms on personal life and social relationship. Method: Descriptive study with a quantitative and qualitative analysis, with 36 participants attended at the university hospital of reference in the care of burned patients, in Londrina-PR through the application of psychometric scales and interviews recorded on audio and carried out at hospital discharge and ambulatory return. A semi-structured questionnaire was used with sociodemographic variables and burn data; Beck's depression inventory; Hamilton Depression Rating Scales (HAM-D) and Montegomery-Asberg Rating Scale (MADRS) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Quantitative data were evaluated by statistical program for descriptive and inferential analysis, qualitative data by content analysis. Results: male predominance (24 - 66.67%), median age of 38 [27-51] years, married (23 - 63.89%), white race (25 - 69.44%), income between one and two minimum salaries (19 - 52.77%), second degree burn was the most prevalent (24 - 66.66%), during labor (18 - 50%), for flammable products (12 - 33, 33%), in the spring (12 - 33.33%); most of them underwent debridement and grafting (29-80.55%), the most affected burned area was upper limbs and hands; the majority did not have a support network (20 - 55.56%). Regarding the psychometric scales, most of the individuals presented depressive symptoms in the first stage (35 - 97.0%) and in the second stage (33 - 91.0%), with a worsening of mild / moderate to severe intensity, in the Hamilton (HAM -D) and Montegomery-Asberg (MADRS) Scales. The Beck Inventory did not show significant changes at both times because it was selfapplied. Low self-esteem was prevalent in most of the participants and worsened from the first to the second stage. Self-esteem showed statistical significance for income (p = 0.007), having a previous depressive diagnosis (p = 0.04) and professing faith (p = 0.005). The qualitative analysis provided two categories: "suffering caused by the burn and the impact on self-image" and "coping with suffering", with three thematic units in each category. There was suffering and guilt for the accident that caused the burn, affective family relationships were strengthened, importance of the family support network, work and health team, self-image was compromised and adversely interfered with self-esteem and depressive symptoms, the perception of their body was stigmatized, but professing a faith / religion and having family support were positive factors to face this new life condition. Conclusion: application of psychometric scales allowed to know the intensity of depressive symptoms and self-esteem / self-image in burned patients. These assessments should be included in the clinical practice. Strengthening family relationships and professing faith/religion were important factors in coping with the situation of suffering.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Condições de Saúde bucal, fatores associados e impacto da Saúde bucal nas dimensões fisica e psicossocial dos adolescentes de Montes Claros, MG, Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Silveira, Marise Fagundes [UNIFESP]; Marcopito, Luiz Francisco [UNIFESP]; Martins, Andréa Maria Eleutério de Barros Lima [UNIFESP];;; agravos na cavidade bucal podem provocar dor, desconforto, problemas na alimentacao, na comunicacao, na aparencia e, consequentemente, no convivio social e na autoestima, influenciando a Saúde geral e a qualidade de vida dos individuos acometidos. Na adolescencia, a carie dentaria, a maloclusao e as alteracoes periodontais tem apresentado prevalencias significativas, sendo os determinantes sociais da Saúde, como nivel socioeconomico, comportamento e cuidados com a cavidade bucal apontados como principais responsaveis. Estudos entre adolescentes possibilitam a deteccao precoce dos agravos a Saúde bucal, dando subsidios para a prevencao e tratamento, viabilizando uma populacao adulta mais saudavel. Objetivos: Este estudo transversal de base populacional (n=763), realizado em Montes Claros, MG, teve como objetivo investigar as condicoes de Saúde bucal relacionadas a carie dentaria, a condicao periodontal e as maloclusoes dos adolescentes de 15 e 19 anos, bem como identificar seus potenciais determinantes e estimar o impacto das condicoes de Saúde bucal nas dimensoes fisica e psicossocial. Metodos: Foi adotada a amostragem probabilistica por conglomerado em multiplos estagios. Profissionais treinados e calibrados realizaram a coleta dos dados por meio de exames intrabucais e entrevistas nos domicilios previamente selecionados. Os desfechos foram: presenca de carie, presenca de alteracao periodontal, gravidade da maloclusao e gravidade do impacto. As caracteristicas demograficas, condicoes socioeconomicas, comportamento relacionado a Saúde e condicoes subjetivas de Saúde bucal constituiram as variaveis independentes. Na analise dos fatores determinantes para a presenca de carie e de alteracao periodontal foram utilizados modelos de regressao logistica binaria hierarquizada e na analise dos fatores determinantes para a gravidade da maloclusao foi utilizado modelo de regressao logistica ordinal hierarquizada. Na analise dos fatores associados a gravidade do impacto das condicoes de Saúde bucal nas imensoes fisica e psicossocial foi utilizada a modelagem de equacoes estruturais. Resultados: Mais de um terco dos adolescentes apresentou carie nao tratada. As chances de carie foram maiores em adolescentes que autodeclararam negro/indio/pardo/amarelo, moravam em domicilios com maior aglomeracao, nao fizeram visitas regulares ou nunca foram ao dentista, utilizaram os servicos publicos ou filantropicos, possuiam habitos tabagistas, consumiam bebida alcoolica, autoperceberam negativamente sua Saúde bucal e sentiram dor nos dentes/gengivas nos ultimos seis meses. As alteracoes periodontais acometeram cerca de um terco da populacao investigada, sendo o sangramento gengival e o calculo dentario as mais prevalentes, e as bolsas periodontais raras. Observaram-se maiores chances de alteracoes periodontais entre adolescentes que nao estudavam ou que estudavam na rede publica, nunca foram ao dentista, utilizaram os servicos publicos ou filantropicos, fumavam, consumiam bebida alcoolica e autoperceberam negativamente sua Saúde bucal. Houve predominancia de adolescentes sem anormalidade ou com maloclusao leve. As chances de maior gravidade de maloclusao foram maiores entre adolescentes que autodeclararam negro/ ndio/pardo/amarelo, moravam em domicilios com maior aglomeracao, relataram habitos