Impactos do Turismo de Veraneio na Gestão Pública de Santos
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As Zonas Costeiras (ZC) e os seres humanos apresentam fortes laços desde o período de
colonização do país. O oceano, que antes era considerado indecifrável e indomável pelos
primeiros navegadores, hoje é provedor de diversos serviços ecossistêmicos para a humanidade
e garante a manutenção da vida no planeta. Ao longo dos anos, e por meio da ocupação das ZC
ocorreu um rápido e intenso processo de metropolização da Baixada Santista, em especial no
município de Santos. Esse processo resultou em verticalizações e conglomerados de indivíduos
que, por sua vez, acarretam pressões tanto na qualidade ambiental da região, quanto na gestão
de recursos públicos. Entre as diferentes pressões e impactos que ocorrem na ZC, esse trabalho
irá se dedicar a explorar o turismo de veraneio, onde um grande contingente de indivíduos se
desloca de suas residências fixas localizadas em outros municípios, para suas casas de veraneio,
à procura de lazer. Como consequência desses deslocamentos, nota-se um aumento
populacional, insuficiência de esgotamento sanitário, fragilidade na coleta seletiva, aumento do
trânsito de veículos, falta de água e entre outros. Esses problemas resultam em alterações na
balneabilidade, aumento da poluição e entre outros que acarretam desafios na gestão pública.
Nesse sentido, por meio de revisão da literatura e análise documental, o presente trabalho teve
como objetivo principal mapear os possíveis impactos gerados pela prática de turismo de
veraneio, sob a ótica da governança ambiental, considerando os fluxos e a dinamicidade
litorânea. Para isso, o problema foi ilustrado com um estudo de caso da cidade de Santos, em
São Paulo. Concluiu-se que para compreender a dinâmica da região, bem como, os fatores a
serem aprimorados para uma melhor Gestão Costeira Integrada todos os atores e vetores
precisam ser considerados. As decisões que abrangem atividades que possuem impactos diretos
em outras pastas, como a de turismo e a ambiental, podem ter a Gestão Costeira Integrada como
um elo entre os setores da esfera municipal para assim promulgar mudanças significativas na
forma atual de gestão, que por muitas vezes atuam isoladamente.
The coast and human beings have been strong ties since the country's colonization period. The ocean, which was previously considered indecipherable and indomitable by first settlers, is today a provider of various ecosystem services for humanity and a guarantee of life on the planet. Over the years, and through the occupation of the coast, there has not been a rapid and intense process of metropolization of Baixada Santista, especially the municipality of Santos. This process resulted in verticalization and management conglomerates of public entities that, in turn, pay for resources, both in terms of the region's environmental quality and public management. Among the different capacities and impacts that move along the coast, these houses will dedicate themselves to exploring the tourism of leisure residences, where a large number of leisure residences located in other municipalities are located, looking for work. As a consequence of these displacements, there has been an increase in the number of people on the coast, a resource for sanitary sewage, in the selective collection, increase in vehicle traffic, lack of water and others. Capacity issues, troubleshooting changes in the civil service change. In this sense, the main objective of this work is to map the impacts generated by the practice of summer tourism, from the perspective of environmental governance, considering the flows and coastal dynamics. For this, the problem will be illustrated with a case study of the city of Santos, on the central coast of São Paulo. It was concluded that to understand the dynamics of the region, as well as the factors to be improved for a better Integrated Coastal Management, all actors and vectors need to be considered. Decisions that contemplate activities that have direct impacts on other portfolios, such as tourism and the environment, can have Integrated Coastal Management as a link between sectors at the municipal level, thus enacting significant changes in the current form of management, which for many sometimes act in isolation.
The coast and human beings have been strong ties since the country's colonization period. The ocean, which was previously considered indecipherable and indomitable by first settlers, is today a provider of various ecosystem services for humanity and a guarantee of life on the planet. Over the years, and through the occupation of the coast, there has not been a rapid and intense process of metropolization of Baixada Santista, especially the municipality of Santos. This process resulted in verticalization and management conglomerates of public entities that, in turn, pay for resources, both in terms of the region's environmental quality and public management. Among the different capacities and impacts that move along the coast, these houses will dedicate themselves to exploring the tourism of leisure residences, where a large number of leisure residences located in other municipalities are located, looking for work. As a consequence of these displacements, there has been an increase in the number of people on the coast, a resource for sanitary sewage, in the selective collection, increase in vehicle traffic, lack of water and others. Capacity issues, troubleshooting changes in the civil service change. In this sense, the main objective of this work is to map the impacts generated by the practice of summer tourism, from the perspective of environmental governance, considering the flows and coastal dynamics. For this, the problem will be illustrated with a case study of the city of Santos, on the central coast of São Paulo. It was concluded that to understand the dynamics of the region, as well as the factors to be improved for a better Integrated Coastal Management, all actors and vectors need to be considered. Decisions that contemplate activities that have direct impacts on other portfolios, such as tourism and the environment, can have Integrated Coastal Management as a link between sectors at the municipal level, thus enacting significant changes in the current form of management, which for many sometimes act in isolation.
ALVES, Juliana Rodrigues. Impactos do Turismo de Veraneio na Gestão Pública de Santos. 2022. 43 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.