Brasil com fome: a atualidade de Josué de Castro
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A fome é uma persistente problemática no Brasil, revelando que uma parcela significativa da população, segundo Inquérito Nacional 58,7% da população do Brasil enfrenta algum tipo de insegurança alimentar, pesquisa realizada entre novembro de 2021 a abril de 2022, vivendo abaixo da linha da pobreza. Josué de Castro, pioneiro no entendimento das causas da fome em um país tão abundante como o Brasil, expôs soluções durante seus discursos, enfatizando que enquanto a fome persistir, o progresso social será impossível. Seu livro "Geografia da Fome" desmascarou a política da fome no Brasil, mapeando suas raízes.
Josué propôs uma política alimentar, defendendo que, se suas ideias fossem implementadas, a fome não estaria tão disseminada. Ele também apontou para a necessidade de uma reforma agrária como solução fundamental, apontando causas e consequências da fome que mantinha à margem da dignidade humana brasileiros que viviam abaixo da linha da pobreza, buscando alternativas para modificar esse cenário.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apontar que a fome pode ser evitada em larga escala, mas é um projeto político persistente. Nesse sentido, o intuito da pesquisa é buscar analisar como fonta as obras à luz da atualidade de Josue de Castro, relacionando o aumento da fome ao governo Bolsonaro e à pandemia da COVID-19, destacando a importância de Josué como pensador político e referência no combate à fome.
Hunger is a persistent problem in Brazil, revealing that a significant portion of the population, according to the National Survey 58.7% of Brazil's population faces some type of food insecurity, a survey carried out between November 2021 and April 2022, living below the line of poverty. Josué de Castro, a pioneer in understanding the causes of hunger in a country as abundant as Brazil, exposed solutions during his speeches, emphasizing that as long as hunger persists, social progress will be impossible. His book "Geografia da Fome" unmasked the politics of hunger in Brazil, mapping its roots. Josué proposed a food policy, arguing that, if his ideas were implemented, hunger would not be so widespread. He also pointed to the need for agrarian reform as a fundamental solution, pointing out the causes and consequences of the hunger that kept Brazilians who lived below the poverty line at the margins of human dignity, seeking alternatives to change this scenario. This work aims to point out that hunger can be avoided on a large scale, but it is a persistent political project. In this sense, the aim of the research is to seek to analyze how the works are sourced in light of Josue de Castro's current affairs, relating the increase in hunger to the Bolsonaro government and the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the importance of Josué as a political thinker and reference in the combating hunger.
Hunger is a persistent problem in Brazil, revealing that a significant portion of the population, according to the National Survey 58.7% of Brazil's population faces some type of food insecurity, a survey carried out between November 2021 and April 2022, living below the line of poverty. Josué de Castro, a pioneer in understanding the causes of hunger in a country as abundant as Brazil, exposed solutions during his speeches, emphasizing that as long as hunger persists, social progress will be impossible. His book "Geografia da Fome" unmasked the politics of hunger in Brazil, mapping its roots. Josué proposed a food policy, arguing that, if his ideas were implemented, hunger would not be so widespread. He also pointed to the need for agrarian reform as a fundamental solution, pointing out the causes and consequences of the hunger that kept Brazilians who lived below the poverty line at the margins of human dignity, seeking alternatives to change this scenario. This work aims to point out that hunger can be avoided on a large scale, but it is a persistent political project. In this sense, the aim of the research is to seek to analyze how the works are sourced in light of Josue de Castro's current affairs, relating the increase in hunger to the Bolsonaro government and the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the importance of Josué as a political thinker and reference in the combating hunger.