bucais deleterios, autoperceberam negativamente sua aparencia e autoperceberam o seu relacionamento afetado pela condicao bucal. O impacto da condicao bucal nas dimensoes fisica e psicossocial foi referido por um sexto da populacao em estudo. O numero de dentes com necessidade de tratamento dentario, o CPI e o numero de dentes restaurados foram as condicoes objetivas de Saúde bucal que apresentaram efeitos significativos sobre a gravidade do impacto. Conclusao: As condicoes objetivas de Saúde bucal dos adolescentes de Montes Claros sugerem a necessidade de incremento na assistencia a Saúde bucal desse estrato, considerando as particularidades do mesmo. Por outro lado, registraram-se melhores indicadores entre os adolescentes montesclarenses do que entre aqueles da regiao Sudeste brasileira. De forma geral, os modelos ajustados confirmaram a importancia dos determinantes sociais no processo Saúdedoenca de uma populacao, sugerindo que condicoes socioeconomicas desfavoraveis estao ignificantemente associadas a menor frequencia na utilizacao dos servicos dontologicos, que por sua vez estao associados as precarias condicoes de Saúde bucal, as quais se relacionaram a maior percepcao do impacto. Ressalta-se ainda a importancia de um olhar multidimensional na avaliacao da Saúde bucal de uma populacao. Alem dos parametros objetivos e adequado levar em consideracao as particularidades da populacao estudada, o meio no qual ela se insere, seus padroes e preocupacoes. Existe um numero significante de instrumentos validos e confiaveis, dentre eles o OHIP-14, capazes de captar aspectos subjetivos da Saúde bucal e seu impacto nas dimensoes funcional, social e psicologica
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSeverity of malocclusion in adolescents: populational-based study in the north of minas gerais, brazil(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Silveira, Marise Fagundes; Freire, Rafael Silveira; Nepomuceno, Marcela Oliveira; de Barros Lima Martins, Andrea Maria Eleuterio; Marcopito, Luiz Francisco [UNIFESP]OBJECTIVE: To identify the factors associated with severity of malocclusion in a population of adolescents. METHODS: In this cross-sectional population-based study, the sample size (n = 761) was calculated considering a prevalence of malocclusion of 50.0%, with a 95% confidence level and a 5.0% precision level. The study adopted correction for the effect of delineation (deff = 2), and a 20.0% increase to offset losses and refusals. Multistage probability cluster sampling was adopted. Trained and calibrated professionals performed the intraoral examinations and interviews in households. The dependent variable (severity of malocclusion) was assessed using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). The independent variables were grouped into five blocks: demographic characteristics, socioeconomic condition, use of dental services, health-related behavior and oral health subjective conditions. The ordinal logistic regression model was used to identify the factors associated with severity of malocclusion. RESULTS: We interviewed and examined 736 adolescents (91.5% response rate), 69.9% of whom showed no abnormalities or slight malocclusion. Defined malocclusion was observed in 17.8% of the adolescents, being severe or very severe in 12.6%, with pressing or essential need of orthodontic treatment. The probabilities of greater severity of malocclusion were higher among adolescents who self-reported as black, indigenous, pardo or yellow, with lower per capita income, having harmful oral habits, negative perception of their appearance and perception of social relationship affected by oral health. CONCLUSIONS: Severe or very severe malocclusion was more prevalent among socially disadvantaged adolescents, with reported harmful habits and perception of compromised esthetics and social relationships. Given that malocclusion can interfere with the self-esteem of adolescents, it is essential to improve public policy for the inclusion of orthodontic treatment among health care provided to this segment of the population, particularly among those of lower socioeconomic status.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Termos descritivos da própria voz: comparação entre respostas apresentadas por fonoaudiólogos e não-fonoaudiólogos(CEFAC Saúde e Educação, 2010-08-01) Bicalho, Andressa Duarte [UNIFESP]; Behlau, Mara [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Gisele [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: to compare speech-language pathologists and non speech-language pathologists' responses concerning the evaluation of their own voices and to verify if speech-language pathologists have a different self-perception from the others. METHOD: two hundred female subjects, 100 speech-language pathologists and 100 non speech-language pathologists, with mean age: 35 year, took part in the study. The average time of university degree for the speech-language pathologists were mainly from 0 to 3 years (32%), most of them acting in the area of voice (55%) and oral motricity (45%). The non speech-language pathologists had all sort of professions, such as physicians, teachers, lawyers and others. There was no control on the professional use of voice. The participants in the study did a self-evaluation, using a 5 point scale: excellent, very good, good, reasonable and bad, and indicated positive and negative vocal attributes using a protocol developed by Behlau & Pontes (1995) based on the Distinctive terms for the voice (Boone, 1991). RESULTS: speech-language pathologists and non speech-language pathologists showed different responses in the self-evaluation of their voices. There was a greater occurrence of very good voices for speech-language pathologist (28%, p=0.041). Speech-language pathologists selected more positive characteristics that non speech-language pathologists (53.6% and 46.4 respectively). The positive characteristic of adequate voice was the most selected by speech-language pathologists (31%, p=0.001) and the negative word of loud voice was the most selected by non speech-language pathologists (34%, p=0.001). CONCLUSION: speech-language pathologists self-evaluated their own voices in a different way than non speech-language pathologists, especially on the categorization of very good quality of voice. While the adequate voice characteristic was the only positive qualifier in greater occurrence for speech-language pathologists, loud voice was the only negative qualifier for non speech- language pathologists.