Política, tecnologia e emancipação em O homem unidimensional de Herbert Marcuse
Dissertação de mestrado
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Esta dissertação tem dois objetivos. A partir da obra O homem unidimensional: a
ideologia da sociedade industrial (One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced
industrial society), pretendemos explorar como a alta produtividade de bens nas sociedades
industriais avançadas dos anos de 1960 está intimamente associada à geração de pensamento e
comportamento de servidão. Temos interesse em saber como o sistema de produção dessas
sociedades é responsável pela unidimensionalização da existência humana. Por outro lado, nas
sociedades tecnológicas, é interessante notar que não é só o Estado e as corporações que
produzem homens unidimensionais, mas os homens também produzem a si mesmos como
seres unidimensionais por intermédio da passividade com que aceitam a realidade repressora
estabelecida. Na visão de Marcuse, o modo de vida industrial não existe para libertar os
indivíduos do trabalho alienado, fazendo assim com que tenham tempo livre para desenvolver
suas potencialidades, mas existe para a dominação dos homens e da natureza em nome do
capital. Nosso segundo objetivo é o de examinar as alternativas que Marcuse opõe a esse
controle total das necessidades exercido pelo modo de vida da sociedade unidimensional.
Essas alternativas elaboram-se em diferentes registros e dimensões: nova tecnologia, filosofia,
imaginação, arte e protesto dos excluídos. Cada uma delas será analisada em um subtítulo.
The current dissertation has two goals. Taking One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society as a primary source, we intend to explore how the massive production of goods in advanced industrial societies in the 1960’s is closely related to the creation of thinking and behavior directed toward servitude. We have a keen interest in learning how the production system of these societies is responsible for the emergence of a one-dimensional human existence. On the other hand, in these technological societies, it is interesting to realize that not only the State and the corporations that create one-dimensional men, but men also create themselves as one-dimensional human beings through their passive behavior toward the established repressive reality. In Marcuse’s point of view, the industrial way of life does not exist to free the individuals from alienated labor, providing them with free time to develop their potentialities, but to dominate human beings and nature in order to make profit on it. Our second goal is to examine the alternatives that Marcuse opposes to the total control of needs exercised by the way of life in the one-dimensional society. These alternatives are designed in different levels and dimensions: new technology, philosophy, imagination, art and the protest of the excluded. Each of them will be analyzed in a single subheading.
The current dissertation has two goals. Taking One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society as a primary source, we intend to explore how the massive production of goods in advanced industrial societies in the 1960’s is closely related to the creation of thinking and behavior directed toward servitude. We have a keen interest in learning how the production system of these societies is responsible for the emergence of a one-dimensional human existence. On the other hand, in these technological societies, it is interesting to realize that not only the State and the corporations that create one-dimensional men, but men also create themselves as one-dimensional human beings through their passive behavior toward the established repressive reality. In Marcuse’s point of view, the industrial way of life does not exist to free the individuals from alienated labor, providing them with free time to develop their potentialities, but to dominate human beings and nature in order to make profit on it. Our second goal is to examine the alternatives that Marcuse opposes to the total control of needs exercised by the way of life in the one-dimensional society. These alternatives are designed in different levels and dimensions: new technology, philosophy, imagination, art and the protest of the excluded. Each of them will be analyzed in a single subheading.
MAGALHÃES, Rogério Silva de. Política, tecnologia e emancipação em O homem unidimensional de Herbert Marcuse. 2013. 208 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) – Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Guarulhos, 2013.