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- ItemSomente MetadadadosClinical Validation of Nursing Diagnosis Parental Role Conflict in Mothers of Hospitalized Newborns(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013-10-01) Carmona, Elenice Valentim; Vale, Iane Nogueira do; Silva Ohara, Conceicao Vieira da [UNIFESP]; Freitas de Vilhena Abrao, Ana Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)ObjectiveTo clinically validate the nursing diagnosis, parental role conflict, in mothers of hospitalized newborns.MethodFehring's Clinical Validation Model was used, focusing on mothers, using a sample of 83. Major defining characteristics have been defined as the main indicators of the presence of a diagnosis, whereas minor are secondary indicators.ResultsFour minor defining characteristics were identified: (a) anxiety, (b) expresses concerns about changes in maternal role, (c) expresses concerns about family, and (d) fear. Major defining characteristics did not occur.ConclusionMothers who spent less time with their infants were the ones that presented a major number of defining characteristics; therefore, they should have more opportunities for being with their babies. Other studies on subjective phenomena are needed.ObjetivoValidar clinicamente o Diagnostico de Enfermagem Conflito no papel de mAe em mAes de recem-nascidos hospitalizados.MetodoFoi utilizado o Modelo de ValidacAo Clinica de Fehring, com foco no paciente, usando uma amostra de 83 mAes. As caracteristicas definidoras maiores sAo definidas como indicadores principais da presenca de um diagnostico, enquanto as menores como indicadores secundarios.ResultadosForam identificadas quatro caracteristicas definidoras menores (com indice de ValidacAo Clinica menor que 0,80): (a) Ansiedade, (b) MAe expressa preocupacoes em relacAo a mudancas no papel materno, (c) MAe expressa preocupacAo(oes) em relacAo a familia (p. ex., funcionamento, comunicacAo, saude), e (d) Medo. NAo ocorreram caracteristicas definidoras maiores.ConclusAoMAes que passaram menos tempo com os filhos foram as que apresentaram maior numero de caracteristicas definidoras, portanto, devem ter mais oportunidades para estar junto a eles. SAo necessarios mais estudos sobre fenomenos subjetivos de enfermagem.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeito do uso de protetores auriculares no sono de recém-nascidos prematuros na unidade neonatal: estudo clínico, randômico, controlado e cruzado(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-11-26) Sato, Monica Hiromi [UNIFESP]; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira Pinheiro [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To compare the effect of using earmuffs on the sleep of preterm newborns during ?quiet time? in two neonatal intermediate care units. Method: This is a randomized controlled crossover clinical study conducted at two neonatal intermediate care units from different hospitals in São Paulo - SP. Sample comprised 24 clinically stable preterm newborns, whose weight ranged from 1,200 g to 2,000g, who were in an incubator and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria established for the study. We used a Polysomnography Alice 5 (Respironics®) and unstructured observation for data collection. The intervention consisted in the use of earmuffs during Quiet time, with a total of 96 periods analyzed: 48 in the experimental group, and the remainder 48 in the control group. Results: Of the total sample, half were male. The average gestational, corrected and chronological ages were 33.2 weeks, 34.9 weeks and 11 days, respectively. Current average weight of preterm newborns was 1,747g. There was no significant difference in total sleep time between the experimental and control groups, and their averages were 83.7 minutes and 87.1 minutes, respectively (p = 0.540). Comparisons of quiet and indeterminate sleep time showed a marginally significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.071). Younger preterm newborns and with lower weights had significantly reduced total sleep time and quiet sleep with the use of earmuffs (p <0.05). The increase of one week in gestational age resulted in a 3% increase in preterm newborn's total sleep time when variables such as ambient light, handling the newborn and current weight were controlled. Quiet sleep was the predominant sleep stage in most analyses. Ambient light and handling the preterm newborn did not influence total sleep time in both groups. Conclusion: We concluded that there was no significant difference in total sleep time of preterm newborns between the experimental and control groups during naptime in the units studied. Significant reductions in total sleep time of smaller preterm newborns in relation to the average gestational and corrected ages and current weight may be related to a possible discomfort they experience due to the use of earmuffs.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosRespiratory Nursing Diagnoses: Presenting Evidence for Identification of the Defining Characteristics in Neonatal and Pediatric Populations(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Avena, Marta Jose [UNIFESP]; Pedreira, Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves [UNIFESP]; Herdman, T. Heather; Gutiérrez, Maria Gaby Rivero de [UNIFESP]PURPOSE: To identify and summarize clinical data supporting selection of nursing diagnoses related to the respiratory system for pediatric and neonatal populations. METHOD: A literature review conducted in indexed publications was used. FINDINGS: The final sample consisted of 13 studies conducted in children with cardiac disease, respiratory infection, and asthma with nursing diagnoses such as ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange, and ineffective airway clearance. CONCLUSION: The higher frequency defining characteristics were dyspnea, abnormal breathing pattern, use of accessory muscle to breathe, change in frequency and respiratory rate, decreased SaO(2), and agitation. IMPLICATION FOR NURSING KNOWLEDGE: This literature review may provide a basis for consideration of important diagnostic criteria in the pediatric population