Avaliação de métodos de fixação do sistema nervoso central do rato: estudo de banco de tecidos
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Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar ultraestruturalmente a qualidade da
fixação do sistema nervoso central de ratos Wistar machos normais por meio das
técnicas de perfusão transcardíaca com infusão por bomba peristáltica (volume),
coluna d’água (pressão hidrostática) e imersão. Métodos: Foram utilizadas amostras
de hipocampo dorsal e córtex parietal oriundos de um banco de tecidos. Os blocos
foram processados e incluídos em resina epoxy para avaliação ultraestrutural através
da análise ao microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. Resultados: A análise
ultraestrutural revelou que o método de fixação por imersão compromete severamente
a estrutura celular das duas regiões analisadas, produzindo sinais de autólise. Os
animais cuja fixação foi realizada por meio de perfusão transcardíaca com bomba
peristáltica (pressão) ajustada para o débito cardíaco ou coluna d’água (pressão
hidrostática) com pressão fisiológica apresentaram ultraestrutura bem preservada,
com discreta superioridade no grupo perfundido por coluna d’água. Por outro lado, os
animais fixados por perfusão transcardíaca com infusão por bomba peristáltica e
volume aumentado ou por método de coluna d ́água com pressão aumentada
apresentaram sinais de alteração da ultraestrutura celular e das bainhas de mielina,
em especial nos animais perfundidos pelo método de coluna d’água. Conclusões: O
método de fixação por imersão produziu alterações ultraestruturais típicas de autólise.
A fixação por perfusão transcardíaca com infusão por bomba peristáltica ou por coluna
d’água, desde que respeitadas as condições fisiológicas ideais proporcionou uma boa
qualidade de preservação do tecido nervoso de ratos, em contrapartida à qualidade
severamente comprometida do tecido nervoso fixado por meio de perfusão
transcardíaca nos dois métodos empregados sem a devida atenção aos parâmetros
Objective: The objective of this study was to ultrastructurally evaluate the quality of fixation of the central nervous system of normal male Wistar rats through the techniques of transcardiac perfusion with peristaltic pump infusion (volume), water column (hydrostatic pressure), and immersion. Methods: Samples from the dorsal hippocampus and parietal cortex from a tissue bank were used. The blocks were processed and embedded in epoxy resin for ultrastructural evaluation through transmission electron microscope analysis. Results: The ultrastructural analysis revealed that the immersion fixation method severely compromised the cell structure in both regions, producing autolysis hallmarks. The animals whose fixation was performed employing transcardiac perfusion with a peristaltic pump (pressure) adjusted for cardiac debit or water column (hydrostatic pressure) with physiological pressure presented well-preserved ultrastructure, with slight superiority in the group perfused by a water column method. On the other hand, animals fixed by transcardiac perfusion with peristaltic pump infusion and increased volume or by the water column method with increased pressure showed ultrastructural and myelin sheaths, especially in animals perfused by the method of a column of water. Conclusions: The immersion fixation method produced ultrastructural changes typical of autolysis. Fixation by transcardiac perfusion with infusion by a peristaltic pump or by a water column, under ideal physiological conditions, provided a good quality of nervous tissue preservation in rats, in contrast to the severely compromised quality of the nervous tissue fixed by perfusion in both methods used without the proper attention to physiological parameters.
Objective: The objective of this study was to ultrastructurally evaluate the quality of fixation of the central nervous system of normal male Wistar rats through the techniques of transcardiac perfusion with peristaltic pump infusion (volume), water column (hydrostatic pressure), and immersion. Methods: Samples from the dorsal hippocampus and parietal cortex from a tissue bank were used. The blocks were processed and embedded in epoxy resin for ultrastructural evaluation through transmission electron microscope analysis. Results: The ultrastructural analysis revealed that the immersion fixation method severely compromised the cell structure in both regions, producing autolysis hallmarks. The animals whose fixation was performed employing transcardiac perfusion with a peristaltic pump (pressure) adjusted for cardiac debit or water column (hydrostatic pressure) with physiological pressure presented well-preserved ultrastructure, with slight superiority in the group perfused by a water column method. On the other hand, animals fixed by transcardiac perfusion with peristaltic pump infusion and increased volume or by the water column method with increased pressure showed ultrastructural and myelin sheaths, especially in animals perfused by the method of a column of water. Conclusions: The immersion fixation method produced ultrastructural changes typical of autolysis. Fixation by transcardiac perfusion with infusion by a peristaltic pump or by a water column, under ideal physiological conditions, provided a good quality of nervous tissue preservation in rats, in contrast to the severely compromised quality of the nervous tissue fixed by perfusion in both methods used without the proper attention to physiological parameters.