Processo de upcycling do policloreto de vinila por adição de termoplástico de poliuretano proveniente da indústria calçadista
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Um dos maiores desafios da humanidade é manter o desenvolvimento econômico, com produção em larga escala, porém de forma sustentável. Os resíduos gerados pela sociedade e indústrias são cada vez maiores e os recursos naturais são limitados. Com isso, o tema “desenvolvimento sustentável” tem ganhado muita importância na atualidade. A título de exemplo podemos citar a indústria que está tendo que lidar com este desafio é a calçadista, que produz uma grande quantidade de resíduos ao longo de sua cadeia produtiva, além do fato do ciclo de vida do calçado ser curto e normalmente destinado a aterros ou incineração. Uma alternativa de destinação consciente desses resíduos industriais é a adoção da prática do upcycling, ou seja, uma reciclagem dos termoplásticos injetáveis, os quais podem ser reutilizados como novas partidas, de qualidade igual ou superior dos materiais, para a fabricação dos calçados. Entre os polímeros mais utilizados pela indústria calçadista tem-se o termoplástico policloreto de vinila (PVC) e o termoplástico poliuretano (TPU). O objetivo desta dissertação foi recuperar o desempenho original do termoplástico de policloreto de vinila (PVC) após reciclo do material, que foi obtido a partir de resíduos gerados pela indústria de calçados, adicionando termoplástico de poliuretano (TPU) em sua composição, a fim de possibilitar seu uso em novos calçados. Os testes foram realizados em diferentes composições de TPU e PVC puro ou reciclado, visando avaliar o desempenho do material e a possibilidade de upcycling do PVC. Neste estudo, a adição de 50% a 30% de TPU ao PVC reciclado resultou em blendas poliméricas aplicáveis na indústria calçadista, com resistência à abrasão duas vezes maior que o PVC puro. Essa técnica é uma solução viável e vantajosa para produzir calçados mais duráveis e sustentáveis, alinhados com o conceito de upcycling e atendendo às demandas dos consumidores e da preservação do meio ambiente.
One of the greatest challenges facing humanity is to maintain economic development with large-scale production in a sustainable manner. The waste generated by society and industries is increasingly growing, while natural resources are limited. Therefore, the theme of "sustainable development" has gained great importance in modern times. As an example, we can cite the footwear industry, which is facing the challenge of producing a large amount of waste throughout its production chain, in addition to the short lifespan of shoes that are typically destined for landfills or incineration. An alternative approach for the responsible disposal of this industrial waste is the adoption of upcycling practices, which involves the recycling of injectable thermoplastics that can be reused as new materials of equal or superior quality for shoe production. Among the most commonly used polymers in the footwear industry are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). The objective of this dissertation was to recover the original performance of PVC thermoplastic after recycling the material obtained from waste generated by the footwear industry, by adding TPU thermoplastic to its composition in order to enable its use in new shoes. Tests were carried out on different compositions of TPU and pure or recycled PVC to evaluate the performance of the material and the possibility of upcycling PVC. In this study, the addition of 50% to 30% TPU to recycled PVC resulted in polymer blends that are applicable in the footwear industry with abrasion resistance twice that of pure PVC. This technique is a viable and advantageous solution for producing more durable and sustainable footwear that aligns with the concept of upcycling and meets the demands of consumers and environmental preservation.
One of the greatest challenges facing humanity is to maintain economic development with large-scale production in a sustainable manner. The waste generated by society and industries is increasingly growing, while natural resources are limited. Therefore, the theme of "sustainable development" has gained great importance in modern times. As an example, we can cite the footwear industry, which is facing the challenge of producing a large amount of waste throughout its production chain, in addition to the short lifespan of shoes that are typically destined for landfills or incineration. An alternative approach for the responsible disposal of this industrial waste is the adoption of upcycling practices, which involves the recycling of injectable thermoplastics that can be reused as new materials of equal or superior quality for shoe production. Among the most commonly used polymers in the footwear industry are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). The objective of this dissertation was to recover the original performance of PVC thermoplastic after recycling the material obtained from waste generated by the footwear industry, by adding TPU thermoplastic to its composition in order to enable its use in new shoes. Tests were carried out on different compositions of TPU and pure or recycled PVC to evaluate the performance of the material and the possibility of upcycling PVC. In this study, the addition of 50% to 30% TPU to recycled PVC resulted in polymer blends that are applicable in the footwear industry with abrasion resistance twice that of pure PVC. This technique is a viable and advantageous solution for producing more durable and sustainable footwear that aligns with the concept of upcycling and meets the demands of consumers and environmental preservation.