Desenvolvimento de metodologia para identificar cádmio, chumbo e mercúrio em chá de Passiflora incarnata via eletroforese capilar com detecção ultravioleta
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O uso de plantas medicinais para tratar enfermidades é considerada uma prática antiga por diversas comunidades. Dentre as plantas do gênero Passiflora, a Passiflora incarnata é considerada como a espécie oficial para tratamentos fitoterápicos. Entretanto, há uma preocupação no que se refere à contaminação dessas plantas medicinais por impurezas elementares. Assim, o monitoramento dessas impurezas em plantas medicinais, faz-se necessário.
A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), agência reguladora que orienta o uso da farmacopeia brasileira, descreve os níveis aceitáveis dessas impurezas nesse tipo de amostra.
A técnica convencionalmente empregada para determinar elementos químicos é a espectrometria atômica (AS, do inglês, atomic spectrometry). Entretanto, a técnica de eletroforese capilar, devido sua versatilidade, pode ser uma alternativa para a determinação multielementar. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma metodologia analítica por eletroforese capilar, para determinação de chumbo (Pb), cádmio (Cd) e mercúrio (Hg) em chá Passiflora incarnata.
A melhor condição de separação foi avaliada com a injeção no outlet e inversão de polos. Entretanto, em virtude do alargamento de pico apresentado pelo Hg, somente Cd e Pb foram considerados na otimização do método. Portanto, um planejamento fatorial foi aplicado, onde, foram avaliadas, a temperatura do capilar, tensão aplicada, e, a concentração de éter coroa e metanol. As melhores respostas do planejamento fatorial foram obtidas com: 11,4 kV de tensão aplicada; 20 ºC de temperatura do capilar; 23,3 mmol L-1 de éter coroa e 3,7% (v/v) de metanol, com um tempo de análise de 2 minutos. O método foi avaliado frente à algumas figuras de mérito, somente para Cd pois os limites exigidos para Pb não foram atingidos. Dentre elas tem-se: o limite de detecção (LD) (0,20 μg g-1), limite de quantificação (LQ) (0,06 μg g-1), faixa linear (0,2 – 1 μg g-1), repetibilidade (coeficiente de variação (CV) das intra-corridas para o tempo (0 - 1,49%), intra-corridas para área (3,09 - 12,41%), inter-corridas para o tempo (1,77 - 2,37%) e, inter-corridas para área (16,76 - 37,43%), e Recuperação (53,79% para 1 μg g-1 e 20,36% para 0,5 μg g-1).
The use of medicinal plants to treat illnesses is considered an old practice by several communitites. Among the plants of the genus Passiflora, Passiflora Incarnata is considered as the official species for herbal treatments. However, there is a concern regarding the contamination of theses medicinal plants by elemental impurities. Thus, the monitoring of theses impurities in medicinal plants is necessary. The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa), regulatory agency that guides the use of the Brazilian Pharmacopeia, describes the acceptable levels of these impurities in this type of sample. The technique conventionally used to determine chemical elements is atomic spectrometry (AS). However, capillary electrophoresis technique, due to the versatility, can be an alternative for multielementar determination. Therefore, this work aimed to develop an analytical methodology by capillary electrophoresis, for determination of Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg) in Passiflora incarnata tea. The best separation condition was evaluated with the injection of the outlet injection and pole invertion. However, due to the peak widening presented by Hg, only Cd and Pb were considered. Therefore, a factorial design was apllied, where, the capillary temperature, applied tension, and the concentration of crown ether and methanol, were evaluated. The best responses of factorial design were obtained with: applied voltage 11.4 kV; capillary temperature 20 ºC; crown ether 23,3 mmol L-1 and methanol 3,7% (v/v) with analysis time of 2 minutes. The method was evaluated against some figures of merit, only for Cd because the limits required for Pb have not been reached. Among them are: the limit of detection (LOD) (0.20 μg g-1), limit of quantification (LOQ) (0,06 μg g-1), linear range (0.2 – 1 μg g-1), repeatability (coefficient of variation (CV) of intra-day for time (0 - 1.49%), intra-day for area (3.09 - 12.41%), inter-day for time (1.77 - 2.37%), inter-day for area (16.76 - 37.43%) and, recovery ((53.79% para 1 μg g-1 e 20.36% para 0.5 μg g-1).
The use of medicinal plants to treat illnesses is considered an old practice by several communitites. Among the plants of the genus Passiflora, Passiflora Incarnata is considered as the official species for herbal treatments. However, there is a concern regarding the contamination of theses medicinal plants by elemental impurities. Thus, the monitoring of theses impurities in medicinal plants is necessary. The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa), regulatory agency that guides the use of the Brazilian Pharmacopeia, describes the acceptable levels of these impurities in this type of sample. The technique conventionally used to determine chemical elements is atomic spectrometry (AS). However, capillary electrophoresis technique, due to the versatility, can be an alternative for multielementar determination. Therefore, this work aimed to develop an analytical methodology by capillary electrophoresis, for determination of Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg) in Passiflora incarnata tea. The best separation condition was evaluated with the injection of the outlet injection and pole invertion. However, due to the peak widening presented by Hg, only Cd and Pb were considered. Therefore, a factorial design was apllied, where, the capillary temperature, applied tension, and the concentration of crown ether and methanol, were evaluated. The best responses of factorial design were obtained with: applied voltage 11.4 kV; capillary temperature 20 ºC; crown ether 23,3 mmol L-1 and methanol 3,7% (v/v) with analysis time of 2 minutes. The method was evaluated against some figures of merit, only for Cd because the limits required for Pb have not been reached. Among them are: the limit of detection (LOD) (0.20 μg g-1), limit of quantification (LOQ) (0,06 μg g-1), linear range (0.2 – 1 μg g-1), repeatability (coefficient of variation (CV) of intra-day for time (0 - 1.49%), intra-day for area (3.09 - 12.41%), inter-day for time (1.77 - 2.37%), inter-day for area (16.76 - 37.43%) and, recovery ((53.79% para 1 μg g-1 e 20.36% para 0.5 μg g-1).