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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do ensaio de liberação de Interferon-Gama (Interferon-Gamma Release Assay - IGRA) no rastreamento de Tuberculose latente em pacientes com Doença Inflamatória Intestinal e Teste Tuberculínico (PPD) negativo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-02-04) Braga, Claudia Utsch [UNIFESP]; Miszputen, Sender Jankiel [UNIFESP]; Ambrogini Junior, Orlando [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) has a high prevalence in Brazil and is one of the main opportunistic infections associated with immunobiologicals therapy. Currently, it is performed as a screening of latent infection (ILTB) of patients who are candidates for the use of these medications only chest radiography (RX) and tuberculin test (PPD), which may be present as false negative in those who already make use of immunosuppressive medication. A proposed alternative is the use of serological tests such as interferon gamma release assay (IGRA). Objectives: To evaluate the positivity of the IGRA-QUANTIFERON (QTF) test in patients with IBD and the possibility of use of immunobiologicals drugs presenting negative tuberculin skin test and also to analyze the positive and indeterminate results in those who are in current use of immunosuppressant and corticosteroids. Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted in patients diagnosed with IBD subjected to the screening of pre-biologic ILTB with negative result of PPD and normal chest X-rays who were referred for the performance of QTF GOLD or QTF GOLD PLUS. After these tests, those with indeterminate or positive results were evaluated regarding the use of immunosuppressants and corticosteroids, to analyze whether there was interference in these results due to those medications. Results: In 70 patients studied, 37 patients with QTF-GOLD and 33 patients with QTF GOLD PLUS, all with negative PPD and normal chest X-rays, four presented positive QTF tests. The number of undetermined tests of QTF-GOLD (3rd generation) was 73% and none in QTF GOLD PLUS (4th generation). There was no statistical difference between patients in treatment with immunosuppressants or corticosteroids or both, when compared to the group without medication or using salicylates, in relation to the undetermined results. Conclusion: The study did not show a significant increase with the addition of the QTF GOLD test to the PPD and due to the large number of indeterminates makes it difficult to establish a strategy to be followed. However, QTF GOLD and QTF GOLD PLUS, together, revealed a positive test in 5,7% of the patients with negative PPD and there was no occurrence of indeterminate results in QTF GOLD PLUS. This suggest that this test may be a valid option for screening latent TB.