Orçamento e governança: a articulação do município de Araraquara no combate à pandemia de Covid-19
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo averiguar o aparente êxito da gestão de Araraquara, do ponto de vista orçamentário, no combate à pandemia da Covid-19 nos anos de 2020/2021. A razão da escolha desse município se deu pela ausência de diálogo do município com o governo federal, considerando a gestão de Edinho Silva (PT-SP) e Jair Bolsonaro (sem partido) à época. A falta de diálogo se deu, além dos fatores políticos institucionais, pela diferença de postura na gestão da pandemia entre o município e o governo federal. Mais precisamente, examinamos como o município orquestrou recursos fiscais para políticas de enfrentamento à pandemia em um contexto de escassez orçamentária, com o que tinha de margem de discricionariedade e competências constitucionais - pesquisar como a liderança local desenvolveu políticas efetivas com o que lhe sobra de espaço para gastos, na conjuntura da questão de desigualdades de orçamento entre municípios. Para fazer esse estudo, examinamos a literatura e tentamos analisar como os gestores de Araraquara conduziram os recursos orçamentários que estavam disponíveis segundo as regras e normas da federação e do município, levando em conta as estruturas de governança - entendida como interação entre atores estatais e societários - e seus impactos nas tarefas da fase aguda da pandemia. A proposta dialoga e complementa o projeto Inovação Responsável e Resiliência em Políticas Sociais (IRR-PS), fator que permitirá analisar o município de Araraquara em perspectiva comparada com municípios de porte similar em todo o Brasil.
The present work aimed to investigate the apparent success of Araraquara's management, from a budgetary point of view, in combating the Covid-19 pandemic in the years 2020/2021. The reason for choosing this municipality was due to the lack of dialogue between the municipality and the federal government, considering the management of Edinho Silva (PT-SP) and Jair Bolsonaro (no party) at the time. The lack of dialogue was due, in addition to institutional political factors, to the difference in stance in managing the pandemic between the municipality and the federal government. More precisely, we examine how the municipality orchestrated fiscal resources for policies to combat the pandemic in a context of budget scarcity, with what it had in terms of discretion and constitutional powers - researching how local leadership developed effective policies with what space it had left for expenses, in the context of the issue of budget inequalities between municipalities. To carry out this study, we examined the literature and tried to analyze how Araraquara managers managed the budgetary resources that were available according to the rules and norms of the federation and the municipality, taking into account governance structures - understood as interaction between state and corporate actors - and its impacts on tasks in the acute phase of the pandemic. The proposal dialogues with and complements the Responsible Innovation and Resilience in Social Policies (IRR-PS) project, a factor that will allow analyzing the municipality of Araraquara in a perspective compared to municipalities of similar size throughout Brazil.
The present work aimed to investigate the apparent success of Araraquara's management, from a budgetary point of view, in combating the Covid-19 pandemic in the years 2020/2021. The reason for choosing this municipality was due to the lack of dialogue between the municipality and the federal government, considering the management of Edinho Silva (PT-SP) and Jair Bolsonaro (no party) at the time. The lack of dialogue was due, in addition to institutional political factors, to the difference in stance in managing the pandemic between the municipality and the federal government. More precisely, we examine how the municipality orchestrated fiscal resources for policies to combat the pandemic in a context of budget scarcity, with what it had in terms of discretion and constitutional powers - researching how local leadership developed effective policies with what space it had left for expenses, in the context of the issue of budget inequalities between municipalities. To carry out this study, we examined the literature and tried to analyze how Araraquara managers managed the budgetary resources that were available according to the rules and norms of the federation and the municipality, taking into account governance structures - understood as interaction between state and corporate actors - and its impacts on tasks in the acute phase of the pandemic. The proposal dialogues with and complements the Responsible Innovation and Resilience in Social Policies (IRR-PS) project, a factor that will allow analyzing the municipality of Araraquara in a perspective compared to municipalities of similar size throughout Brazil.