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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Associação entre Transtorno Disfórico Pré-menstrual e Transtornos Depressivos(Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, 1999-06-01) Pires, Maria Laura Nogueira [UNIFESP]; Calil, Helena Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is characterised by a myriad of emotional symptoms and behavioural alterations, which occur with a cyclic temporal pattern associated with the pre-menstrual period. The validity of an isolated psychiatric diagnostic category for PMDD remains controversial. However, research results have been showing a specific association between pre-menstrual changes and depressive disorder. The present review has as objective to sintethise the results on similarity between depressive symptoms in PMDD and in the depressive disorders, comorbidity, family history and biological variables. Evidences suggesting that the pre-menstrual symptoms would be expression of a vulnerability to the development of dysphoric states (depression and anxiety) as well as diagnostic implications of such proposals are discussed.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Contratos de boca: a institucionalização da precariedade na construção civil(Universidade Federal da Bahia - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - Centro de Recursos Humanos, 2010-12-01) Cockell, Fernanda Flávia [UNIFESP]; Perticarrari, Daniel; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This paper examines the perception of construction workers in a context of social vulnerability, marked by the increasing precariousness of employment contracts. Twenty workers from São Carlos (Brazil) were interviewed, recovering their trajectories of work. Through qualitative analysis of the interviews, it was possible to verify the vulnerability and varied forms of employment contracts and remuneration. Despite the precariousness of labor relations, half of the workers claim to be professionally fulfilled in their occupation, while the other half perceive themselves to be diminished in society by the lack of schooling, or identify themselves with former occupations, seeing construction as a passing step or as the last option left to them.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosImunidade psiquica e uso de substãncias psicoativas: o papel dos pais na prevenção junto aos filhos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-10-30) Castello, Ana Lucia Gomes [UNIFESP]; Silveira Filho, Dartiu Xavier da Silveira Filho [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The use of psychoactive substances is a public health problem that has reached global importance. A preventive measure has become a major strategy in relation to entry of young people into the drugs‘s world. It is now known that the family unit is fundamental to developing preventive strategies and to approaching chemical dependency. Studies already show that structure, dynamics and family organization as a whole have great influence in the behavior of children, including the behavior of addictions. Children can inherit or learn from their family dynamics protective behaviors through the different scenarios that are dangerous to their mental health. Objective: to investigate aspect of transgenerationality and parenting styles related to psychic vulneralility and its association with a chance of use psychoactive substances by their teens. Method: participating in the study were 308 parents that registered at a pediatric clinic in Sao Paulo/SP. We used twelve collecting instruments: a socio-demographic questionnaire; four structured interviews on aspects of transgenerationallity ( nuclear family and extended family), dynamics, structure and organization of the family; two questionnaires about drug use and anxiety scales (IDATE-E/T); impulsiveness (BIS-11) and depression (CES-D). Were available to respondents online and print forms for completing the questionnaires. Results: it was found that the chances of children using ―psychoactive substances‖ were higher in the presence of these variables. (1) the presence of an alcohol dependent in the family (p=<0,001,OR=4,163,IC:min), (2) difficulty in controlling violent behavior (p=<0,015,OR=5,805,IC:min1,409,max.23,914), (3) not providing a democratic education to the children,(p=<0,012,OR=3,210,IC:min1,295,max.7,955), (4) not having a good relationship with the spouse(p=<0,002,OR=4,563,IC:min1,713,max.12,152), (5) the use of alcohol by the responsible adult during the previous month (p=<0,021,OR=2,023,IC:min1,112,max.3,679), (6) not having family members who suffered from depression(p=<0,012, OR=2,531, IC:min1,227,max.5,221). Conclusions: There were aspects parental vulnerability that can be associated with: Substance use psychoactive by family members, whether in the family of origin or nuclear; Controlling parenting behaviors of parents, parenting styles related to authoritarian and permissive; difficulties in marital relationship, presence of children in situations of alcohol use by parents in the last 24 hours and last month; not having diagnosis of depression in the family of origin.