Movimentações de massa ocorridas em Guarujá/SP no mês de março de 2020
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Movimentos gravitacionais de massa ocorrem com frequência no Brasil e são deflagrados por condicionantes físicas, naturais e antrópicas. O presente trabalho visa caracterizar as movimentações de massa que ocorreram após as intensas chuvas que atingiram a cidade de Guarujá/SP entre os dias 02 e 03 do mês de março do ano de 2020 e levaram as autoridades municipais a declararem Estado de Calamidade Pública, com ênfase em uma das regiões mais afetadas, chamada de Jardim Bela Vista e conhecida por Morro do Macaco Molhado, ao qual ao poder público de Guarujá foram repassados cerca de R$ 25 milhões de reais, pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo, para efetuação de uma obra de contenção com vistas a recuperação e a prevenção do local ante a possibilidade de ocorrências similares no futuro. A presente monografia desenvolve-se por meio de uma abordagem exploratória e descritiva, com enfoque nos conceitos, desdobramentos e intervenções relativos aos movimentos de massa, e a sua correlação com as chuvas e interferências antrópicas, utilizando-se como recorte da pesquisa um estudo de caso referente às movimentações de massa ocorridas no município de Guarujá no mês de março de 2020. Para o estudo de caso, caracterizou-se a área do município e discorreu-se sobre os movimentos de massa já ocorridos. Em seguida, propôs-se caracterizar a área do Jardim Bela Vista e os movimentos de massa observados, bem como descrever a obra de contenção efetuada na área, frente às intervenções possíveis em casos de deslizamentos. Por meio da análise de dados do estudo de caso e dos documentos consultados, conclui-se que o evento pluviométrico associado às condições antrópicas observadas ensejou a deflagração dos movimentos de massa no Jardim Bela Vista, caracterizados por deslizamentos, queda de blocos e desplacamento rochoso, conforme o relatório da Defesa Civil de Guarujá. A intervenção estrutural efetivada utilizou métodos de impermeabilização, fixação e estabilização do solo e de sistema de drenagem pluvial.
Mass wasting occurs frequently in Brazil and is triggered by physical, natural and anthropic conditions. This paper aims to characterize the mass wastings occurred after the intense rains that hit the city of Guarujá/SP between march 2nd and 3rd of the year 2020, which led municipal authorities to declare State of Public Calamity, with emphasis on one of the most affected areas, called Jardim Bela Vista also known as Morro do Macaco Molhado, where the municipality of Guarujá invested an estimated R$ 25 million, passed on by São Paulo's State government to execute a soil containment work that aims for the recovery and prevention of the area, in view of the possibility of similar occurrences in the future. This monograph is developed through an exploratory and descriptive approach, focusing on concepts, unfoldings and interventions related to mass wastings and their correlation with rainfall and anthropic interference, with a case study that approaches the mass wastings occurred in Guarujá’s territory in march 2020. The case study proposes to characterize the area of Guarujá and to discuss the mass wastings occurred there. Subsequently, the Jardim Bela Vista area and the mass wastings that occurred there were characterized and the soil containment works carried out there were described, in view of the possible interventions in cases of landslides. Through the analysis of case study data and the documents consulted, it was concluded that the rainfall events associated with the observed anthropic conditions caused the mass wastings, characterized by landslides, rockfalls and block slides in Jardim Bela Vista, according to the Guarujá Civil Defense report. The structural intervention consisted in the application of waterproofing, soil fixation and stabilization methods as well as rain drainage systems
Mass wasting occurs frequently in Brazil and is triggered by physical, natural and anthropic conditions. This paper aims to characterize the mass wastings occurred after the intense rains that hit the city of Guarujá/SP between march 2nd and 3rd of the year 2020, which led municipal authorities to declare State of Public Calamity, with emphasis on one of the most affected areas, called Jardim Bela Vista also known as Morro do Macaco Molhado, where the municipality of Guarujá invested an estimated R$ 25 million, passed on by São Paulo's State government to execute a soil containment work that aims for the recovery and prevention of the area, in view of the possibility of similar occurrences in the future. This monograph is developed through an exploratory and descriptive approach, focusing on concepts, unfoldings and interventions related to mass wastings and their correlation with rainfall and anthropic interference, with a case study that approaches the mass wastings occurred in Guarujá’s territory in march 2020. The case study proposes to characterize the area of Guarujá and to discuss the mass wastings occurred there. Subsequently, the Jardim Bela Vista area and the mass wastings that occurred there were characterized and the soil containment works carried out there were described, in view of the possible interventions in cases of landslides. Through the analysis of case study data and the documents consulted, it was concluded that the rainfall events associated with the observed anthropic conditions caused the mass wastings, characterized by landslides, rockfalls and block slides in Jardim Bela Vista, according to the Guarujá Civil Defense report. The structural intervention consisted in the application of waterproofing, soil fixation and stabilization methods as well as rain drainage systems
PAULO, Mateus Seixas de Melo Frigerio; ADAN, Raphael Pereira. Movimentações de massa ocorridas em Guarujá/SP no mês de março de 2020. Santos, 2021. 63f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Engenharia Ambiental) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.