A formação continuada de professores desenvolvida no projeto Educando com a Horta Escolar e suas implicações na promoção da alimentação saudável na escola
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O presente estudo objetiva investigar os resultados pratico-pedagogicos da formacao oferecida no ambito do Projeto Educando com a Horta Escolar - PEHE, percebida pelos professores dela participantes. Esse Projeto integra as acoes de educacao alimentar e nutricional do Programa Nacional de Alimentacao Escolar u PNAE desenvolvido pelo Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educacao em parceria com a Organizacao das Nacoes Unidas para a Agricultura e Alimentacao u FAO, que considera a escola um espaco privilegiado para promover mudancas na cultura alimentar e nutricional e assume como pressuposto a importancia da formacao de professores para o alcance de seus objetivos, sobretudo no que tange a conscientizacao dos beneficios de uma alimentacao saudavel na escola e na vida. O estudo quanti-qualitativo compreendeu as pesquisas bibliografica e documental. A pesquisa bibliografica destacou a leitura e o estudo acerca dos objetivos e concepcoes do Projeto Educando com a Horta Escolar quanto a formacao de professores, horta, curriculo escolar, concepcoes e metodologias, bem como a relacao desses profissionais com o conceito de seguranca alimentar e nutricional e do direito humano a alimentacao adequada. A pesquisa documental teve por objeto os questionarios de entrada/saida do processo de formacao, questionarios de avaliacao das formacoes sistematicas e as entrevistas coletivas realizadas pelo PEHE. O estudo revelou que esse processo formativo configurou-se como importante estrategia de sustentabilidade de projetos, programas e de politicas publicas de natureza social e evidenciou a responsabilidade social dos gestores de envolver os protagonistas nas politicas para garantia de sua efetividade e permanencia como alternativa ao desenvolvimento social do pais
The following study will investigate the practical pedagogical results of capacity building techniques offered in the context of the “Project Educating with the school garden” as perceived by the educators that participated in the process. This project integrates educational and nutritional actions of the National School Feeding Program- PNAE developed by the National Fund of Educational Development in partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO, which considerate the school a privilege space for the promotion of cultural changes regarding healthy eating habits, acknowledging the importance of developing technical capacities for educators allowing them to reach their goals, especially regarding the promotion of healthy eating habits at school and in life in general. The quantitative and qualitative study comprehended a bibliographic and documentary analysis. The literature review highlighted the reading and study on the goals and conceptions of the Project Educating with the school garden in regards of capacity building techniques for educators, school gardens, school curriculum, the adopted methodology utilized for the continuing training of educators, as well as the relationship between those educators and the concepts of food security, nutrition and the human right to adequate food. The research was based upon the entry/exit questionnaires of the capacity building process, evaluation questionnaires of the systematic trainings and collective interviews carried out by the PEHE. The study revealed that the capacity building process is also configured as an important strategy for sustainability of projects, programs and public policies of social feature. Furthermore, it emphasizes the social responsibility of public managers to engage political actors in order to ensure the effectiveness and permanence of the process as an alternative to social development.
The following study will investigate the practical pedagogical results of capacity building techniques offered in the context of the “Project Educating with the school garden” as perceived by the educators that participated in the process. This project integrates educational and nutritional actions of the National School Feeding Program- PNAE developed by the National Fund of Educational Development in partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO, which considerate the school a privilege space for the promotion of cultural changes regarding healthy eating habits, acknowledging the importance of developing technical capacities for educators allowing them to reach their goals, especially regarding the promotion of healthy eating habits at school and in life in general. The quantitative and qualitative study comprehended a bibliographic and documentary analysis. The literature review highlighted the reading and study on the goals and conceptions of the Project Educating with the school garden in regards of capacity building techniques for educators, school gardens, school curriculum, the adopted methodology utilized for the continuing training of educators, as well as the relationship between those educators and the concepts of food security, nutrition and the human right to adequate food. The research was based upon the entry/exit questionnaires of the capacity building process, evaluation questionnaires of the systematic trainings and collective interviews carried out by the PEHE. The study revealed that the capacity building process is also configured as an important strategy for sustainability of projects, programs and public policies of social feature. Furthermore, it emphasizes the social responsibility of public managers to engage political actors in order to ensure the effectiveness and permanence of the process as an alternative to social development.
OLIVEIRA, Miriam Sampaio de. “A Formação Continuada de Professores desenvolvida no Projeto Educando com a Horta Escolar e suas Implicações na Promoção da Alimentação Saudável na Escola”. 2011. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino em Ciências da Saúde) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2011.