Espaços domiciliares de estimulação multissensorial (EMS) baseada nos princípios do Snoezelen: estudo piloto
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Introdução: A estimulação multissensorial (EMS) visa estimular os sentidos como, visão,
audição, tato, paladar, olfato, sistema vestibular e proprioceptivo que podem ser áreas
afetadas pela demência. Estudos sobre a EMS em ambientes domiciliares, para as pessoas
idosas com demência e para seus cuidadores familiares são escassos. Objetivo: Avaliar os
efeitos da EMS baseada nos princípios de Snoezelen em ambientes domiciliares de pessoas
idosas com demência, vivendo na comunidade. Materiais e Métodos: A EMS em
ambientes domiciliares foi realizada em 8 sessões, com 1h30 de duração e frequência
semanal. A amostra foi alocada em dois grupos: Experimental e Controle. Os benefícios da
intervenção foram avaliados por medidas de resultado objetivas como, Inventário
Neuropsiquiátrico (INP) e a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Estresse (DASS-21) através
análises descritivas e comparativas considerando o pré e pós-intervenção e o tamanho do
efeito. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 8 famílias, pessoas idosas e seus cuidadores
familiares. Comparando o pré e pós-intervenção através do INP, houve melhora de grande
magnitude no GE em todas as variáveis: Pontuação total no INP (d Cohen= 0,90),
Frequência (d Cohen= 0,91), Intensidade (d Cohen= -1,54), Desgaste do cuidador (d Cohen=
-1,68) e quantidade de comportamentos (d Cohen= -0,82). No DASS-21 houve melhora nas
variáveis: Pontuação total no DASS-21 (d Cohen= -0,31), Ansiedade (d Cohen= -0,96) e
Estresse (d Cohen= -0,31), foi adotado valor de p≤0,05. Conclusão: A EMS baseada nos
princípios de Snoezelen em ambientes domiciliares tem efeito positivo na redução da
frequência e intensidade dos SPCD nas pessoas idosas com demência e no nível de desgaste
com os comportamentos, ansiedade e estresse dos cuidadores.
Introduction: Multisensory Stimulation Interventions (MSI) aims to stimulate the senses such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, vestibular and proprioceptive systems, which can be areas affected by dementia. Studies on MSI in the home environment, both for older adults with dementia and for their caregivers' family members (family caregivers), are scarce. Objective: To evaluate the effects of MSI based on the principles of Snoezelen in home environments for older people living in the community. Materials and Methods: MSI in home environments was carried out in 8 sessions, lasting 1.5 hours and occurring weekly. The sample was allocated into two groups: Experimental and Control. The benefits of the intervention were assessed by objective outcome measures such as the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale (DASS-21) through descriptive and comparative analyses considering pre- and post-intervention and effect size. Results: The sample consisted of 8 families (older adults and their family caregivers). Comparing the pre- and post-intervention through the NPI, there was an improvement of great magnitude in the EG in all the variables: Total score in the NPI (d Cohen= 0.90), Frequency (d Cohen= 0.91), Intensity (d Cohen= -1.54), Caregiver distress (d Cohen= -1.68) and quantity of behaviors (d Cohen= -0.82). In the DASS-21 there was an improvement in the following variables: DASS-21 total score (Cohen's d = -0.31), Anxiety (Cohen's d = -0.96) and Stress (Cohen's d = -0.31), a value of p≤0.05 was adopted. Conclusion: The MSI intervention based on the principles of Snoezelen in home environments has a positive effect on reducing the frequency and intensity of BPSD in the older adults, as well as on the caregiver distress, anxiety and stress of the caregivers regarding these behaviors.
Introduction: Multisensory Stimulation Interventions (MSI) aims to stimulate the senses such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, vestibular and proprioceptive systems, which can be areas affected by dementia. Studies on MSI in the home environment, both for older adults with dementia and for their caregivers' family members (family caregivers), are scarce. Objective: To evaluate the effects of MSI based on the principles of Snoezelen in home environments for older people living in the community. Materials and Methods: MSI in home environments was carried out in 8 sessions, lasting 1.5 hours and occurring weekly. The sample was allocated into two groups: Experimental and Control. The benefits of the intervention were assessed by objective outcome measures such as the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale (DASS-21) through descriptive and comparative analyses considering pre- and post-intervention and effect size. Results: The sample consisted of 8 families (older adults and their family caregivers). Comparing the pre- and post-intervention through the NPI, there was an improvement of great magnitude in the EG in all the variables: Total score in the NPI (d Cohen= 0.90), Frequency (d Cohen= 0.91), Intensity (d Cohen= -1.54), Caregiver distress (d Cohen= -1.68) and quantity of behaviors (d Cohen= -0.82). In the DASS-21 there was an improvement in the following variables: DASS-21 total score (Cohen's d = -0.31), Anxiety (Cohen's d = -0.96) and Stress (Cohen's d = -0.31), a value of p≤0.05 was adopted. Conclusion: The MSI intervention based on the principles of Snoezelen in home environments has a positive effect on reducing the frequency and intensity of BPSD in the older adults, as well as on the caregiver distress, anxiety and stress of the caregivers regarding these behaviors.
MAURICIO, Beatriz Zima Borsari. Espaços domiciliares de estimulação multissensorial (EMS) baseada nos princípios do Snoezelen: estudo piloto. 2023. 56 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.