Caracterização do vínculo mãe-filho e as oportunidades para o desenvolvimento motor de lactentes expostos e não expostos ao HIV
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Introdução: A transmissão vertical (TV) é uma das principais formas de transmissão do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) em lactentes, portanto, a interrupção da amamentação é recomendada. O aleitamento materno é importante para a formação do vínculo mãe-bebê, sua interrupção pode afetar esse vínculo e, consequentemente, prejudicar os estímulos ofertados a esse lactente em seu ambiente familiar. Objetivo: Caracterizar o vínculo mãe-bebê, avaliar o desenvolvimento motor e os affordances domiciliares de lactentes expostos e não expostos ao HIV durante o primeiro ano de vida. Método: Participaram do estudo 48 lactentes e suas mães, sendo 21 expostos ao HIV e mães soropositivas e 27 não expostos e mães soronegativas. Foram avaliados lactentes de ambos os sexos nas idades de 4 a 12 meses atendidas no Serviço de Atenção Especializada (SAE/Infantil), ligada a Coordenadoria de Controle de Doenças Infecciosas (CCDI), que acompanha lactentes filhos de mães soropositivas de toda a Baixada Santista, as avaliações dos lactentes não expostos foram realizadas na Unidade Básica de Saúde da Vila Nova – Santos. As mães responderam ao protocolo de avaliação vínculo mãe-bebê e ao questionário dos Affordances no Ambiente Domiciliar (AHEMD), o desenvolvimento motor foi avaliado pela Escala Motora Infantil de Alberta (AIMS). Foi realizado análise descritivas dos dados, ANOVA para comparação dos grupos em relação ao desenvolvimento, análise de correlação entre as variáveis vínculo mãe-bebê e as oportunidades no ambiente domiciliar; vínculo mãe-bebê. Resultados: Os lactentes do grupo exposto apresentam desenvolvimento típico independente da idade e apenas 1 lactente apresenta risco para o desenvolvimento, enquanto 5 lactentes não expostos apresentam risco. Doze lactentes, 6 expostos e 6 não expostos apresentam oportunidades no ambiente domiciliar classificadas como menos do que adequada; 13 apresentam oportunidades moderadamente adequadas no ambiente domiciliar (5 lactentes expostos e 8 não expostos ao HIV), 16 apresentam oportunidades adequadas (6 expostos e 10 não expostos ao HIV) e 7 apresentam oportunidades excelentes (4 expostos e 3 não expostos ao HIV). Já para o vínculo, 9 lactentes apresentam vínculo mãe-bebê fraco (7 expostos e 2 não expostos ao HIV) e os demais apresentam vínculo forte. A comparação dos grupos revelou diferença entre os grupos apenas para o vínculo, sendo que o grupo exposto tem maior escore do que o grupo não exposto, indicando
que os lactentes expostos ao HIV têm menor vínculo. Há correlação entre vínculo mãe-bebê e grupo. Conclusão: os lactentes expostos ao HIV apresentaram menor vínculo mãe-bebê, mas não diferem em relação ao desenvolvimento motor e as oportunidades recebidas em ambiente domiciliar.
Introduction: Vertical transmission (VT) is one of the main forms of transmission of Human Imunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in infants, therefore, discontinuation of breastfeeding is recommended. Breastfeeding is important for the formation of the mother-child bond and, consequently, the interruption may affect this bond and impair the stimuli offered to this infant in the family environment. Aim: Characterize motherchild bond, evaluate motor development and home affordances of infants exposed and not exposed to HIV during the first year of life. Method: Forty-eight infants and their mothers participaded in the study, 21 were exposed to HIV and HIV-positive mothers and 27 unexposed and HIV-negative mothers. Infants of both sexes were avaluated at the ages of 4 to 12 months attended at Specialized Care Service (SAE/Infantil), linked to the Infectious Disease Control Coordination (CCDI), accompanying infants born from HIV-positive mothers from all over Baixada Santista, the evaluations of unexposed infants were performed in the Vila Nova Basic Health Unit – Santos. The mothers answered to the mother-child bond protocol and the Affordances questionnaire in the Home Environment (AHEMD), the motor development were evaluated by Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). Descriptive analisys of the data was performed, ANOVA was performed to compare the groups in relation to development, correlation analysis between the variables mother-child bond and the opportunities in the home environment; mother-child bond. Results: Infants in the exposed group have typical age-independent development and only one infant is at risk for development, while 5 unexposed infants are at risk. Twelve infants, 6 exposed and 6 not exposed present opportunities in the home environment classified as less than adequate: 13 presented opportunities moderately adequate in the home environment (5 exposed and 8 not exposed to HIV infants), 16 presented adequate opportunities (6 exposed and 10 not exposed to HIV) and 7 presented excellent opportunities (4 exposed and 3 not exposed to HIV). As for the bond, 9 infants presented weak mother-child bond (7 exposed and 2 not exposed to HIV) and the others presented strong bonding. Comparison of groups revealed differences between groups only for bonding, with the exposed group having a higher score than the unexposed group, indicating that infants exposed to HIV have less bonding. There is correlation between mother-child bond and group. Conclusion: Infants exposed to HIV presented lower mother-child bond, but they did not differ in terms of motor development and opportunities recieved in the home environment.
Introduction: Vertical transmission (VT) is one of the main forms of transmission of Human Imunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in infants, therefore, discontinuation of breastfeeding is recommended. Breastfeeding is important for the formation of the mother-child bond and, consequently, the interruption may affect this bond and impair the stimuli offered to this infant in the family environment. Aim: Characterize motherchild bond, evaluate motor development and home affordances of infants exposed and not exposed to HIV during the first year of life. Method: Forty-eight infants and their mothers participaded in the study, 21 were exposed to HIV and HIV-positive mothers and 27 unexposed and HIV-negative mothers. Infants of both sexes were avaluated at the ages of 4 to 12 months attended at Specialized Care Service (SAE/Infantil), linked to the Infectious Disease Control Coordination (CCDI), accompanying infants born from HIV-positive mothers from all over Baixada Santista, the evaluations of unexposed infants were performed in the Vila Nova Basic Health Unit – Santos. The mothers answered to the mother-child bond protocol and the Affordances questionnaire in the Home Environment (AHEMD), the motor development were evaluated by Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). Descriptive analisys of the data was performed, ANOVA was performed to compare the groups in relation to development, correlation analysis between the variables mother-child bond and the opportunities in the home environment; mother-child bond. Results: Infants in the exposed group have typical age-independent development and only one infant is at risk for development, while 5 unexposed infants are at risk. Twelve infants, 6 exposed and 6 not exposed present opportunities in the home environment classified as less than adequate: 13 presented opportunities moderately adequate in the home environment (5 exposed and 8 not exposed to HIV infants), 16 presented adequate opportunities (6 exposed and 10 not exposed to HIV) and 7 presented excellent opportunities (4 exposed and 3 not exposed to HIV). As for the bond, 9 infants presented weak mother-child bond (7 exposed and 2 not exposed to HIV) and the others presented strong bonding. Comparison of groups revealed differences between groups only for bonding, with the exposed group having a higher score than the unexposed group, indicating that infants exposed to HIV have less bonding. There is correlation between mother-child bond and group. Conclusion: Infants exposed to HIV presented lower mother-child bond, but they did not differ in terms of motor development and opportunities recieved in the home environment.
RUIVO, Camila Ortega. Caracterização do vínculo mãe-filho e as oportunidades para o desenvolvimento motor de lactentes expostos e não expostos ao HIV. 2022. 47 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.