Open insurance: quais as mudanças esperadas no mercado segurador brasileiro?
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O mercado segurador ao longo dos anos sempre funcionou de uma forma bem tradicional, em que as grandes e consolidadas empresas seguradoras tinham cada vez mais clientes em suas bases de dados, e consequentemente eram detentoras de suas informações, criando dificuldades para que outras empresas conseguissem crescer dentro deste mercado consolidado. Este formato de funcionamento vigirou por anos, até que recentemente surgiram os movimentos Open, os quais foram de suma importancia para o crescimento da abertura de dados neste segmento.
O Open Insurance surgiu como uma forma de abertura de dados dentro do mercado segurador, com o intuito de favorecer o cliente, disponibilizando informações sobre as empresas e seus produtos e serviços, além de dar a oportunidade dele aderir àquela proposta que faz mais sentido com suas necessidades no momento.
Essas discussões começaram nos países da Europa, e recentemente chegaram ao Brasil por meio da SUSEP, com detalhes de sua imprementação e o que as seguradoras devem começar a exercer a fim de que este mercado funcione neste novo modelo. CEOs de grandes empresas possuem suas opiniões sobre a implementação, e foram analisadas neste trabalho.
Along the years, the insurance market always worked in a very traditional way, in which the big and consolidated insurance companies had always more clientes in their data base, and consequently were holding of their information; making it harder for the other companies to grow in that consolidated market. This operating format prevailed for years, until recently, where the Open movements started, being extremely important for the growth of the opening data for this segment. The Open Insurance started as a form of opening data in the insurance market, with the aim to please and favor the client, providing information regarding the companies and their products and services, despite giving the opportunity of acquiring that proposal that made more sense according to their needs at that moment. These discussions began in European countries, and came to Brazil recently through SUSEP, with details of its implementation and that the insurers should start exercise the end of this market to work on this new model. CEOs of big companies has their opinions regarding this implementation, and these will be analysed in this Project.
Along the years, the insurance market always worked in a very traditional way, in which the big and consolidated insurance companies had always more clientes in their data base, and consequently were holding of their information; making it harder for the other companies to grow in that consolidated market. This operating format prevailed for years, until recently, where the Open movements started, being extremely important for the growth of the opening data for this segment. The Open Insurance started as a form of opening data in the insurance market, with the aim to please and favor the client, providing information regarding the companies and their products and services, despite giving the opportunity of acquiring that proposal that made more sense according to their needs at that moment. These discussions began in European countries, and came to Brazil recently through SUSEP, with details of its implementation and that the insurers should start exercise the end of this market to work on this new model. CEOs of big companies has their opinions regarding this implementation, and these will be analysed in this Project.
TAVARES, Vinicius Yamamoto. Open insurance: quais as mudanças esperadas no mercado segurador brasileiro?. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.