A atuação de fisioterapeutas em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva para neonatos de risco
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Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), 30 milhões de bebês nascem prematuros e doentes ao ano e, portanto, necessitam de cuidados especializados para sobreviver. A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) tem sido uma solução complexa do sistema de saúde para atender a esses bebês e suas famílias. A fisioterapia tem se mostrado cada vez mais importante dentro das UTINs: ela tem por função garantir o melhor tratamento, tendo por objetivo a intervenção precoce nas possíveis disfunções ocasionadas pelo tempo de internação prolongado dos recém-nascidos, trazendo resultados importantes na qualidade de vida tanto dos bebês quanto de seus familiares. Com poucos estudos sobre os amplos aspectos do papel do profissional fisioterapeuta na literatura científica, a pesquisa foi motivada pela necessidade de se compreender como se dá a atuação dos fisioterapeutas dentro das UTNI, levando em conta não somente aspectos técnicos, como apresentados pela maioria das pesquisas disponíveis, mas também um panorama das atividades desenvolvidas por esses profissionais no âmbito da UTIN. Essa pesquisa qualitativa teve por objetivo investigar as funções do profissional fisioterapeuta na UTIN, utilizando um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada para a coleta de dados. Os participantes da pesquisa foram dez fisioterapeutas que atuam em UTINs em hospitais no Estado de São Paulo. A análise dos dados produzidos foi realizada por meio da avaliação de conteúdo. Os resultados apontaram para o questionamento quanto a falta de produção científica sobre o tema, entendendo que a formação generalista do fisioterapeuta pode gerar lacunas na formação de futuros fisioterapeutas para o trabalho em contextos hospitalares. No trabalho em equipe, a falta de autonomia relatada por alguns profissionais em certos contextos dificulta não apenas o serviço na UTIN, mas o reconhecimento desses profissionais. Nos desafios, a baixa remuneração desses profissionais implica em jornadas exaustivas, fazendo com que muitos não queiram seguir a profissão por um longo período, acarretando prejuízos na qualidade de vida desses profissionais e também no seu reconhecimento profissional. Apesar das dificuldades apontadas no estudo, as entrevistas revelaram que existe demanda de trabalho para o fisioterapeuta dentro da UTIN. Espera-se que o estudo possa contribuir para futuras pesquisas na área e forneçam subsídios para a formação de futuros profissionais na área de neonatologia.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 30 million babies are born premature and sick and therefore need specialized care to survive. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has been a complex solution for the health system to care for these babies and their families. Physiotherapy has shown itself to be increasingly important within NICUs: its function is to ensure the best treatment, with the objective of early intervention in possible dysfunctions caused by the prolonged hospitalization of newborns, bringing important results in quality of life both babies and their families. With few studies on the broad aspects of the role of the physical therapist in the scientific literature, the research was motivated by the need to understand how physical therapists work within ICUs, taking into account not only technical aspects, as presented by most studies. available, but also an overview of the activities developed by these professionals within the NICU. This qualitative research aimed to investigate the roles of the physical therapist in the NICU, using a semi-structured interview script for data collection. The research participants were ten physical therapists who work in NICUs in hospitals in the State of São Paulo. The analysis of the data produced was carried out through content evaluation. The results pointed to the questioning about the lack of scientific production on the subject, understanding that the generalist training of the physical therapist can generate gaps in the training of future physical therapists to work in hospital contexts. In teamwork, the lack of autonomy reported by some professionals in certain contexts hinders not only the service in the NICU, but the recognition of these professionals. In the challenges, the low remuneration of these professionals implies exhausting journeys, making many not want to follow the profession for a long period, causing damage to the quality of life of these professionals and also to their professional recognition. Despite the difficulties pointed out in the study, the interviews revealed that there is a demand for work for the physical therapist within the NICU. It is hoped that the study can contribute to future research in the area and provide subsidies for the training of future professionals in the field of neonatology.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 30 million babies are born premature and sick and therefore need specialized care to survive. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has been a complex solution for the health system to care for these babies and their families. Physiotherapy has shown itself to be increasingly important within NICUs: its function is to ensure the best treatment, with the objective of early intervention in possible dysfunctions caused by the prolonged hospitalization of newborns, bringing important results in quality of life both babies and their families. With few studies on the broad aspects of the role of the physical therapist in the scientific literature, the research was motivated by the need to understand how physical therapists work within ICUs, taking into account not only technical aspects, as presented by most studies. available, but also an overview of the activities developed by these professionals within the NICU. This qualitative research aimed to investigate the roles of the physical therapist in the NICU, using a semi-structured interview script for data collection. The research participants were ten physical therapists who work in NICUs in hospitals in the State of São Paulo. The analysis of the data produced was carried out through content evaluation. The results pointed to the questioning about the lack of scientific production on the subject, understanding that the generalist training of the physical therapist can generate gaps in the training of future physical therapists to work in hospital contexts. In teamwork, the lack of autonomy reported by some professionals in certain contexts hinders not only the service in the NICU, but the recognition of these professionals. In the challenges, the low remuneration of these professionals implies exhausting journeys, making many not want to follow the profession for a long period, causing damage to the quality of life of these professionals and also to their professional recognition. Despite the difficulties pointed out in the study, the interviews revealed that there is a demand for work for the physical therapist within the NICU. It is hoped that the study can contribute to future research in the area and provide subsidies for the training of future professionals in the field of neonatology.
PERDIGÃO, Fernanda Bezerra. A atuação de fisioterapeutas em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva para neonatos de risco. 2023. 55 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.