Extração de antocianinas de Juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) usando solventes eutéticos profundos, aplicação nanotecnológica e para impressão 3D de alimentos
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Existe atualmente uma crescente preocupação da indústria alimentícia e dos profissionais da nutrição ao redor do mundo com o consumo de corantes artificiais. Esses corantes, os quais têm sido banidos gradualmente por importantes organizações nacionais e supranacionais, têm revelado efeitos adversos à saúde humana. Neste contexto, o uso de corantes naturais se revela como uma alternativa bem-vinda, incentivando o uso sustentável de recursos, assim como se beneficiando das propriedades biológicas inerentes a esses pigmentos. As antocianinas são uma classe de pigmentos pertencente ao grupo dos polifenóis. Abundantes em plantas, tem sido identificado nas mais diversas funções como proteção à luz solar, proteção antimicrobiana e função antioxidante. De fato, as potentes atividades antioxidantes das antocianinas têm sido extensivamente estudadas por diversos pesquisadores, as quais tem revelado uma extensa gama de propriedades benéficas em trabalhos envolvendo tanto humanos como animais, notoriamente na proteção contra doenças crônicas como câncer. No contexto de sustentabilidade, os métodos para extração e obtenção desses pigmentos também têm sido revistos, tendo como objetivo desvencilhar-se do uso de solventes não renováveis, tóxicos ao meio ambiente e fisicamente instáveis, coletivamente chamados solventes orgânicos voláteis (VOS, em inglês), entre eles o metanol. Dentre as diversas técnicas utilizadas para reduzir essa dependência dos VOCs, assim como reduzir a quantidade de água necessária a esses processos, mas mantendo sua eficiência, advém o uso recente dos solventes eutéticos profundos (DES, em inglês). Tema central desta tese, os DES têm demonstrado altas taxas de eficiência na extração de um diverso escopo de produtos naturais, e qualidades muito desejáveis como atoxicidade, estabilidade, não inflamabilidade, alta flexibilidade de composição e proporção bem como volatilidade desprezível. Qualidades essas que tem despertado grande interesse dos pesquisadores ao redor do mundo, com numerosos estudos visando aperfeiçoar processos de extração tornando-os competitivos aos VOS, esperando uma ampla substituição desses, principalmente no que concerne a processos alimentícios. Com base nesse esforço, foi escolhido como modelo de extração para nossos estudos as antocianinas produzidas pelo fruto da árvore da juçara ou içara (Euterpe edulis Mart.). Nativa da américa do sul, possui uma extensa área de ocupação do sul da Bahia até o Paraguai, contudo, devido a exploração ilegal de seu palmito e a enorme fragmentação da Mata Atlântica, é considerada ameaçada de extinção. Muitos esforços de grupos ambientais têm se dedicado a exploração sustentável da juçara através do seu fruto, dissuadindo o corte ilegal do seu meristema apical para obter o palmito, trazendo consequente morte a planta. Com o acima exposto, a pesquisa desta tese foi de encontro a aliar-se a esses esforços de preservação da juçara, imbuindo conhecimento às propriedades das antocianinas do fruto, propondo um método de extração sustentável através dos DES, exibindo suas vantagens perante o metanol. Foi destacado sua elevada estabilidade neste meio e também suas propriedades antioxidantes e antimicrobiológicas. Além disso, foi estudado métodos de aplicação do extrato em nanocápsulas para maior estabilidade e as suas implicações na bioacessibilidade. Por fim foi testada sua aplicabilidade a impressão 3D de alimentos e como sua presença funciona modulando a sinérese do amido usado para impressão e bem como a estabilidade de sua cor durante o processo.
