Hipoteca Reversa - Viabilidade no cenário brasileiro e relevância financeira aos mutuários
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A Hipoteca Reversa é um conceito ainda pouco difundido no Brasil, porém com grande potencial de geração de renda para idosos proprietários de imóveis e com renda insuficiente para custear uma velhice tranquila. Este público, muitas vezes detém um relevante patrimônio na forma de imóveis, que são ativos de baixa liquidez, e por este motivo podem não ter a renda mensal ideal para que vivam de forma adequada em idades mais avançadas.
Por meio deste estudo, com base em modelos utilizados em países que já adotam o produto e também tomando por base dados de imóveis aptos a aderirem ao produto, preço médio do m² de residências no Brasil e rendimentos médios da população ativa e aposentada, avaliaremos a viabilidade dessa modalidade de empréstimo e os impactos reais do incremento de renda calculado nos ganhos médios afim de responder perguntas como: Quais são os principais riscos e características do produto nos países onde já foi implementado?; A Hipoteca Reversa é viável no cenário brasileiro?; Qual seria o tamanho do mercado potencial?; e por fim, o montante financeiro proveniente de uma Hipoteca reversa é relevante sob a ótica de um complemento periódico de renda?
Tais respostas poderão embasar a consideração, ou não, da hipoteca reversa como alternativa de complemento de renda às formas tradicionais de aposentadoria comercializadas no Brasil, podendo este instrumento ser considerado um gerador de renda mensal a idosos, sem que percam a posse do imóvel até a data morte.
The Reverse Mortgage is a concept that is still not widespread in Brazil, but with great potential for generating income for elderly homeowners with insufficient income to pay for a peaceful old age. This public often holds a relevant home equity, which are assets with low liquidity, and for this reason they may not have the ideal monthly income to live adequately at older ages. Through this study, based on models used in countries that already adopt the product and also based on data on properties able to adhere to the product, average price per square meter of residences in Brazil and average income of the active and retired population, we will evaluate the feasibility of this type of loan and the real impacts of the increase in income calculated on average earnings in order to answer questions such as: What are the main risks and characteristics of the product in the countries where it has already been implemented?; Is the Reverse Mortgage viable in the brazilian scenario?; What would be the size of the potential market?; and finally, is the financial amount from a reverse mortgage relevant from the point of view of a periodic income supplement? Such answers may support the consideration, or not, of the reverse mortgage as an alternative to supplement income to the traditional forms of retirement marketed in Brazil, and this instrument may be considered a monthly income generator for the elderly, without them losing possession of the property until the death date.
The Reverse Mortgage is a concept that is still not widespread in Brazil, but with great potential for generating income for elderly homeowners with insufficient income to pay for a peaceful old age. This public often holds a relevant home equity, which are assets with low liquidity, and for this reason they may not have the ideal monthly income to live adequately at older ages. Through this study, based on models used in countries that already adopt the product and also based on data on properties able to adhere to the product, average price per square meter of residences in Brazil and average income of the active and retired population, we will evaluate the feasibility of this type of loan and the real impacts of the increase in income calculated on average earnings in order to answer questions such as: What are the main risks and characteristics of the product in the countries where it has already been implemented?; Is the Reverse Mortgage viable in the brazilian scenario?; What would be the size of the potential market?; and finally, is the financial amount from a reverse mortgage relevant from the point of view of a periodic income supplement? Such answers may support the consideration, or not, of the reverse mortgage as an alternative to supplement income to the traditional forms of retirement marketed in Brazil, and this instrument may be considered a monthly income generator for the elderly, without them losing possession of the property until the death date.