A tutoria no programa de educação pelo trabalho para a saúde: concepções e práticas
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O Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde (PET Saúde) se insere no rol das políticas indutoras da formação, no âmbito das parcerias interministeriais da saúde e educação, no Brasil. O programa apresentou dez versões temáticas em áreas estratégicas do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), incorporando pressupostos para contribuir para o avanço de processos formativos, comprometidos com a dinâmica de vida da população e com as necessidades do cuidado em saúde. Este estudo objetivou analisar a Tutoria no PET Saúde da Universidade Federal do Pará, na visão dos tutores. Recorremos a uma combinação de métodos com abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa para a produção e análise dos dados. Participaram da pesquisa 27 tutores com respostas no formulário e questionário, e destes, 15 com narrativas escritas. A análise dos documentos oficiais do programa situa a Tutoria como facilitadora do processo de desenvolvimento acadêmico do PET Saúde, com valorização dos percursos formativos e experiências acadêmicas do docente. O perfil dos tutores se revela em um grupo com trajetória na instituição envolvida com pilares das mudanças formativas e com a integração ensino-serviço-comunidade. As motivações para a tutoria são inerentes à oportunidade de aprendizados para a prática docente, conhecimento das necessidades do curso, bem como identificação com as temáticas das políticas indutoras. O conjunto de papéis desenvolvido e as práticas revelam a Tutoria como um espaço favorável ao comprometimento e cultivo das induções formativas no ensino superior em saúde e ao fortalecimento da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade, no âmbito do SUS, facilitado pelas responsabilidades didático-pedagógica, social e profissional dos tutores. Para as versões futuras do programa, os participantes sugerem ampliação do número de tutores e preceptores e a inclusão de suas propostas e vivências nos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de graduação. Valida-se assim, a Tutoria como uma atividade que incorpora e valoriza a experiência profissional e de docência e que analisa as práticas com vistas às mudanças formativas. Considera-se, portanto, uma atuação para além de sua prática didática habitual, favorecendo uma sinergia entre os mundos do ensino e do trabalho, em prol de benefícios a serem compartilhados entre os mesmos e do cultivo de elementos de mudanças formativas, previstas no PET Saúde.
The Education through Work for Health Program (PET Health) is included in the list of policies that induce training, within the scope of interministerial partnerships for health and education in Brazil. The program presented ten thematic versions in strategic areas of the Unified Health System (SUS), incorporating assumptions to contribute to the advancement of training processes, committed to the dynamics of life of the population and the needs of health care. This study aimed to analyze Tutoring at PET Health at Federal University of Pará, from the point of view of tutors. We use a combination of methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches for the production and analysis of data. Twenty-seven tutors participated in the research with answers in the form and questionnaire, and of these, 15 with written narratives. The analysis of the official documents of the program situates Tutoring as a facilitator of the academic development process of PET Health, with an appreciation of the educational paths and academic experiences of the teacher. The profile of tutors is revealed in a group with a trajectory in the institution involved with the pillars of formative changes and with the teaching-service-community integration. The motivations for tutoring are inherent to the learning opportunity for teaching practice, knowledge of the course's needs, as well as identification with the themes of inducing policies. The set of roles developed and practices reveal Tutoring as a favorable space for the commitment and cultivation of formative inductions in higher education in health and the strengthening of teaching-service-community integration, within the scope of the SUS, facilitated by didactic-pedagogical responsibilities, social and professional tutors. For future versions of the program, participants suggest expanding the number of tutors and preceptors and including their proposals and experiences in the pedagogical projects of undergraduate courses. Thus, Tutoring is validated as an activity that incorporates and values professional and teaching experience and that analyzes practices with a view to training changes. It is considered, therefore, to act beyond its usual didactic practice, favoring a synergy between the worlds of teaching and work in favor of benefits to be shared between them and the cultivation of elements of formative changes provided for in PET Health.
The Education through Work for Health Program (PET Health) is included in the list of policies that induce training, within the scope of interministerial partnerships for health and education in Brazil. The program presented ten thematic versions in strategic areas of the Unified Health System (SUS), incorporating assumptions to contribute to the advancement of training processes, committed to the dynamics of life of the population and the needs of health care. This study aimed to analyze Tutoring at PET Health at Federal University of Pará, from the point of view of tutors. We use a combination of methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches for the production and analysis of data. Twenty-seven tutors participated in the research with answers in the form and questionnaire, and of these, 15 with written narratives. The analysis of the official documents of the program situates Tutoring as a facilitator of the academic development process of PET Health, with an appreciation of the educational paths and academic experiences of the teacher. The profile of tutors is revealed in a group with a trajectory in the institution involved with the pillars of formative changes and with the teaching-service-community integration. The motivations for tutoring are inherent to the learning opportunity for teaching practice, knowledge of the course's needs, as well as identification with the themes of inducing policies. The set of roles developed and practices reveal Tutoring as a favorable space for the commitment and cultivation of formative inductions in higher education in health and the strengthening of teaching-service-community integration, within the scope of the SUS, facilitated by didactic-pedagogical responsibilities, social and professional tutors. For future versions of the program, participants suggest expanding the number of tutors and preceptors and including their proposals and experiences in the pedagogical projects of undergraduate courses. Thus, Tutoring is validated as an activity that incorporates and values professional and teaching experience and that analyzes practices with a view to training changes. It is considered, therefore, to act beyond its usual didactic practice, favoring a synergy between the worlds of teaching and work in favor of benefits to be shared between them and the cultivation of elements of formative changes provided for in PET Health.
COSTA, Andrea Ribeiro da. A Tutoria no Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde: Concepções e Práticas. 2021. 176 f. Tese (Doutorado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) – Instituto Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.