Efeitos da terapia de curto prazo com tamoxifeno no índice mitótico do epitélio do carcinoma de mama
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Introdução: O tamoxifeno é a mais importante droga utilizada na hormonioterapia do carcinoma de mama. Parece atuar como citostático e pouco se sabe a respeito da proliferação celular após curta exposição ao fármaco. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da terapia em curto prazo com tamoxifeno na proliferação celular do epitélio do carcinoma de mama, medida pelo índice mitótico. Pacientes e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, em 20 pacientes com carcinoma invasivo de mama, com receptores positivos de estradiol e/ou de progesterona. Foi realizada, em todas as pacientes, biópsia incisional diagnóstica. Em seguida, nos dois dias que antecederam a cirurgia
(mastectomia ou quadrantectomia), foram administradas 20 mg/dia de tamoxifeno. Colheu-se outro fragmento do tumor. O material foi fixado em formol tamponado a 10% e corado pela hematoxilina-eosina (HE) para contagem do índice mitótico. Para o estudo quantitativo foram utilizadas fotos digitalizadas em microcomputador em HE (400X), em sistema Windows 98, pelo programa Image-lab 2000®. Os resultados foram comparados pelo teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Resultados: Após dois dias de tratamento com tamoxifeno houve redução na proliferação celular de 16 dos 20 tumores. O número médio de mitoses foi 11 no Grupo 1 (pré-tratamento) e 7,15 no Grupo 2 (pós-tratamento). A análise estatística revelou significância (p<0,001).
Conclusão: O tamoxifeno administrado precocemente e por curto período de tempo (2 dias) promoveu diminuição significante no número de mitoses no epitélio de pacientes com carcinoma de mama. A precoce redução do índice mitótico pode ser um marcador de resposta à terapêutica hormonal primária nas pacientes com carcinoma de mama receptor positivo.
Introduction: Tamoxifen is the most important drug in hormone therapy for breast cancer. It seems to have a cytostatic action and very little is known about cell proliferation after short-term exposure to tamoxifen. Objective: assessing the effect of short-term therapy with tamoxifen on cell proliferation in breast cancer, as measured by the mitotic index. Patients and Methods: prospective study including 20 patients with invasive breast carcinoma, and positive receptors for estradiol and/or progesterone. An incisional biopsy for diagnostic purposes was performed in all the patients. Then, on the 2 days that preceded surgery (mastectomy or quadrantectomy), the patients were given 20 mg/day of tamoxifen. Another tumor fragment was then harvested. The material was fixed in buffered formaldehyde at 10% and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) to determine the mitotic index. A quantitative study was done on the basis of digital photographs. The hardware and software used were a HE (400X) computer, running Windows 98, and Image-lab 2000®. The results were then compared using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test.Results After 2 days of treatment with tamoxifen, cell proliferation decreased in 16 of the 20 tumors. The mean for the mitotic index was 11 in group 1 (pre-treatment) and 7.15 in group 2 (posttreatment). Statistical analysis proved to be significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: This early reduction in the mitotic index can serve as a response marker for primary hormonal therapy in patients with receptor-positive breast cancer.
Introduction: Tamoxifen is the most important drug in hormone therapy for breast cancer. It seems to have a cytostatic action and very little is known about cell proliferation after short-term exposure to tamoxifen. Objective: assessing the effect of short-term therapy with tamoxifen on cell proliferation in breast cancer, as measured by the mitotic index. Patients and Methods: prospective study including 20 patients with invasive breast carcinoma, and positive receptors for estradiol and/or progesterone. An incisional biopsy for diagnostic purposes was performed in all the patients. Then, on the 2 days that preceded surgery (mastectomy or quadrantectomy), the patients were given 20 mg/day of tamoxifen. Another tumor fragment was then harvested. The material was fixed in buffered formaldehyde at 10% and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) to determine the mitotic index. A quantitative study was done on the basis of digital photographs. The hardware and software used were a HE (400X) computer, running Windows 98, and Image-lab 2000®. The results were then compared using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test.Results After 2 days of treatment with tamoxifen, cell proliferation decreased in 16 of the 20 tumors. The mean for the mitotic index was 11 in group 1 (pre-treatment) and 7.15 in group 2 (posttreatment). Statistical analysis proved to be significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: This early reduction in the mitotic index can serve as a response marker for primary hormonal therapy in patients with receptor-positive breast cancer.
FERREIRA, Rogerio Bizinoto. Efeitos da terapia de curto prazo com tamoxifeno no índice mitótico do epitélio do carcinoma de mama. 2005. 45 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2005.