Caçadores da Cidadania Perdida: Em Busca de Uma Cidade Melhor – Aprendizado através de Jogo Investigativo
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Este trabalho pretende trazer à tona a utilização de um jogo de tabuleiro com o intuito de ensinar cidadania para pré-adolescentes entre 12 e 15 anos. Tem como base o jogo investigativo Scotland Yard, em que os jogadores têm como objetivo desvendar casos relacionados ao seu contexto cotidiano, visando o aprendizado de cidadania. A pretensão é promover um aprendizado através da diversão, tornando os jogadores protagonistas do jogo, misturando a realidade com a ficção e tem como base autores como Huizinga e o seu conceito de círculo mágico, da psicologia cognitiva, trabalhando com a estruturação do sujeito e a brincadeira de Fort-Da, de Freud (psicanálise), dentre outros, que escrevem sobre a Jornada do Herói, por exemplo. O professor agirá como tutor, explicando as regras e após cada resolução de caso e como mediador nas discussões relacionadas ao caso desvendado. Pretende-se dar continuidade a esse trabalho, através de uma plataforma virtual (blog), em que os professores e alunos possam dar uma devolutiva sobre o jogo, através de depoimentos, bem como sugestões de melhorias e debates dos casos. O intuito será o de continuar a aprimorar o jogo, divulgação livre, entrosamento de alunos e professores, com temas relevantes: em busca de uma cidade melhor.
This work intends to bring out the use of a board game to teach citizenship to pre-teens between 12 and 15 years old. It is based on the investigative game Scotland Yard, in which players aim to unravel cases related to their daily context, aiming at learning citizenship. The intention is to promote learning through fun, making players protagonists of the game, mixing reality with fiction, based on authors such as Huizinga and his concept of magic circle, from cognitive psychology, working with the structuring of the subject and Fort-Da play, by Freud (psychanalyses), among others, who write about the Hero's Journey, for example. The teacher will act as a tutor, explaining the rules and after each case resolution and as a mediator in discussions related to the unveiled case. It is intended to continue this work, through a virtual platform (blog), in which teachers and students can give feedback on the game, through testimonies, as well as suggestions for improvements and case debates. The intention would be to continue to improve the game, free disclosure, interaction of students and teachers, with relevant themes: in search of a better city.
This work intends to bring out the use of a board game to teach citizenship to pre-teens between 12 and 15 years old. It is based on the investigative game Scotland Yard, in which players aim to unravel cases related to their daily context, aiming at learning citizenship. The intention is to promote learning through fun, making players protagonists of the game, mixing reality with fiction, based on authors such as Huizinga and his concept of magic circle, from cognitive psychology, working with the structuring of the subject and Fort-Da play, by Freud (psychanalyses), among others, who write about the Hero's Journey, for example. The teacher will act as a tutor, explaining the rules and after each case resolution and as a mediator in discussions related to the unveiled case. It is intended to continue this work, through a virtual platform (blog), in which teachers and students can give feedback on the game, through testimonies, as well as suggestions for improvements and case debates. The intention would be to continue to improve the game, free disclosure, interaction of students and teachers, with relevant themes: in search of a better city.