A inclusão social nos cursinhos "populares e comunitários": o cursinho Articula Vestibular de Diadema
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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por objetivo analisar o grau de inclusão o cursinho Articula Vestibular, que não possui critérios de seleção comparativamente a outros cursinhos existentes no Grande ABC. Este cursinho integra o projeto Articula Cursinhos do Programa Articul@ções e utilizou a cota invertida, que limitava o número de vagas para alunos de escolas particulares (20% do total). Após a democratização do ensino, o ingresso dos alunos das camadas sociais menos favorecidas foi potencializado, devido a atuação dos cursinhos comunitários e populares. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi realizada com base nos dados de perfil socioeconômico de candidatos e alunos. Os resultados revelaram que mesmo sem impor critérios de seleção aos candidatos, o cursinho popular Articula Vestibular, ao longo de três edições, foi inclusivo, atendendo majoritariamente negros e pardos (58%), pessoas de baixa renda (70%), oriundos de escolas públicas (70%) e residentes de regiões periféricas – 69,6% residentes do município de Diadema – e 85,7% alunas (mulheres). Este estudo contribuiu para a identidade popular do Cursinho Articula vestibular, pois foi constituído por alunos de diversos grupos sociais e não exclusivamente por alunos de alguns grupos sociais específicos, abrangendo também candidatos remanescentes de outros cursinhos, que não se adequaram ao público de cursinhos comunitários.
The objective of this course conclusion work is to analyze the degree of inclusion and integration of Vestibular Articula that does not have selection criteria in relation to other nonABC courses. This course integrates or articulates courses in the Articul@ções Program and uses an inverted level that limits the number of places for some private schools (20% of the total). Support for the democratization of education, or the entry of two of the least favored social litters, was enhanced with the implementation of two community and popular courses. In this sense, the research was carried out based on the socioeconomic profile of candidates and students. The results revealed that even without imposing selection criteria on candidates, the popular Articula Vestibular course over three editions was inclusive, serving mostly blacks and browns (58%), lowincome people (70%), coming from public schools (70%) and residents of peripheral regions69.6% residents of the municipality of Diadema and 85.7% students (women). This study contributed to the popular identity of the Articula Vestibular course, as it was made up of students from different social groups and not exclusively by students from some specific social groups, also covering remaining candidates from other courses, which did not fit the public of community courses.
The objective of this course conclusion work is to analyze the degree of inclusion and integration of Vestibular Articula that does not have selection criteria in relation to other nonABC courses. This course integrates or articulates courses in the Articul@ções Program and uses an inverted level that limits the number of places for some private schools (20% of the total). Support for the democratization of education, or the entry of two of the least favored social litters, was enhanced with the implementation of two community and popular courses. In this sense, the research was carried out based on the socioeconomic profile of candidates and students. The results revealed that even without imposing selection criteria on candidates, the popular Articula Vestibular course over three editions was inclusive, serving mostly blacks and browns (58%), lowincome people (70%), coming from public schools (70%) and residents of peripheral regions69.6% residents of the municipality of Diadema and 85.7% students (women). This study contributed to the popular identity of the Articula Vestibular course, as it was made up of students from different social groups and not exclusively by students from some specific social groups, also covering remaining candidates from other courses, which did not fit the public of community courses.
RUIZ, Suellen Gueiros. A inclusão social nos cursinhos "populares e comunitários": o cursinho Articula Vestibular de Diadema. 67 f. 2021. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Ciências) - Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2021.