Proposta de sequência didática de atividades experimentais para o ensino de óptica
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Este trabalho propõe um conjunto de sequências didáticas que permitem abordar os conceitos de óptica no ensino médio, de uma forma atraente e motivadora. Uma notícia veiculada em uma mídia digital sobre fibras ópticas é empregada como disparador do tema, com a finalidade de despertar a curiosidade e o interesse dos alunos, além de fornecer ao professor elementos que abordam os conceitos de óptica a partir de situações relevantes para os estudantes, em especial aqueles que se utilizam da internet.
Esta sequência foi desenvolvida com o auxílio de atividades experimentais, realizadas com material de baixo custo, e simulações computacionais interativas, utilizando objetos de aprendizagem disponíveis em repositórios online. Os experimentos e as demonstrações utilizados permitem investigar e estudar os temas de reflexão, refração, difração e interferência da luz. Os objetos de aprendizagem empregados no simulador interativo permitem ao professor desenvolver os conceitos básicos relacionados à Lei de Snell, além de apresentar noções de difração e interferência de ondas. Para facilitar a aprendizagem e a fixação dos conceitos abordados, utiliza-se a estratégia de desenvolver um mapa conceitual, pretendendo com isso levar os alunos a uma maior apropriação de cada conceito investigado neste conjunto de sequências didáticas.
This work proposes a set of didactic sequences that allow us to approach the concepts of optics in High School, in an attractive and motivating way. A news item published in digital media about optical fibers is used as a trigger for the theme, to arouse the curiosity and interest of students, in addition to providing the teacher with elements that address the concepts of optics from relevant situations for students, especially those who use the internet. This sequence was developed with the aid of experimental activities, carried out with low-cost material, and interactive computer simulations, using learning objects available in online repositories. The experiments and demonstrations used make it possible to investigate and study the themes of reflection, refraction, diffraction and light interference. The learning objects used in the interactive simulator allow the teacher to develop the basic concepts related to Snell's Law, in addition to presenting notions of diffraction and wave interference. In order to facilitate the learning and fixation of the concepts covered, the strategy of developing a conceptual map is used, aiming to take students to a greater appropriation of each concept investigated in this set of didactic sequences.
This work proposes a set of didactic sequences that allow us to approach the concepts of optics in High School, in an attractive and motivating way. A news item published in digital media about optical fibers is used as a trigger for the theme, to arouse the curiosity and interest of students, in addition to providing the teacher with elements that address the concepts of optics from relevant situations for students, especially those who use the internet. This sequence was developed with the aid of experimental activities, carried out with low-cost material, and interactive computer simulations, using learning objects available in online repositories. The experiments and demonstrations used make it possible to investigate and study the themes of reflection, refraction, diffraction and light interference. The learning objects used in the interactive simulator allow the teacher to develop the basic concepts related to Snell's Law, in addition to presenting notions of diffraction and wave interference. In order to facilitate the learning and fixation of the concepts covered, the strategy of developing a conceptual map is used, aiming to take students to a greater appropriation of each concept investigated in this set of didactic sequences.