Alimentação de mulheres em territórios vulnerabilizados de Santos, São Paulo: escolhas, trajetórias e rede de apoio
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Introdução: Nas periferias urbanas vulnerabilizadas, em situações de múltiplas violações de direitos sociais, incluindo o Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada, cabe às mulheres o papel social predominante de cuidar da alimentação da família, o que inclui o manejo para a sobrevivência, diante dos fatores globais e locais que incidem sobre a comida e o comer nestes territórios. Nesses cenários dinâmicos e singulares, as mulheres se conectam a redes sociais, entendidas como articulações entre atores sociais com diferentes níveis de organização em prol de objetivos, que podem incluir aquelas relacionadas à alimentação. Objetivo: Identificar, descrever e analisar as redes de apoio à alimentação de mulheres residentes em uma zona periférica de Santos, São Paulo. Metodologia: Em investigação de caráter qualitativo foram realizadas entrevistas com 8 mulheres, de 20 a 60 anos, residentes da Zona Noroeste de Santos. As entrevistas foram transcritas na íntegra e analisadas segundo técnica de análise de conteúdo do tipo temática tendo como referencial teórico a proposição de redes de apoio social de Eduardo Stotz e de território de Milton Santos. Resultados e discussão: As mulheres articulam predominantemente redes primárias de apoio à alimentação em conexões fluidas, mas não sem conflitos, de acordo com a demanda e situação imposta pelo cotidiano e com diversos atores: família, amigos/as, vizinhos/as, companheiros. As mulheres mantêm os papéis sociais de gênero e o trabalho reprodutivo relacionado à cozinha, assim como criam novos arranjos para sustentar as tarefas relacionadas à alimentação, envolvendo principalmente os filhos e outras mulheres. Entre as redes secundárias apareceram o apoio das instituições religiosas e organizações da sociedade civil. A horta comunitária foi expressão tanto da potência de articulação de redes primárias e secundárias, quanto das dificuldades da organização e sustentação de redes em contexto social com elevada desigualdade e de parcerias que não se mantêm a longo prazo. Considerações finais: As redes de apoio à alimentação conferem às mulheres suporte aos desafios cotidianos, diante do contexto social periférico de violação de direitos, com duplas jornadas de trabalho e com papéis sociais ditados pelas sociedades patriarcais. Trazem à tona estratégias de resistência e ações potentes que envolvem a comida e o comer, que podem se configurar com experiências locais de manutenção de hábitos alimentares que se distanciam da homogeneização de dietas diante dos processos de globalização.
Introduction: In vulnerable urban peripheries, in situations of multiple violations of social rights, including the human right to adequate food, women have the predominant social role of taking care of family food, which includes management for survival, given the factors global and local influences on food and eating in these territories. In these dynamic and unique scenarios, women connect to social networks, understood as articulations between social actors with different levels of organization in favor of goals, which may include those related to food. Objective: To identify, describe and analyze the food support networks for women living in a peripheral region of Santos, São Paulo. Methodology: In a qualitative investigation, interviews were conducted with 8 women, aged 20 to 60 years old, residents of the Northwest Zone of Santos. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to thematic content analysis technique, with the theoretical framework of the proposition of social support networks by Eduardo Stotz, and the territory of Milton Santos. Results and discussion: Women predominantly articulate primary support networks for food in fluid connections, but not without conflicts, according to the demand and situation imposed by daily life and with different actors: family, friends, neighbors, companions. Women maintain social gender roles and kitchen reproductive work, as well as create new arrangements to support food-related tasks, involving children and other women. Among the secondary networks came support from religious institutions and civil society organizations. The community garden was an expression both of the power of articulating primary and secondary networks, as well as of the difficulties of organizing and sustaining networks in a social context with high inequality and of partnerships that are not maintained in the long term. Final considerations: Food support networks provide women with support for everyday challenges, given the peripheral social context of violation of rights, with double working hours and with social roles dictated by patriarchal societies. They bring up strategies of resistance and potent actions that involve food and eating that can be configured with local experiences of maintaining eating habits that distance themselves from the homogenization of diets in the face of globalization processes.
Introduction: In vulnerable urban peripheries, in situations of multiple violations of social rights, including the human right to adequate food, women have the predominant social role of taking care of family food, which includes management for survival, given the factors global and local influences on food and eating in these territories. In these dynamic and unique scenarios, women connect to social networks, understood as articulations between social actors with different levels of organization in favor of goals, which may include those related to food. Objective: To identify, describe and analyze the food support networks for women living in a peripheral region of Santos, São Paulo. Methodology: In a qualitative investigation, interviews were conducted with 8 women, aged 20 to 60 years old, residents of the Northwest Zone of Santos. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to thematic content analysis technique, with the theoretical framework of the proposition of social support networks by Eduardo Stotz, and the territory of Milton Santos. Results and discussion: Women predominantly articulate primary support networks for food in fluid connections, but not without conflicts, according to the demand and situation imposed by daily life and with different actors: family, friends, neighbors, companions. Women maintain social gender roles and kitchen reproductive work, as well as create new arrangements to support food-related tasks, involving children and other women. Among the secondary networks came support from religious institutions and civil society organizations. The community garden was an expression both of the power of articulating primary and secondary networks, as well as of the difficulties of organizing and sustaining networks in a social context with high inequality and of partnerships that are not maintained in the long term. Final considerations: Food support networks provide women with support for everyday challenges, given the peripheral social context of violation of rights, with double working hours and with social roles dictated by patriarchal societies. They bring up strategies of resistance and potent actions that involve food and eating that can be configured with local experiences of maintaining eating habits that distance themselves from the homogenization of diets in the face of globalization processes.
GONZALEZ, Fernanda Teles. Alimentação de mulheres em territórios vulnerabilizados de Santos, São Paulo: escolhas, trajetórias e rede de apoio. 2021. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.