Conhecimento dos fonoaudiólogos de Alagoas sobre a Doença de Parkinson
Dissertação de mestrado
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Objetivo: Delinear o perfil sociodemográfico e profissional dos fonoaudiólogos de
Alagoas, bem como seu conhecimento sobre a atuação e achados fonoaudiológicos
na Doença de Parkinson (DP). Além disso, avaliar o conhecimento sobre Morte Súbita
e Inesperada na Doença de Parkinson (SUDPAR) entre os fonoaudiólogos no Estado
e as opiniões desses profissionais sobre conversar ou não com seus pacientes sobre
o fenômeno da SUDPAR. Métodos: Os fonoaudiólogos de Alagoas foram recrutados
através de busca ativa nas mídias sociais; em seguida, responderam a um
questionário estruturado com questões sobre o perfil profissional e sociodemográfico,
sobre os achados fonoaudiológicos na DP, além de SUDPAR. Resultados: . Ao
caracterizar os fonoaudiólogos desta região, 91,6% são do sexo feminino, 43,4% com
idade entre 31-40 e 60,1% são especialistas. A grande maioria respondeu
satisfatoriamente a todas as perguntas a respeito dos achados fonoaudiológicos na
DP. A grande maioria dos fonoaudiólogos (87,2%) não conhece o fenômeno de
SUDPAR. Dentre os 26 que conhecem sobre SUDPAR, 15 afirmaram que conversam
com os pacientes e seus familiares/cuidadores sobre o fenômeno quando estes
questionam sobre os riscos relacionados à possibilidade. Conclusões: A
fonoaudiologia do Estado de Alagoas é uma profissão jovem e feminina, com a maioria
dos profissionais especialistas que atuam, principalmente, na área de linguagem e
trabalham nos serviços de saúde alocados na capital Maceió. Apesar de conhecerem
a ampla atuação e achados clínicos fonoaudiológicos na DP, não conhecem os dados
epidemiológicos na DP e o fenômeno de SUDPAR.
Objective: To delineate the sociodemographic and professional profile of speech therapists and audiologists in Alagoas, as well as their knowledge about the performance and speech therapy findings in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). In addition, to evaluate the knowledge about Sudden and Unexpected Death in Parkinson’s Disease (SUDPAR) among Speech-Language Pathologists and audiologists in the State and their opinions about talking or not with their patients about the phenomenon of SUDPAR. Methods: Speech-language pathologists and audiologists from Alagoas were recruited through an active search on social media; then they answered a structured questionnaire with questions about SUDPAR, professional and sociodemographic profile, as well as speech therapy findings and performance and findings in PD. Results: When characterizing the speech therapists and audiologists of Alagoas, it was found that 91.6% are female, 43.4% aged between 31-40 and 60.1% are specialists. The great majority answered satisfactorily to all questions about speech therapy findings in PD. The vast majority of speech therapists and audiologists (87.2%) do not know about the SUDPAR phenomenon. Among the 26 who know about SUDPAR, 15 stated that they talk to patients and their families/caregivers about the phenomenon when they ask about the risks related to the possibility of SUDPAR. Conclusions: Speech therapy and audiologists in the state of Alagoas is a young and female profession, with most of the specialist professionals working mainly in the language area and working in the health services allocated in the capital Maceió. Although they are aware of the wide range of speech therapy activities and clinical findings in PD, they do not know the epidemiological data on PD and the SUDPAR phenomenon.
Objective: To delineate the sociodemographic and professional profile of speech therapists and audiologists in Alagoas, as well as their knowledge about the performance and speech therapy findings in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). In addition, to evaluate the knowledge about Sudden and Unexpected Death in Parkinson’s Disease (SUDPAR) among Speech-Language Pathologists and audiologists in the State and their opinions about talking or not with their patients about the phenomenon of SUDPAR. Methods: Speech-language pathologists and audiologists from Alagoas were recruited through an active search on social media; then they answered a structured questionnaire with questions about SUDPAR, professional and sociodemographic profile, as well as speech therapy findings and performance and findings in PD. Results: When characterizing the speech therapists and audiologists of Alagoas, it was found that 91.6% are female, 43.4% aged between 31-40 and 60.1% are specialists. The great majority answered satisfactorily to all questions about speech therapy findings in PD. The vast majority of speech therapists and audiologists (87.2%) do not know about the SUDPAR phenomenon. Among the 26 who know about SUDPAR, 15 stated that they talk to patients and their families/caregivers about the phenomenon when they ask about the risks related to the possibility of SUDPAR. Conclusions: Speech therapy and audiologists in the state of Alagoas is a young and female profession, with most of the specialist professionals working mainly in the language area and working in the health services allocated in the capital Maceió. Although they are aware of the wide range of speech therapy activities and clinical findings in PD, they do not know the epidemiological data on PD and the SUDPAR phenomenon.
BARACHO, Nathalia Clemente. Conhecimento dos fonoaudiólogos de Alagoas sobre a doença de Parkinson. São Paulo, 2022. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Neurologia/Neurociências) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2020.