Significações da colaboração profissional entre professores no contexto da formação continuada em serviço num CEI paulistano
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Este estudo tem como intuito investigar as significações atribuídas para a colaboração profissional que ocorre no âmbito da formação continuada em serviço. O estudo se faz relevante no contexto, debatido na literatura especializada, que demonstra ser a formação continuada realizada por meio de cursos, palestras e seminários insuficiente para suprir as necessidades dos professores frente aos atuais desafios da profissão, evidenciando a necessidade de buscar alternativas para uma formação continuada eficaz para esse grupo profissional. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada realizada com professoras atuantes num Centro de Educação Infantil paulistano. A análise foi realizada a partir do procedimento dos núcleos de significação conforme proposto por Aguiar e Ozella (2006, 2013) e Aguiar, Soares e Machado (2015), cujo embasamento se pauta na psicologia histórico-cultural de Vigotski (1896-1934) e no materialismo histórico e dialético de Marx (1818-1883) e Engels (1820-1895). O resultado nos permitiu compreender a essência das relações que se estabelecem entre os professores durante um processo formativo em serviço de base colaborativa, evidenciando que tais processos podem ser mais significativos quando construídos conjuntamente tendo como foco tanto as necessidades do grupo docente quanto as especificidades da escola no cumprimento de sua missão. O estudo visa a contribuir com subsídios para discussões sobre a implementação, nas unidades escolares, de processos formativos em serviço baseados na cultura da colaboração profissional que, ao partirem das necessidades e da realidade do cotidiano escolar, configurem-se como significativos para os professores e favoreçam tanto a superação dos desafios da prática pedagógica quanto o desenvolvimento profissional docente.
This study has the goal of investigating the meanings attributed to professional collaboration that occurs in the context of in-service continuing education. The study is relevant in the context that demonstrates that continuing education carried out through courses, lectures and seminars is insufficient to meet the needs of teachers facing the current challenges of the profession, and issue that is widely debated, highlighting the need to seek alternatives for effective continuing education for this professional group. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with teachers working at a Children's Education Center in São Paulo. The analysis was carried out based on the procedure of the signification nuclei as proposed by Aguiar and Ozella (2006, 2013) and Aguiar, Soares and Machado (2015), based on the historical-cultural psychology of Vigotski (1896-1934) and in historical and dialectical materialism. The conclusion allowed us to understand the foundation of the relationships established between teachers during a training process in a collaborative-based service, showing that such processes can be more meaningful when built together, focusing on both the needs of the faculty and the specifics of the school in fulfilling its mission. The study aims to subsidize the implementation of in-service training processes, based on the culture of professional collaboration that, based on the needs and reality of everyday school life, are configured as a basis for teachers and favor both the overcoming of the challenges of pedagogical practice, as well as the professional development of teachers.
This study has the goal of investigating the meanings attributed to professional collaboration that occurs in the context of in-service continuing education. The study is relevant in the context that demonstrates that continuing education carried out through courses, lectures and seminars is insufficient to meet the needs of teachers facing the current challenges of the profession, and issue that is widely debated, highlighting the need to seek alternatives for effective continuing education for this professional group. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with teachers working at a Children's Education Center in São Paulo. The analysis was carried out based on the procedure of the signification nuclei as proposed by Aguiar and Ozella (2006, 2013) and Aguiar, Soares and Machado (2015), based on the historical-cultural psychology of Vigotski (1896-1934) and in historical and dialectical materialism. The conclusion allowed us to understand the foundation of the relationships established between teachers during a training process in a collaborative-based service, showing that such processes can be more meaningful when built together, focusing on both the needs of the faculty and the specifics of the school in fulfilling its mission. The study aims to subsidize the implementation of in-service training processes, based on the culture of professional collaboration that, based on the needs and reality of everyday school life, are configured as a basis for teachers and favor both the overcoming of the challenges of pedagogical practice, as well as the professional development of teachers.