Percepção da dor na vida e na performance de dançarinos amadores e profissionais
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A dança é uma prática artística corporal que contém significados próprios para quem a pratica, e com a grande exigência física para a execução adequada das técnicas, a dor é um fator presente no cotidiano de treinos, possuindo relevância e aspectos subjetivos importantes. Objetivos: O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a percepção da dor em dançarinos a partir dos seus relatos de vivência, conhecendo e compreendendo o seu significado, os reflexos na vida cotidiana e na performance artística, bem como os métodos de enfrentamento. Instrumentos e Métodos: A pesquisa foi do tipo exploratória descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, onde os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados a partir da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: As falas expuseram a relação de influências entre dança e dançarino que configuram a arte, bem como os processos formativos e a sua relação com a percepção da dor. A dor foi percebida como risco ao corpo quando de longa duração e difícil manejo e natural ou consequente da prática quando de curta duração e fácil manejo, tendo como uma das fontes causadoras a própria execução técnica. Do manejo, as estratégias citadas foram de curta duração com o uso de técnicas e tratamentos rápidos e de fácil acesso, ou de longa duração envolvendo atendimento de saúde, sendo esse dificultado por barreiras de acesso e compreensão por profissionais, sendo o manejo da dor influenciado diretamente pela consciência corporal. Conclusão: Foi possível observar nas falas uma relação entre dançarino e dança que configuram sua essência e influenciam a percepção da dor, sendo essa vista como potencial risco para o corpo ou natural devido a demanda física a depender da duração e facilidade de manejo através das estratégias de enfrentamento, que podem ser imediatas a experiência dolorosa ou através de tratamentos especializado e enfrentam barreiras de acesso e compreensão.
Dance is a body art practice that contains its own meanings for those who practice it, and with the great physical demand for the proper execution of the techniques, pain is a factor present in the daily training, having relevance and important subjective aspects. Objectives: The study aimed to analyze the perception of pain in dancers based on their experience reports, knowing and understanding its meaning, the reflexes in daily life and in artistic performance, as well as the methods of coping. Instruments and Methods: The research was exploratory descriptive with a qualitative approach, where data were obtained through semistructured interviews and analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. Results: The speeches exposed the relationship of influences between dance and dancer that configure the art, as well as the formative processes and their relationship with the perception of pain. Pain was perceived as a risk to the body when it was longlasting and difficult to manage, and natural or consequent to the practice when it was shortterm and easy to manage, with the technical execution itself as one of the causative sources. Regarding management, the strategies mentioned were shortterm with the use of quick and easily accessible techniques and treatments, or longterm involving health care, which was hampered by barriers to access and understanding by professionals, and pain management was directly influenced by body awareness. Conclusion: It was possible to observe in the speeches a relationship between dancer and dance that configure its essence and influence the perception of pain, which is seen as a potential risk to the body or natural due to physical demand, depending on the duration and ease of management through coping strategies, which can be immediate to the painful experience or through specialized treatments and face barriers of access and understanding.
Dance is a body art practice that contains its own meanings for those who practice it, and with the great physical demand for the proper execution of the techniques, pain is a factor present in the daily training, having relevance and important subjective aspects. Objectives: The study aimed to analyze the perception of pain in dancers based on their experience reports, knowing and understanding its meaning, the reflexes in daily life and in artistic performance, as well as the methods of coping. Instruments and Methods: The research was exploratory descriptive with a qualitative approach, where data were obtained through semistructured interviews and analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. Results: The speeches exposed the relationship of influences between dance and dancer that configure the art, as well as the formative processes and their relationship with the perception of pain. Pain was perceived as a risk to the body when it was longlasting and difficult to manage, and natural or consequent to the practice when it was shortterm and easy to manage, with the technical execution itself as one of the causative sources. Regarding management, the strategies mentioned were shortterm with the use of quick and easily accessible techniques and treatments, or longterm involving health care, which was hampered by barriers to access and understanding by professionals, and pain management was directly influenced by body awareness. Conclusion: It was possible to observe in the speeches a relationship between dancer and dance that configure its essence and influence the perception of pain, which is seen as a potential risk to the body or natural due to physical demand, depending on the duration and ease of management through coping strategies, which can be immediate to the painful experience or through specialized treatments and face barriers of access and understanding.
LIMA, Samarony do Prado. Percepção da dor na vida e na performance de dançarinos amadores e profissionais. 2023. 39 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.