VIOLAS URBANAS: a expressão de uma arte popular e a configuração desse fenômeno na cidade de Guarulhos
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Essa pesquisa buscou compreender como se construiu e se mantêm os fenômenos
musicais da Viola Caipira e da Viola Repentista na cidade de Guarulhos. Investigou como
a viola, esse instrumento musical de origem de zonas rurais, mantém-se vivo na cidade.
Buscamos, através de entrevistas e pesquisas bibliográficas, entender a história dessa
manifestação artística e a trajetória dos agentes culturais que praticam e difundem essa
arte e, neste pleito, conhecemos alguns violeiros e promotores culturais que expressam
essa cultura e a sua relação com o município e descrevemos um pouco de suas
experiências e perspectivas sobre o que é a viola hoje, mostrando um foco vivo, atual e
atuante dos violeiros que residem na cidade de Guarulhos, que são frutos do grande fluxo
migratório que aconteceu nas décadas de 70, 80 e 90. Exploramos a arte musical da viola,
em sua riqueza de “causos”, significados para os que migraram para a cidade, as
afinações que são usadas em Guarulhos, fazendo uma fundamentação histórica e também
atentando-nos aos saberes e depoimentos de algumas pessoas ligadas a esse meio
artístico. Neste município, detectamos as afinações Mi Cebolão, para os violeiros que
propagam a arte Caipira e a Afinação de Cantoria, para cantadores do Repente Nordestino
como sendo as mais difundidas, além de ressaltar a relevância da cidade como acolhedora
de migrantes de várias regiões do país, aglomerando, em sua maior parte, migrantes
nordestinos, mineiros, goianos, do interior paulista, mais precisamente, na periferia do
município, onde vivem a maior parcela de artistas migrantes que preservam e difundem
sua arte, dando à viola um tom urbano.
ABSTRACT This research seeks to understand how the musical phenomena of Viola Caipira and Viola Repentista were built and sustain in Guarulhos city. This research investigated how viola, a musical instrument from rural areas, is kept alive in the city. We tried, through interviews and bibliographic research, to understand the history of this artistic expression and the trajectory of cultural agents who practice and spread this art, which in this case, we met some guitar players and cultural promoters who express this Culture and its relationship with the municipality and we describe a little of their experiences and perspectives on what Viola is today, showing a live, current and active focus of the guitar players who live in Guarulhos city, being the result of the great migratory flow that happened in the 70s, 80s and 90s. On this research, we’d explored the musical art of Viola, in its wealth of stories, meanings for those who have migrated to the city, the tunings that are used in Guarulhos, making a historical foundation and also paying attention to the knowledge and testimonies of some people connected to this artistic environment. Around the city, we detect that the most widespread are the ‘Cebolão’ E tunings, for guitar players who propagate the ‘Caipira’ art, and the ‘Cantoria’ Tuning, which singers of the northeastern sudden use, in addition to highlighting the relevance of the city as a welcoming place for migrants from several regions of the country, which agglomerated, in its most, migrants from the Northeast, Minas Gerais, Goiás, the São Paulo countryside, more precisely, from the outskirts of the city, where the largest quota of migrant artists who preserve and disseminate their art live, giving to the viola an urban tone. KEYWORDS: violas, migration, violeiros, city, art
ABSTRACT This research seeks to understand how the musical phenomena of Viola Caipira and Viola Repentista were built and sustain in Guarulhos city. This research investigated how viola, a musical instrument from rural areas, is kept alive in the city. We tried, through interviews and bibliographic research, to understand the history of this artistic expression and the trajectory of cultural agents who practice and spread this art, which in this case, we met some guitar players and cultural promoters who express this Culture and its relationship with the municipality and we describe a little of their experiences and perspectives on what Viola is today, showing a live, current and active focus of the guitar players who live in Guarulhos city, being the result of the great migratory flow that happened in the 70s, 80s and 90s. On this research, we’d explored the musical art of Viola, in its wealth of stories, meanings for those who have migrated to the city, the tunings that are used in Guarulhos, making a historical foundation and also paying attention to the knowledge and testimonies of some people connected to this artistic environment. Around the city, we detect that the most widespread are the ‘Cebolão’ E tunings, for guitar players who propagate the ‘Caipira’ art, and the ‘Cantoria’ Tuning, which singers of the northeastern sudden use, in addition to highlighting the relevance of the city as a welcoming place for migrants from several regions of the country, which agglomerated, in its most, migrants from the Northeast, Minas Gerais, Goiás, the São Paulo countryside, more precisely, from the outskirts of the city, where the largest quota of migrant artists who preserve and disseminate their art live, giving to the viola an urban tone. KEYWORDS: violas, migration, violeiros, city, art
VIOLAS URBANAS: A expressão de uma arte popular e a configuração desse fenômeno na cidade de Guarulhos