Estudo da qualidade de vida em indivíduos com paralisia facial periférica adquirida crônica
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Objetivo: Analisar a qualidade de vida em indivíduos com paralisia facial periférica adquirida crônica. Métodos: Dentre diversos indivíduos com essa patologia, 12 pacientes com paralisia facial periférica adquirida na fase de sequela foram selecionados, pelo serviço de Fonoaudiologia da Associação dos Deficientes Físicos de Alagoas, para análise por meio de um protocolo de identificação e avaliação. Este procedimento foi realizado para verificar o grau da paralisia facial periférica adquirida; para entrevistar o paciente por meio de perguntas fechadas; obter esclarecimentos sobre sua musculatura da face (repouso e movimento) e verificar se há interferência da paralisia facial periférica adquirida em sua vida. O tipo de estudo foi transversal e para comparar as etiologias com a idade do estudo foi utilizado o teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney e, para as demais comparações, o teste exato de Fisher. Para todos os testes foi adotado o nível de significância de 5%. A média do tempo de acometimento para a paralisia facial periférica de Bell foi de 138,67 dias e, por Schwannoma a média foi de 173,33 dias. Foram encontrados 9 indivíduos (75%) com paralisia facial periférica de Bell e 3 (25%) com paralisia facial periférica por Schwannoma. Resultados: Na classificação de House & Brackmann (1985), quanto ao grau da paralisia facial, os graus foram divididos da seguinte forma: I-II, III-IV e V-VI, sendo encontrados 7 indivíduos (58,3%) nos graus I-II, 3 (25%) nos graus III-IV e 2 (16,7%) nos graus V-VI. Na auto-percepção dos movimentos faciais em repouso na paralisia de Bell e por Schwannoma para os graus I-II todos responderam a face como ótima, e nos graus V-VI todos responderam péssima. Na paralisia de Bell nos graus III-IV a maioria respondeu péssima e, por Schwannoma não houve nessa pesquisa esse grupo de grau. Na auto-percepção dos movimentos faciais em movimento na paralisia de Bell nos graus I-II 80% responderam a face como ótima e 20% responderam péssima, e nos grupos de graus III-IV e V-VI todos responderam péssima. Por Schwannoma nos graus I-II todos responderam ótima e nos graus V-VI todos responderam péssima.
Purpose: To assess the quality of life in individuals with chronic acquired peripheral facial palsy. Methods: Among several individuals with this disease, 12 individuals with facial palsy acquired during the sequel were selected by the department of Speech Pathology Association of Disabled Persons of Alagoas for analysis by means of a protocol for the identification and assessment. This procedure was performed to determine the degree of facial palsy gained, to interview the patient by means of closed questions, seek clarification of the musculature of the face (rest and movement) and check for interference in facial palsy gained in your life. The type of cross-sectional study was to compare the etiology at the age of the study we used the nonparametric test Mann-Whitney, and for other comparisons, the Fisher exact test. For all tests was adopted significance level of 5%. The mean time of onset for peripheral facial palsy was 138, 67 days, and Schwannoma the average was 173,33 days. Found 9 individuals (75%) with Bell's palsy and 3 (25%) with peripheral facial palsy by Schwannoma. Results: In the classification of House & Brackmann (1985), the degree of facial palsy, the grades were divided as follows: I-II, III-IV and V-VI, and found 7 individuals (58,3%) in grade I-II, 3 (25%) in grades III-IV and 2 (16,7%) in grade V-VI. In self-perception of facial movements at rest in Bell's palsy and Schwannoma for grades I-II all answered to face as great, and in grade V-VI all accounted bad. In Bell's palsy in grade III-IV answered most terrible, and Schwannomas in this study that no group of grade. In self-perception of facial movements in motion in Bell's palsy in grades I-II 80% answered to face as excellent and 20% said bad, and the groups of grade III-IV and V-VI all accounted bad. By Schwannoma in grades I-II all answered great and degrees V-VI all accounted bad. When asked about the complaint and the degree of discomfort for synkinesis and contracture in Bell's palsy in the group of all grades I-II (5) will not report, the group of all grades III-IV (3) and the group had much grade V-VI a single individual had much complaint. Schwannoma by the group of all grades I-II (2) did not complain and the group of grade V-VI single individual answered a lot of abuse. Of responses related to impaired activities of professional and personal, in Bell's palsy in the group of all grades I-II (5) reported no impairment in the group of all grades III-IV (3) answered very prejudice and the group of degree V VI - a single individual (1) also answered much damage. Schwannoma by the group of all grades I-II (2) answered no and the group of grade V-VI a single individual (1) answered much damage. Conclusion: The facial palsy acquired chronic interfered with quality of life of individuals with advanced degrees.
Purpose: To assess the quality of life in individuals with chronic acquired peripheral facial palsy. Methods: Among several individuals with this disease, 12 individuals with facial palsy acquired during the sequel were selected by the department of Speech Pathology Association of Disabled Persons of Alagoas for analysis by means of a protocol for the identification and assessment. This procedure was performed to determine the degree of facial palsy gained, to interview the patient by means of closed questions, seek clarification of the musculature of the face (rest and movement) and check for interference in facial palsy gained in your life. The type of cross-sectional study was to compare the etiology at the age of the study we used the nonparametric test Mann-Whitney, and for other comparisons, the Fisher exact test. For all tests was adopted significance level of 5%. The mean time of onset for peripheral facial palsy was 138, 67 days, and Schwannoma the average was 173,33 days. Found 9 individuals (75%) with Bell's palsy and 3 (25%) with peripheral facial palsy by Schwannoma. Results: In the classification of House & Brackmann (1985), the degree of facial palsy, the grades were divided as follows: I-II, III-IV and V-VI, and found 7 individuals (58,3%) in grade I-II, 3 (25%) in grades III-IV and 2 (16,7%) in grade V-VI. In self-perception of facial movements at rest in Bell's palsy and Schwannoma for grades I-II all answered to face as great, and in grade V-VI all accounted bad. In Bell's palsy in grade III-IV answered most terrible, and Schwannomas in this study that no group of grade. In self-perception of facial movements in motion in Bell's palsy in grades I-II 80% answered to face as excellent and 20% said bad, and the groups of grade III-IV and V-VI all accounted bad. By Schwannoma in grades I-II all answered great and degrees V-VI all accounted bad. When asked about the complaint and the degree of discomfort for synkinesis and contracture in Bell's palsy in the group of all grades I-II (5) will not report, the group of all grades III-IV (3) and the group had much grade V-VI a single individual had much complaint. Schwannoma by the group of all grades I-II (2) did not complain and the group of grade V-VI single individual answered a lot of abuse. Of responses related to impaired activities of professional and personal, in Bell's palsy in the group of all grades I-II (5) reported no impairment in the group of all grades III-IV (3) answered very prejudice and the group of degree V VI - a single individual (1) also answered much damage. Schwannoma by the group of all grades I-II (2) answered no and the group of grade V-VI a single individual (1) answered much damage. Conclusion: The facial palsy acquired chronic interfered with quality of life of individuals with advanced degrees.
SANTOS, Rayné Moreira Melo. Estudo da qualidade de vida em indivíduos com paralisia facial periférica adquirida crônica. 2010. 69f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2010.