Consumo alimentar de adolescentes brasileiros, dentro e fora da escola: uma análise da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE)
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Objetivo: verificar como se deu o consumo alimentar de adolescentes brasileiros ao longo do tempo, bem como verificar se características sociodemográficas, a presença da fome e a autoimagem corporal inteferem na adesão à alimentação escolar. Métodos: Realizou-se análise de dados secundários das três edições já publicadas da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar – PeNSE. Para avaliar o consumo alimentar foram utilizados dados sobre o consumo regular (cinco ou mais vezes por semana) de marcadores de alimentação saudável (feijão; hortaliças; frutas) e de alimentação não saudável (doces; refrigerantes; salgadinhos fritos). Estes marcadores foram avaliados segundo dados sociodemográficos. E, verificamos as tendências desses marcadores para a população com as análises estratificadas por sexo, raça/cor da pele e situação administrativa da escola. A significância estatística das tendências temporais foi avaliada por modelo de regressão linear. Já para a verificar se características interferem na adesão à alimentação escolar, participaram do estudo, escolares que auto referiram as informações em duas amostras distintas coletadas por meio da PeNSE, do ano de 2015. Resultados: Ao longo de seis anos, três tipos de mudança na dieta dos adolescentes brasileiros foram observados: diminuição do consumo regular de feijão, doces e refrigerantes, aumento do consumo regular de vegetais e consumo estável de frutas e salgadinhos fritos. A respeito da alimentação escolar, foi visto um baixo consumo pelos estudantes brasileiros, sendo maior em adolescentes do sexo masculino e pretos. Em relação a imagem corporal, os adolescentes que se autointitulavam como gordos apresentaram menor adesão à alimentação escolar quando comparados aos que se consideravam com corpo normal, nas escolas privadas. E, a fome está presente entre os adolescentes e, pode influenciar na adesão à alimentação escolar. Conclusão: a composição da dieta de adolescentes brasileiros mudou em um curto período, sendo necessário monitorá-la para propor ações voltadas a esse público. Observou-se pouca adesão à alimentação escolar e que fatores sociodemográficos, a fome e se achar gordo influenciam nesta adesão. A adesão também pode ser influenciada pela qualidade dos cardápios ofertados e, para isso, mudanças nas legislações são necessárias a fim de que estudantes sejam estimulados a consumi-la. É interessante o desenvolvimento de estratégias de educação alimentar e nutricional, o monitoramento da saúde do escolar, a limitação nas propagandas de alimentos para este público, o desenvolvimento de pesquisas e grupos de trabalho sobre a alimentação do adolescente a fim de estimular uma melhor composição da alimentação do adolescente brasileiro, tanto em ambiente escolar, como fora dele.
Objective: to verify how the food consumption of Brazilian adolescents occurred over time, as well as to verify whether sociodemographic characteristics, the presence of hunger and body self-image interfere in adherence to school meals. Methods: Secondary data analysis of the three published editions of the National School Health Survey - PeNSE was carried out. To assess food consumption, data on regular consumption (five or more times a week) of healthy eating markers (beans; vegetables; fruits) and unhealthy eating (sweets; soft drinks; fried snacks) were used. These markers were evaluated according to sociodemographic data. And, we verified the trends of these markers for the population with the analyzes stratified by sex, race / skin color and school administrative situation. The statistical significance of time trends was assessed using a linear regression model. In order to verify whether characteristics interfere with adherence to school meals, students who self-reported the information in two different samples collected through PeNSE, from the year 2015, participated in the study. Results: Over six years, three types of change in the diet of Brazilian adolescents, the following were observed: decrease in the regular consumption of beans, sweets and soft drinks, increase in the regular consumption of vegetables and steady consumption of fruits and fried snacks. Regarding school feeding, low consumption was seen by Brazilian students, being higher among male and black adolescents. In relation to body image, adolescents who described themselves as fat showed less adherence to school meals when compared to those who considered themselves with a normal body in private schools. And, hunger is present among teenagers and can influence adherence to school meals. Conclusion: the composition of the diet of Brazilian adolescents has changed in a short period, and it is necessary to monitor it to propose actions aimed at this audience. Little adherence to school meals was observed and sociodemographic factors, hunger and being fat influence this adherence. Adherence can also be influenced by the quality of the menus offered and, for this, changes in legislation are necessary in order for students to be encouraged to consume it. It is interesting to develop strategies for food and nutrition education, to monitor school health, to limit food advertisements to this audience, to develop research and work groups on adolescent food in order to stimulate a better composition of food. feeding of Brazilian adolescents, both in the school environment and outside.
Objective: to verify how the food consumption of Brazilian adolescents occurred over time, as well as to verify whether sociodemographic characteristics, the presence of hunger and body self-image interfere in adherence to school meals. Methods: Secondary data analysis of the three published editions of the National School Health Survey - PeNSE was carried out. To assess food consumption, data on regular consumption (five or more times a week) of healthy eating markers (beans; vegetables; fruits) and unhealthy eating (sweets; soft drinks; fried snacks) were used. These markers were evaluated according to sociodemographic data. And, we verified the trends of these markers for the population with the analyzes stratified by sex, race / skin color and school administrative situation. The statistical significance of time trends was assessed using a linear regression model. In order to verify whether characteristics interfere with adherence to school meals, students who self-reported the information in two different samples collected through PeNSE, from the year 2015, participated in the study. Results: Over six years, three types of change in the diet of Brazilian adolescents, the following were observed: decrease in the regular consumption of beans, sweets and soft drinks, increase in the regular consumption of vegetables and steady consumption of fruits and fried snacks. Regarding school feeding, low consumption was seen by Brazilian students, being higher among male and black adolescents. In relation to body image, adolescents who described themselves as fat showed less adherence to school meals when compared to those who considered themselves with a normal body in private schools. And, hunger is present among teenagers and can influence adherence to school meals. Conclusion: the composition of the diet of Brazilian adolescents has changed in a short period, and it is necessary to monitor it to propose actions aimed at this audience. Little adherence to school meals was observed and sociodemographic factors, hunger and being fat influence this adherence. Adherence can also be influenced by the quality of the menus offered and, for this, changes in legislation are necessary in order for students to be encouraged to consume it. It is interesting to develop strategies for food and nutrition education, to monitor school health, to limit food advertisements to this audience, to develop research and work groups on adolescent food in order to stimulate a better composition of food. feeding of Brazilian adolescents, both in the school environment and outside.
GONÇALVES, Hélida Ventura Barbosa Consumo alimentar de adolescentes brasileiros, dentro e fora da escola: uma análise da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE). Santos, 2020, 86 f. Tese (Doutorado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) – Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Campus Baixada Santista, Santos, 2020.