Processo seletivo de ingresso no ensino médio integrado do instituto federal de São Paulo: análise crítica de dois modelos
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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal analisar os modelos de seleção utilizados nos processos seletivos dos cursos técnicos integrados ao ensino médio do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP) e a sua relação com o perfil socioeconômico e o desempenho acadêmico dos ingressantes. Historicamente, o IFSP utilizou a prova como modelo de seleção em seus processos seletivos de ingresso aos cursos técnicos. Esse modelo de seleção, somado à disparidade educacional entre as redes públicas e privadas, potencializava as chances de ingresso de alunos de escolas privadas e, em contrapartida, afastava o acesso de alunos oriundos de escolas públicas. A partir de 2017, por questões orçamentarias, a instituição passa a utilizar a análise de histórico escolar como
modelo de seleção em seus certames. Para alguns segmentos da comunidade escolar, essa mudança poderia proporcionar o ingresso de alunos “menos capacitados”, que apresentariam mais dificuldades pedagógicas e sociais, as quais poderiam dificultar que conseguissem acompanhar o “ritmo de ensino da federal”, elevando o número de evasões e retenções. Diante do exposto, buscamos analisar se a escolha do modelo de seleção pela instituição pode potencializar, ou não, o acesso de alunos de escolas públicas ao IFSP, bem como averiguar qual seria o perfil dos candidatos e ingressantes submetidos a diferentes modelos de seleção. Observamos também a efetividade da aplicação da Lei n. 12711/12 (Lei de Cotas),
implantada pelo IFSP nos editais de processo seletivo a partir de 2012, que assegurava 50% das vagas ofertadas a alunos que cursaram integralmente o ensino fundamental em escola pública. Analisamos dados quantitativos dos processos seletivos de 2010, 2016, 2018 e 2021, que utilizaram diferentes modelos de seleção, e variaram quanto a disponibilizar a reserva de vagas para alunos de escola pública.
Para compreender as possíveis alterações nos perfis dos candidatos e ingressantes, utilizamos como lócus de nossa pesquisa o Campus São Paulo, unidade mais antiga do IFSP e que apresenta o maior número de inscritos dentre todos os campi do IFSP. Pudemos constatar a importância da Lei de Cotas na ampliação do acesso de estudantes oriundos de escolas públicas à Instituição e verificamos igualmente que a escolha do modelo de seleção de análise curricular contribuiu para que tivéssemos um número maior de aprovados egressos da rede pública. Percebemos, também, que a implantação da Lei de Cotas e a aplicação do modelo de análise curricular nos processos de seleção não proporcionaram o aumento de retenções e evasões dos cursos analisados. Identificamos a necessidade da divulgação do processo seletivo, de forma ampliada e regular, junto às escolas da rede pública, e a ampliação de ações afirmativas institucionais visando à ampliação do acesso de egressos da rede pública de ensino.
The main goal of this study is to analyze the different instruments employed to select students for Integrated Technical and High-School courses at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo – IFSP [São Paulo Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology], as well as the relationship between those instruments and admitted students’ socioeconomic profile and academic performance. IFSP has historically employed tests to select students for its technical courses. This instrument, combined with the educational disparity between public and private schools, favored private school applicants and posed an obstacle for public school ones. For financial reasons, in 2017 the Institute started using school records as a selection instrument. Some groups feared that this change would bring “less capable” students into the Institution – that is, students with learning and/or social issues that might prevent them from keeping up with a “federal school’s pace” and thus increase dropout and failure rates. This has prompted us to analyze the impact of student selection models on the admittance chances of public school applicants, and also to investigate the profile of both applicants and admitted students in relation to the various student selection instruments. We have also ascertained the effectiveness of Law no. 12.711/12, implemented by IFSP in its student selection processes from 2012 onwards, which secures a quota of 50% of the available spots for public school applicants. We have analyzed quantitative data from four student selection processes (2010, 2016, 2018, and 2021) with different selection instruments and that did not always employ quotas for public school applicants. In order to understand possible changes in the profiles of applicants and admitted students, we have chosen as research locus the São Paulo Campus, IFSP’s oldest and the one with the greatest number of applicants. We have verified the importance of Law no. 12.711/12 in increasing public school applicants’ access to the Institute. In addition, we have ascertained that the analysis of school records as a student selection instrument did not increase student failure or dropout rates for the courses under analysis. The study shows that the access of public school applicants to IFSP courses can and should be promoted by better advertising the student selection process to public schools and by expanding institutional affirmative actions.
The main goal of this study is to analyze the different instruments employed to select students for Integrated Technical and High-School courses at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo – IFSP [São Paulo Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology], as well as the relationship between those instruments and admitted students’ socioeconomic profile and academic performance. IFSP has historically employed tests to select students for its technical courses. This instrument, combined with the educational disparity between public and private schools, favored private school applicants and posed an obstacle for public school ones. For financial reasons, in 2017 the Institute started using school records as a selection instrument. Some groups feared that this change would bring “less capable” students into the Institution – that is, students with learning and/or social issues that might prevent them from keeping up with a “federal school’s pace” and thus increase dropout and failure rates. This has prompted us to analyze the impact of student selection models on the admittance chances of public school applicants, and also to investigate the profile of both applicants and admitted students in relation to the various student selection instruments. We have also ascertained the effectiveness of Law no. 12.711/12, implemented by IFSP in its student selection processes from 2012 onwards, which secures a quota of 50% of the available spots for public school applicants. We have analyzed quantitative data from four student selection processes (2010, 2016, 2018, and 2021) with different selection instruments and that did not always employ quotas for public school applicants. In order to understand possible changes in the profiles of applicants and admitted students, we have chosen as research locus the São Paulo Campus, IFSP’s oldest and the one with the greatest number of applicants. We have verified the importance of Law no. 12.711/12 in increasing public school applicants’ access to the Institute. In addition, we have ascertained that the analysis of school records as a student selection instrument did not increase student failure or dropout rates for the courses under analysis. The study shows that the access of public school applicants to IFSP courses can and should be promoted by better advertising the student selection process to public schools and by expanding institutional affirmative actions.