Proteção social e o serviço social na política de assistência social: um estudo bibliográfico e documental
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Discute-se neste trabalho alguns fundamentos da proteção social no Brasil ligados às políticas públicas e sociais a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988. Considera-se de relevância científica a temática, que envolve os padrões de vida do brasileiro em sua realidade social, no contexto da livre iniciativa e de sua formação histórica no país, interligada diretamente à Questão Social. Tendo como objetivo geral construir uma crítica ao Sistema de Proteção Social Brasileiro (SPSB), com base no ponto de vista de autores referências do Serviço Social e das ciências sociais e humanas. Analisando a política pública de Assistência Social em seu percurso histórico no país, até a chegada dos dias atuais, no contexto contemporâneo das políticas sociais e da CF/88. Dentro dos objetivos específicos, busca-se conhecer a noção de direitos sociais a partir do sistema de proteção social brasileiro, articulado à políticas públicas em seu percurso histórico; refletindo a relação proteção social e realidade social brasileira. A natureza teórico-metodológica pauta-se no materialismo histórico e dialético, em sua visão de sociedade, ao construir a presente crítica, apresentada nas próximas páginas, articulando tal material científico com a revisão bibliográfica e documental. Buscou-se fontes dos anos 90 até 2021, pesquisa realizada entre junho
de 2020 até agosto de 2021, feita através da análise de livros, artigos, documentos, revistas e, textos acadêmicos. Nas considerações finais, busca-se evidenciar a importância das políticas públicas no desenvolvimento histórico de qualquer nação, apontando a importância de caminhos a serem seguidos ligados à emancipação humana através dos direitos sociais.
This paper discusses some fundamentals of social protection in Brazil linked to public and social policies from the 1988 Federal Constitution. of free enterprise and its historical formation in the country, directly linked to the Social Question. Having as general objective to build a critique of the Brazilian Social Protection System (SPSB), based on the point of view of reference authors from Social Work and the social and human sciences. Analyzing the Social Assistance public policy in its historical trajectory in the country, until the arrival of the present day, in the contemporary context of social policies and CF/88. Within the specific objectives, it seeks to understand the notion of social rights from the Brazilian social protection system, articulated to public policies in its historical path; reflecting the relationship between social protection and Brazilian social reality. The theoretical-methodological nature is based on historical and dialectical materialism, in its vision of society, when constructing the present critique, presented in the next pages, articulating such scientific material with the bibliographical and documental review. Sources from the 1990s to 2021 were sought, research carried out between June 2020 and August 2021, carried out through the analysis of books, articles, documents, journals and academic texts. In the final considerations, we seek to highlight the importance of public policies in the historical development of any nation, pointing out the importance of paths to be followed linked to human emancipation through social rights.
This paper discusses some fundamentals of social protection in Brazil linked to public and social policies from the 1988 Federal Constitution. of free enterprise and its historical formation in the country, directly linked to the Social Question. Having as general objective to build a critique of the Brazilian Social Protection System (SPSB), based on the point of view of reference authors from Social Work and the social and human sciences. Analyzing the Social Assistance public policy in its historical trajectory in the country, until the arrival of the present day, in the contemporary context of social policies and CF/88. Within the specific objectives, it seeks to understand the notion of social rights from the Brazilian social protection system, articulated to public policies in its historical path; reflecting the relationship between social protection and Brazilian social reality. The theoretical-methodological nature is based on historical and dialectical materialism, in its vision of society, when constructing the present critique, presented in the next pages, articulating such scientific material with the bibliographical and documental review. Sources from the 1990s to 2021 were sought, research carried out between June 2020 and August 2021, carried out through the analysis of books, articles, documents, journals and academic texts. In the final considerations, we seek to highlight the importance of public policies in the historical development of any nation, pointing out the importance of paths to be followed linked to human emancipation through social rights.
JESUS NETO, Sylvio Antonio de. Proteção social e o serviço social na política de assistência social: um estudo bibliográfico e documental. 2021. 69 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.