Nowadays, there is a growing concern in the food industry and nutrition professionals around the world with the consumption of artificial colorants. These colorants, which some have been banned by countries worldwide can display adverse effects on human health. In this sense, the use of natural dyes is a welcome alternative in the context of sustainable resources, as well providing to the customers beneficial biological properties inherent to these pigments. Anthocyanins are a class of pigments belonging to the group of polyphenols. Abundant in plants, they have been identified in diverse array of functions, such as protection from sunlight, antimicrobial protection and antioxidant protection. In fact, their potent activities have been extensively studied both by several researchers, revealing a wide range of bioactivities regarding both humans and animals, anticancer activities in particular. In the context of sustainability, the methods for extracting and obtaining these pigments have also been revised, with the aim of getting rid of the use of nonrenewable, environmentally toxic and physically unstable solvents, collectively called volatile organic solvents (VOS), including methanol. Among the various techniques used to reduce this dependence on VOCs, as well as reducing the amount of water needed for these processes, while maintaining their efficiency, comes the recent development of deep eutectic solvents (DES). Central theme of this thesis, DES have demonstrated high rates of efficiency in the extraction of a diverse scope of natural products, and very desirable qualities such as nontoxicity, stability, nonflammability, high flexibility of composition and proportion as well as negligible volatility. These qualities have aroused great interest from researchers around the world, with numerous studies aiming at improving extraction processes and making them competitive with VOS, hoping for a broad replacement of these, especially with regard to the food process. Based on this effort, the anthocyanins produced by the fruit of the juçara or içara tree (Euterpe edulis Mart.) were chosen as an extraction model for our studies. Native to South America, it has an extensive area of occupation from the south of Bahia to Paraguay, however, due to the illegal exploitation of its palm heart and the enormous fragmentation of the Atlantic Forest, it is considered threatened with extinction. Many efforts by environmental groups have been dedicated to the sustainable exploitation of juçara through its fruit, dissuading the illegal cutting of its apical meristem to obtain the palm heart, resulting in the death of the plant. With the above explained, the research of this thesis pursued to ally itself with these efforts of preservation of the juçara, imbuing knowledge to the properties of the anthocyanins of the fruit, proposing a sustainable extraction method through DES, showing its advantages over methanol. Its high stability in this medium and also its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties were highlighted. In addition, methods of application of the extract in nanocapsules were studied for greater stability and their implications for bioaccessibility. Finally, its applicability to 3D food printing was tested and how its presence works by modulating the syneresis of the starch used for printing inks and the stability of its color during this process.
Nowadays, there is a growing concern in the food industry and nutrition professionals around the world with the consumption of artificial colorants. These colorants, which some have been banned by countries worldwide can display adverse effects on human health. In this sense, the use of natural dyes is a welcome alternative in the context of sustainable resources, as well providing to the customers beneficial biological properties inherent to these pigments. Anthocyanins are a class of pigments belonging to the group of polyphenols. Abundant in plants, they have been identified in diverse array of functions, such as protection from sunlight, antimicrobial protection and antioxidant protection. In fact, their potent activities have been extensively studied both by several researchers, revealing a wide range of bioactivities regarding both humans and animals, anticancer activities in particular. In the context of sustainability, the methods for extracting and obtaining these pigments have also been revised, with the aim of getting rid of the use of nonrenewable, environmentally toxic and physically unstable solvents, collectively called volatile organic solvents (VOS), including methanol. Among the various techniques used to reduce this dependence on VOCs, as well as reducing the amount of water needed for these processes, while maintaining their efficiency, comes the recent development of deep eutectic solvents (DES). Central theme of this thesis, DES have demonstrated high rates of efficiency in the extraction of a diverse scope of natural products, and very desirable qualities such as nontoxicity, stability, nonflammability, high flexibility of composition and proportion as well as negligible volatility. These qualities have aroused great interest from researchers around the world, with numerous studies aiming at improving extraction processes and making them competitive with VOS, hoping for a broad replacement of these, especially with regard to the food process. Based on this effort, the anthocyanins produced by the fruit of the juçara or içara tree (Euterpe edulis Mart.) were chosen as an extraction model for our studies. Native to South America, it has an extensive area of occupation from the south of Bahia to Paraguay, however, due to the illegal exploitation of its palm heart and the enormous fragmentation of the Atlantic Forest, it is considered threatened with extinction. Many efforts by environmental groups have been dedicated to the sustainable exploitation of juçara through its fruit, dissuading the illegal cutting of its apical meristem to obtain the palm heart, resulting in the death of the plant. With the above explained, the research of this thesis pursued to ally itself with these efforts of preservation of the juçara, imbuing knowledge to the properties of the anthocyanins of the fruit, proposing a sustainable extraction method through DES, showing its advantages over methanol. Its high stability in this medium and also its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties were highlighted. In addition, methods of application of the extract in nanocapsules were studied for greater stability and their implications for bioaccessibility. Finally, its applicability to 3D food printing was tested and how its presence works by modulating the syneresis of the starch used for printing inks and the stability of its color during this process.
VANNUCHI, Nicholas. Extração de antocianinas de Juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) usando solventes eutéticos profundos, aplicação nanotecnológica e para impressão 3D de alimentos. 2022. 215 f. Tese (Doutorado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.