Uma realidade para ser refletida: práticas de atendimento em um serviço de saúde na Colômbia
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O sistema de Saúde na Colombia passa por um processo de reforma no sentido de garantir as condicoes de acesso universal a populacao em todos os niveis de assistencia. Para tanto, o atual Sistema de Seguridade Social em Saúde possui duas modalidades de afiliacao: uma para aqueles que podem pagar pelos servicos de Saúde (regime contributivo) e outra para a populacao sem possibilidade de custear o atendimento a Saúde (regime subsidiado). A conjuntura imposta por essa reforma gera uma serie de inquietacoes tanto nos usuarios quanto nos profissionais de Saúde. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de analisar as representacoes sociais sobre Saúde e doenca e as praticas de atendimento em Saúde no ambito de uma instituicao prestadora de servicos (IPS) na cidade de Santafe de Bogota (Colombia) a partir do ponto de vista da equipe de Saúde e das familias usuarias do regime subsidiado. Para coletar os dados utilizamos a observacao participante, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e a aplicacao de um formulario. A analise dos dados foi realizada a partir de um recorte tematico e sua interpretacao baseou-se no marco teorico das representacoes sociais. Os temas analisados foram Saúde, doenca, praticas de Saúde, politicas e programas no regime subsidiado, familia e Saúde familiar. Estes temas evidenciaram alguns elementos que favoreceram maior compreensao dos usuarios e dos profissionais, assim como, de suas expectativas quanto ao Sistema de Seguridade Social em Saúde. Esta pesquisa permitiu verificar que existem diferencas quanto aos significados atribuidos aos temas acima mencionados entre usuarios e profissionais de Saúde, tais diferencas nao sao vistas como problema, e por isso mesmo, nao sao discutidas nem consideradas. Na pratica isto constitui uma barreira para a implementacao dos programas de Saúde
The health system in Colombia is experiencing a process of change in order to guarantee conditions of an universal access for the population in all the levels of assistance. For this purpose, the current Social Security System in Health has two modalities of affiliation: one for those who can afford the health services (contributory system) and another one for the population without any condition to afford the health assistance (subsidized system). The conjuncture resulting from this change generates a disturbing situation both for users and health professionals. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze social representations on health and diseases and the assistance practices of the health assistance in a institution rendering services in the city of Santafé de Bogotá (Colombia) from the point of view of the health staff and users’ family of the subsidized system. In order to collect data, participatory observation, semi-structures interviews and the application of a questionnaires were used. Data analysis was performed from a thematic clip and its interpretation was based on a theoretical mark of the social representations. The following subjects were analyzed: health, disease, health practices, policies and programs of the subsidized system, family and family’s health. These subjects evidence some elements that favors a greater comprehension of the users and professionals, as well as their hope regarding the Social Security System in Health. This research allowed to verify that there are differences in relation to the meanings among users and health professionals associated to the subjects above mentioned. These differences are not considered as a problem and thus, they are not discussed and not even considered. In the practice it does not constitute an obstacle to implement health programs.
The health system in Colombia is experiencing a process of change in order to guarantee conditions of an universal access for the population in all the levels of assistance. For this purpose, the current Social Security System in Health has two modalities of affiliation: one for those who can afford the health services (contributory system) and another one for the population without any condition to afford the health assistance (subsidized system). The conjuncture resulting from this change generates a disturbing situation both for users and health professionals. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze social representations on health and diseases and the assistance practices of the health assistance in a institution rendering services in the city of Santafé de Bogotá (Colombia) from the point of view of the health staff and users’ family of the subsidized system. In order to collect data, participatory observation, semi-structures interviews and the application of a questionnaires were used. Data analysis was performed from a thematic clip and its interpretation was based on a theoretical mark of the social representations. The following subjects were analyzed: health, disease, health practices, policies and programs of the subsidized system, family and family’s health. These subjects evidence some elements that favors a greater comprehension of the users and professionals, as well as their hope regarding the Social Security System in Health. This research allowed to verify that there are differences in relation to the meanings among users and health professionals associated to the subjects above mentioned. These differences are not considered as a problem and thus, they are not discussed and not even considered. In the practice it does not constitute an obstacle to implement health programs.
AVILA RINCÓN, Luz Alcira. Uma realidade para ser refletida: práticas de atendimento em um serviço de saúde na Colômbia. 1999. 178 f. Tese (Doutorado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 1999.