A Revolução Cultural em Herbert Marcuse: da emancipação do sujeito à transformação social
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A proposta deste trabalho é articular três momentos temáticos do pensamento de Marcuse a partir da uma preocupação central que perpassa e dá sentido à sua obra teórica: a busca por uma nova teoria da revolução e da transformação social para o marxismo no século XX. Esses três momentos temáticos, consistem, primeiro, em um diagnóstico do presente histórico vivido por Marcuse, caracterizado pelo alto nível de desenvolvimento das forças produtivas nas sociedades capitalistas industriais avançadas e suas novas formas de dominação e controle social, para as quais a dimensão da subjetividade passa a ser central. O segundo momento temático, que decorre do diagnóstico anterior, consiste na necessidade de revisão do marxismo e na busca pelos potenciais emancipatórios da subjetividade, que Marcuse encontra nas qualidades erótico-estéticas e no poder crítico da razão dialética e sensível. A revisão do marxismo a partir da subjetividade e a ênfase na mudança subjetiva como motor da transformação social leva ao terceiro momento: a elaboração de um novo conceito de revolução, que se dá no espaço da cultura, entendida por Marcuse como modos de viver, pensar, agir e sentir. Nesse novo cenário (a cultura) se dá o intercâmbio entre a transformação subjetiva e social. O resgate das qualidades erótico-estéticas e a libertação da consciência permitem ao sujeito estabelecer outra relação entre vida e história, uma relação erótica, estética, criativa e dialética. E, assim, de mero reprodutor passivo de comportamentos engendrados pelas estruturas sistêmicas que o afetam, ele pode se tornar sujeito histórico, capaz de ação histórica. A utopia erótico-estética da sociedade socialista livre pode ser, assim, resgatada do futuro pós- revolucionário e assumir um papel ativo e constitutivo da ação política no presente, se tornar um valor atuante e participante na reinvenção dos modos de vida do presente, na construção de experiências utópicas concretas que sejam capazes de emanar sua força transformadora e transcendente dentro da própria realidade estabelecida.
The purpose of this work is to articulate three thematic moments of Marcuse's thought from a central concern that permeates and gives meaning to his theoretical work: the search for a new theory of revolution and social transformation for Marxism in the 20th century. These three thematic moments consist, first, in a diagnosis of the historical present lived by Marcuse, characterized by the high level of development of the productive forces in the advanced industrial capitalist societies and their new forms of domination and social control, in which the dimension of subjectivity becomes central. The second thematic moment, which derives from the previous diagnosis, consists in the need to review marxism and in the search for the emancipatory potentials of subjectivity, which Marcuse finds in the erotic-aesthetic qualities and in the critical power of dialectical and sensitive reason. The review of Marxism from the point of view of subjectivity and the emphasis on subjective change as an engine of social transformation leads to the third moment: the elaboration of a new concept of revolution, which takes place in the space of culture, understood by Marcuse as ways of living, thinking, acting and feeling. In this new scenario (the culture) there is an exchange between subjective and social transformation. The rescue of erotic-aesthetic qualities and the liberation of consciousness allow the subject to establish another relationship between life and history, an erotic, aesthetic, creative and dialectical relationship. And, thus, from a mere passive reproducer of behaviors engendered by the systemic structures that affect him, he can become a historical subject, capable of historical action. The erotic-aesthetic utopia of the free socialist society can thus be rescued from the post-revolutionary future and assume an active and constitutive role in political action in the present, and become an acting and participating value in the reinvention of present ways of life, in the construction of concrete utopian experiences that are capable of emanating their transforming and transcendent force within the established reality itself.
The purpose of this work is to articulate three thematic moments of Marcuse's thought from a central concern that permeates and gives meaning to his theoretical work: the search for a new theory of revolution and social transformation for Marxism in the 20th century. These three thematic moments consist, first, in a diagnosis of the historical present lived by Marcuse, characterized by the high level of development of the productive forces in the advanced industrial capitalist societies and their new forms of domination and social control, in which the dimension of subjectivity becomes central. The second thematic moment, which derives from the previous diagnosis, consists in the need to review marxism and in the search for the emancipatory potentials of subjectivity, which Marcuse finds in the erotic-aesthetic qualities and in the critical power of dialectical and sensitive reason. The review of Marxism from the point of view of subjectivity and the emphasis on subjective change as an engine of social transformation leads to the third moment: the elaboration of a new concept of revolution, which takes place in the space of culture, understood by Marcuse as ways of living, thinking, acting and feeling. In this new scenario (the culture) there is an exchange between subjective and social transformation. The rescue of erotic-aesthetic qualities and the liberation of consciousness allow the subject to establish another relationship between life and history, an erotic, aesthetic, creative and dialectical relationship. And, thus, from a mere passive reproducer of behaviors engendered by the systemic structures that affect him, he can become a historical subject, capable of historical action. The erotic-aesthetic utopia of the free socialist society can thus be rescued from the post-revolutionary future and assume an active and constitutive role in political action in the present, and become an acting and participating value in the reinvention of present ways of life, in the construction of concrete utopian experiences that are capable of emanating their transforming and transcendent force within the established reality itself.
FERRARI, L. M., A Revolução Cultural em Herbert Marcuse: da Emancipação do Sujeito à Transformação Social, 2022, 330f.. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Departamento de Filosofia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022