Perfil epidemiologico da demanda de mulheres em um servico de planejamento familiar
Dissertação de mestrado
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Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e retrospectivo, sobre o perfil epidemiologico da demanda de mulheres em um Servico de Planejamento Familiar. Foram analisadas 1521 prontuarios de mulheres de 11 a 50 nos matriculadas no periodo de 1997 a 1999. O perfil da populacao evidenciou maior demanda de clientes entre os 20 e 39 anos, unidas, com primeiro grau completo e ocupando-se de atividades domesticas. Quanto ao perfil ginecologico, a maioria teve a menarca em torno de 13 anos e a primeira relacao sexual aos 17 anos, tendo relatado apenas um parceiro sexual, ja utilizando algum metodo anticoncepcional. A associacao entre a idade e o metodo anticoncepcional utilizado mostrou um predominio do uso de anticoncepcional oral hormonal ate os 40 anos, o condom ate os 30 anos e o DIU entre 30 e 40 anos (p=0,000).Observou=se, tambem, que a utilizacao dos antivconcepcionais orais aumenta com o numero de filhos (p=0,000). Ao se correlacionar os metodos anticoncepcionais e o diagnostico cervico-vaginal foi observado que as mulheres em uso de anticoncepcionais hormonais representam quase a metade das lesoes de baixo grau. O corrimento, foi a principal queixa referida, e aGardnerella vaginalis foi o agente especifico mais encontrado nos exames de citologia cervico-vaginal. A associacao do numero de parceiros sexuais com agente agente especifico encontrado na flora vaginal foi significante para Trichiomonas vaginalis (p=0,008). O perfil obstetrico mostrou que a maioria ja havia gestado, sendo a mediana de 2, a paridade com mediana de 1 e amplitude de variacao de zero a 13 e o abortamento apresentado uma mediana zero. Pode-se observar, tambem, a relacao do maior tempo de estudo, com a menor paridade (p=0,000). Quanto aos habitos de vida, encontrou-se 19,5 por cento das mulheres tabagistas e 1,2 por cento usuarias de drogas. Das doencas pre-existentes a hipertensao, ruptura perineal e a obesidade foram as mais observadas
This is a transversal, descriptive and retrospective study about the epidemiological profile of women demand in a parenthood planning service. We analyzed 1521 medical notes of women with ages ranging from 11 to 50 years old enrolled in the service in the 1997-1999 period. The population profile made evident the major demand of clients aged between 20 and 39 years old, partnered, graduated from primary school, and busy with household activities. As for the gynecologic profile, most had their menarche at around 13 years old and the first sexual intercourse at 17 years old, reporting only one sexual partner; most of them already employ a contraceptive method. Association between age and birth control employed revealed a predominance of usage of the hormonal oral contraceptive in clients up to 40 years old; up to 30 years old the latex condom was the most commonly used and, between 30 and 40 years old, the IUD (p=0,000). We also noticed that the usage of oral contraceptives increases with the number of children (p=0,000). When correlating birth control methods and the cervicovaginal diagnosis we observed that women using hormonal contraceptives represent almost half the number of low degree lesions. Vaginal discharge was the main complaint and the Gardenerella vaginalis was the specific agent most often found in the cervicovaginal cytology exams. In addition, the association of the number of partners with the specific agent found in the vaginal flora was significative for Trichomonas vaginalis (p=0,008). The obstetrical profile showed that most of them had already been pregnant, with the median value of 2, the parity with median value of 1, and the variation amplitude from zero to 13 and miscarriage presenting a median value of zero. We could also notice that the longer the education time, the fewer the parity (p=0,000). As for their life habits, we found 19,5% smoking women and 1,2% drug users. Among the preexisting diseases, hypertension, perineal laceration and overweight were the most observed. The usage of medicaments was referred by 12,5% of this population.
This is a transversal, descriptive and retrospective study about the epidemiological profile of women demand in a parenthood planning service. We analyzed 1521 medical notes of women with ages ranging from 11 to 50 years old enrolled in the service in the 1997-1999 period. The population profile made evident the major demand of clients aged between 20 and 39 years old, partnered, graduated from primary school, and busy with household activities. As for the gynecologic profile, most had their menarche at around 13 years old and the first sexual intercourse at 17 years old, reporting only one sexual partner; most of them already employ a contraceptive method. Association between age and birth control employed revealed a predominance of usage of the hormonal oral contraceptive in clients up to 40 years old; up to 30 years old the latex condom was the most commonly used and, between 30 and 40 years old, the IUD (p=0,000). We also noticed that the usage of oral contraceptives increases with the number of children (p=0,000). When correlating birth control methods and the cervicovaginal diagnosis we observed that women using hormonal contraceptives represent almost half the number of low degree lesions. Vaginal discharge was the main complaint and the Gardenerella vaginalis was the specific agent most often found in the cervicovaginal cytology exams. In addition, the association of the number of partners with the specific agent found in the vaginal flora was significative for Trichomonas vaginalis (p=0,008). The obstetrical profile showed that most of them had already been pregnant, with the median value of 2, the parity with median value of 1, and the variation amplitude from zero to 13 and miscarriage presenting a median value of zero. We could also notice that the longer the education time, the fewer the parity (p=0,000). As for their life habits, we found 19,5% smoking women and 1,2% drug users. Among the preexisting diseases, hypertension, perineal laceration and overweight were the most observed. The usage of medicaments was referred by 12,5% of this population.
KRAUS, Elaine de Moraes. Perfil epidemiológico da demanda de mulheres em um serviço de planejamento familiar. 2001. 146 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2001.