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Participação social e a potência do agente comunitário de saúde(Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social, 2014-01-01) Castro-Silva, Carlos Roberto de [UNIFESP]; Mendes, Rosilda [UNIFESP]; Moraes, Ramiz Candeloro Pedroso de [UNIFESP]; Anhas, Danilo de Miranda [UNIFESP]; Rosa, Karina Rodrigues Matavelli [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Community Health Agent (CHA) occupies an important mediation place between community and family health strategy (FHS). Although, in a critical view, we consider that the working of this professional, mainly in high social vulnerability locals, evidences the complexity and contradictions which must be discussed in an ethical-political perspective. The objective of this paper was to analyze and discuss aspects of the community organization and acquaintanceship that contributes for the construction of the CHA's social participation processes. It was a qualitative research, made in a health family unit in Cubatao, which had the participative research as a beacon for the procedures used, emphasizing the participative observation and semi-structured interviews. The results indicates that the intense sense of community and the proximity to community political forces contribute for the social participation process, otherwise the predominance of assistencialism and fear triggered by violence situations.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosRepresentações das experiências de adolescentes em conflito com a lei: abordagem winnicottiana(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-09-19) Silva, Miriam Bernardino da [UNIFESP]; Bretas, Jose Roberto da Silva Bretas [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que teve como objetivo compreender a existência dos fatores desencadeadores da prática infracional, a partir da representação social que o adolescente em conflito com a lei faz de sua história. Foram entrevistados seis adolescentes/ jovens de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 14 e 19 anos, que estavam em cumprimento de Medida Socioeducativa em Meio Aberto (Liberdade Assistida), sendo acompanhados pelo Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo (CASE), localizado no Município de São Bernardo do Campo. Para coleta de dados, foi feita a consulta nas pastas técnicas dos adolescentes/ jovens (disponíveis no programa), tal como entrevista individual, realizada em uma das salas de atendimento do programa. Utilizamos perguntas abertas acerca da história de vida do adolescente, e em seguida aplicamos o Procedimento Desenhos-Estórias com Tema assim como preconizado Vaisberg, no qual os participantes foram orientados a desenharem um adolescente em Liberdade Assistida, e ao fim do desenho produzissem uma história acerca do desenho; o que propiciou um momento lúdico. Para tanto, utilizamos como abordagem metodológica os pressupostos das Representações Sociais coligados com a Teoria Psicanalítica dos Campos preconizada por Vaisberg. Com base nos dados obtidos, foi feita a análise da entrevista e da narrativa produzida acerca do desenho. Ambas as análises foram subsidiadas pela Psicanálise winnicottiana, que aponta para a importância de um ambiente suficientemente bom no desenvolvimento emocional do indivíduo. Assim foi possível a constatação dos campos emergentes e a construção de sujeito coletivo. A pesquisa apontou à existência de falhas ambientais no processo de desenvolvimento emocional desses indivíduos, de modo que o ato infracional pôde ser visto como um sinal de esperança em meio às vulnerabilidades; sinalizando a importância da criação e consolidação de políticas públicas voltadas ao atendimento das necessidades desses adolescentes e jovens, que em sua maioria denotam buscarem cuidados e atenção.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Vulnerabilidade ao papilomavirus humano (HPV) entre mulheres que fazem sexo com mulheres(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-08-11) Borges, Gisele Maria [UNIFESP]; Goldenberg, Paulete [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)HPVs are responsible for triggering infections are highly prevalent among STDs, highlighting its relationship to the development of various types of cancers, among which the CA of the Cervix - the second leading cause of cancer mortality among women. Transmitted in any sexual practice, women who have sex with women are susceptible to infection , underscoring the fact that they are invisible, by reference health issues .Given this arises the purpose of identifying knowledge, ideas and risk prevention practices in relation to STD in general and HPV, particularly among MSM in order to subsidize intervention. The study was conducted with LGBT attending three points from the application of 149 questionnaires with open and closed questions, followed by focus groups, one in each location, with reference to the vulnerability perspective. Provided in a variety of sexual practices, they do not use protective devices, which expose them to infection by HPV. Prevention, therefore, is restricted to hygiene and confidence in partner, next to the medical control. it is worth saying that the whole sample was found a prevalence (self-reported) of 6.8 % for HPV infection. To disregard the importance of STDs in female homosexuality, they attribute the danger of transmission to humans, mediated penetration - by analogy to AIDS. Given the limited knowledge about the transmission and prevention of HPV, they express the desire to have more information available about it. Found the situation of vulnerability to HPV / STD , it is necessary not only preparation of health professionals in the care demands of MSM, as the extent of information media focused on this specific segment.