Hidrogéis termossensíveis como sistemas de entrega de fármacos
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Os hidrogéis termossensíveis têm atraído muita atenção nos últimos anos por aumentar o tempo de residência do fármaco no sítio de ação, aumentando o contato com as mucosas e favorecendo a absorção, o que resulta em um aumento da biodisponibilidade do fármaco. Além disso, utilizar fármacos através de vias alternativas, evitando a administração oral é uma boa estratégia para a entrega de fármacos que sofrem metabolismo de primeira passagem ou sofrem degradação gástrica. Para atingir este sistema de entrega de fármacos, polímeros termossensíveis têm sido largamente utilizados. Em sua forma sintética, exibem temperaturas críticas inferiores de solução e assim, podem ser manipulados em temperatura ambiente, passando de uma solução para um estado de gel após aquecimento ao entrar em contato com a temperatura fisiológica. Podem ser usados sozinhos ou em combinação com polímeros mucoadesivos, que prolongam ainda mais o tempo de residência no sítio de ação, aumentando a absorção do fármaco. Esta revisão da literatura traz um levantamento do uso dos polímeros termossensíveis mais utilizados, bem como seu mecanismo de ação e combinações com outros polímeros e monômeros que visam modular sua temperatura de transição sol-gel, aumentar a mucoadesão ou permitir a degradabilidade. Pôde-se concluir que apesar dos diversos obstáculos encontrados para a formulação de tais sistemas, como a dificuldade de mucoadesão, a modulação da LCST e as diferentes opções de copolimerização, estes sistemas se mostram grandes promissores para as vias de administração apresentadas devido ao seu alto poder terapêutico e às vantagens de redução dos efeitos adversos, proporcionando mais conforto ao paciente.
Thermosensitive hydrogels have attracted much attention in recent years for increasing the drug's residence time at the site of action, increasing contact with the mucous membranes and favoring absorption, which results in increased drug bioavailability. In addition, using drugs through alternative routes, avoiding oral administration, is a good strategy for the delivery of drugs that undergo firstpass metabolism or gastric degradation. To achieve this drug delivery system, thermosensitive polymers have been widely used. In their synthetic form, they exhibit lower critical solution temperatures and thus can be manipulated at room temperature, changing from a solution to a gel state after heating upon contact with physiological temperature. They can be used alone or in combination with mucoadhesive polymers, which further prolong the residence time at the site of action, increasing drug absorption. This literature review brings a survey of the use of the most used thermosensitive polymers, as well as their mechanism of action and combinations with other polymers and monomers that aim to modulate their solgel transition temperature, increase mucoadhesion or allow degradability. It could be concluded that despite the various obstacles found for the formulation of such systems, such as the difficulty of mucoadhesion, LCST modulation and the different copolymerization options, these systems show great promise for the administration routes presented due to their high therapeutic power and the advantages of reducing adverse effects, providing more comfort to the patient.
Thermosensitive hydrogels have attracted much attention in recent years for increasing the drug's residence time at the site of action, increasing contact with the mucous membranes and favoring absorption, which results in increased drug bioavailability. In addition, using drugs through alternative routes, avoiding oral administration, is a good strategy for the delivery of drugs that undergo firstpass metabolism or gastric degradation. To achieve this drug delivery system, thermosensitive polymers have been widely used. In their synthetic form, they exhibit lower critical solution temperatures and thus can be manipulated at room temperature, changing from a solution to a gel state after heating upon contact with physiological temperature. They can be used alone or in combination with mucoadhesive polymers, which further prolong the residence time at the site of action, increasing drug absorption. This literature review brings a survey of the use of the most used thermosensitive polymers, as well as their mechanism of action and combinations with other polymers and monomers that aim to modulate their solgel transition temperature, increase mucoadhesion or allow degradability. It could be concluded that despite the various obstacles found for the formulation of such systems, such as the difficulty of mucoadhesion, LCST modulation and the different copolymerization options, these systems show great promise for the administration routes presented due to their high therapeutic power and the advantages of reducing adverse effects, providing more comfort to the patient.