Estudo da correlação entre o ângulo de cobb e a flexibilidade da cadeia posterior em pacientes com escoliose idiopática do adolescente
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INTRODUÇÃO: A escoliose estrutural é uma alteração tridimensional das
vértebras, responsável por redução da flexibilidade da coluna vertebral. Frente à
alteração da biomecânica vertebral ocorrem modificações do sistema
musculoesquelético que interferem no posicionamento muscular e, conseqüentemente,
na estabilidade e mobilidade corporal. OBJETIVOS: verificar se há correlação entre a
flexibilidade da cadeia posterior com os valores angulares dos desvios laterais da coluna
vertebral medidos pelo método de Cobb em pacientes com escoliose idiopática do
adolescente MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Para isso, 15 pacientes, com ângulo de cobb
maior que 20º, foram submetidos à anamnese e a testes de flexibilidade (distância dedo
solo e teste de schober). Em seguida, os valores obtidos foram correlacionados com o
ângulo de cobb torácico proximal, principal e lombar. A análise estatística foi realizada
pelo programa SPSS versão 13.0, por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Foi
observado correlação do teste de schober com todos os ângulos averiguados,
principalmente com o ângulo torácico principal. A distância dedo solo correlacionou-se
apenas com o ângulo lombar. RESULTADOS: Os resultados do teste de schober
mostraram que alteração em um segmento vertebral resulta em alteração da mobilidade
lombar, talvez devido a alterações musculares, como manutenção da posição encurtada
e aumento do trabalho muscular a fim de manter o equilíbrio. A distância dedo solo
mostrou uma associação das alterações da coluna, principalmente lombar, com
alterações pélvicas, responsáveis pela redução do sinergismo lombopélvico e, portanto,
da mobilidade. CONCLUSÃO: Foi encontrado excelente correlação entre o teste de
schober e o ângulo de Cobb torácica principal. Portanto, quanto maior o desvio lateral
da coluna vertebral, menor a inclinação anterior do tronco e menor a flexibilidade da
cadeia posterior.
BACKGROUND: Scoliosis is a structural change of the vertebrae three-dimensional, responsible for reducing the flexibility of the spine. Due the change in the vertebral biomechanics changes occur in the musculoskeletal system that interfere with the placement muscle and, consequently, stability and physical mobility. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether a correlation exists between the flexibility of the posterior chain with the angles of lateral deviation of the spine measured using the Cobb method in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis MATERIAL AND METHODS: For this, 15 patients with a Cobb angle, greater than 20, underwent a interview and flexibility tests (finger distance soil and Schober test). Then, the values were correlated with the Cobb angle of proximal thoracic, main and lumbar. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0, using the Pearson correlation coefficient. A correlation was found with the Schober test , with all the angles investigated, especially with the main thoracic angle. The finger distance soil was correlated only with the lumbar angle. RESULTS: Results of the Schober test showed that changes in vertebral segment results in a change in lumbar mobility, perhaps due to muscle disorders, such as maintaining the shortened position and increase muscle work to maintain balance. The finger distance soil showed an association of changes in the spine, particularly lumbar, pelvic with changes responsible for the reduction of the synergism lumbopelvic and therefore mobility. CONCLUSION: We found excellent correlation between the Schober test and main thoracic Cobb angle. Therefore, the higher the lateral deviation of the spine, the lower the trunk inclination and the lower the flexibility of the posterior chain.
BACKGROUND: Scoliosis is a structural change of the vertebrae three-dimensional, responsible for reducing the flexibility of the spine. Due the change in the vertebral biomechanics changes occur in the musculoskeletal system that interfere with the placement muscle and, consequently, stability and physical mobility. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether a correlation exists between the flexibility of the posterior chain with the angles of lateral deviation of the spine measured using the Cobb method in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis MATERIAL AND METHODS: For this, 15 patients with a Cobb angle, greater than 20, underwent a interview and flexibility tests (finger distance soil and Schober test). Then, the values were correlated with the Cobb angle of proximal thoracic, main and lumbar. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0, using the Pearson correlation coefficient. A correlation was found with the Schober test , with all the angles investigated, especially with the main thoracic angle. The finger distance soil was correlated only with the lumbar angle. RESULTS: Results of the Schober test showed that changes in vertebral segment results in a change in lumbar mobility, perhaps due to muscle disorders, such as maintaining the shortened position and increase muscle work to maintain balance. The finger distance soil showed an association of changes in the spine, particularly lumbar, pelvic with changes responsible for the reduction of the synergism lumbopelvic and therefore mobility. CONCLUSION: We found excellent correlation between the Schober test and main thoracic Cobb angle. Therefore, the higher the lateral deviation of the spine, the lower the trunk inclination and the lower the flexibility of the posterior chain.
SOUZA, Tayla Perosso de. Estudo da correlação entre o ângulo de cobb e a flexibilidade da cadeia posterior em pacientes com escoliose idiopática do adolescente. 2010. 28 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade (ISS), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Santos, 2010.