Avaliação da ocorrência de microplásticos em água subterrânea e solo em área urbana do município de Bauru, SP
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Os microplásticos são contaminantes emergentes de distribuição global, cuja ocorrência tem sido observada nos mais variados compartimentos ambientais, como ar, solo, águas superficiais, águas subterrâneas, águas residuais, nascentes, águas engarrafadas, águas de chuva, inclusive em sangue humano, tecidos pulmonares, placenta e leite materno. A falta de regulamentação desses contaminantes justifica-se em parte pela falta de pesquisas a respeito, mesmo que alguns de seus efeitos nocivos no meio e na biota já sejam conhecidos. Por isso, identificar possíveis fontes e quantificar a distribuição de MPs pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de medidas mitigadoras. Desse modo, o presente estudo investigou a presença de microplásticos (MPs) no solo e na água subterrânea do município de Bauru, São Paulo, SP, onde foram instalados dois poços de monitoramento e executadas três sondagens a cada 0,5 m até atingir a zona saturada. Assim, foram identificadas visualmente a existência de fibras e fragmentos de MPs na água subterrânea, com dominância de fibras coloridas de 0,063 a 1 mm. Já no solo, foram determinadas apenas fibras de MPs com predominância de 0,063 a 1 mm nas camadas de 0,5, 2,0 e 2,5m, sendo evidente a preponderância de fibras coloridas na zona saturada (2,0 e 2,5m). Assim, os resultados sugerem diferentes fontes de contaminação para a camada superficial do solo (0,5m) e a zona saturada (2,0 e 2,5 m), sendo a primeira proveniente da enchente do rio Bauru, escoamento superficial e descarte inadequado de resíduos sólidos e, para a segunda fluxos subterrâneos contaminados por fossas sépticas e vazamento de tubulação de esgoto.
Microplastics (MPs) are emerging contaminants with a global distribution, whose occurrence has been observed in the most varied environmental compartments, such as air, soil, surface water, groundwater, wastewater, springs, bottled water, rainwater, including human blood, lung tissue, plasticenta and breastmilk. The lack of regulation of these contaminants is justified in part by the lack of research on the subject, even though some of their harmful effects on the environment and biota are already known. Therefore, identifying possible sources and quantifying the distribution of MPs can contribute to the development of mitigating measures. Thus, the present study investigated the presence of microplastics in soil and groundwater in the municipality of Bauru, São Paulo, SP, where two monitoring wells were installed and three boreholes were carried out at each 0,5 m until reaching the saturated zone. Thus, the existence of fibers and fragments of MPs in groundwater were visually identified, with a predominance of colored fibers from 0,063 to 1 mm. In the soil, only MP fibers with a predominance of 0,063 to 1 mm were determined in the layers of 0,5, 2,0 and 2,5 m, with an evident preponderance of colored fibers in the saturated zone (2,0 and 2,5 m). Thus, the results suggest different sources of contamination for the surface soil layer (0,5 m) and the saturated zone (2,0 and 2,5 m), the first coming from the flooding of the Bauru River, runoff and inadequate disposal of solid waste and, for the second, underground flows contaminated by septic tanks and leaking sewer pipes.
Microplastics (MPs) are emerging contaminants with a global distribution, whose occurrence has been observed in the most varied environmental compartments, such as air, soil, surface water, groundwater, wastewater, springs, bottled water, rainwater, including human blood, lung tissue, plasticenta and breastmilk. The lack of regulation of these contaminants is justified in part by the lack of research on the subject, even though some of their harmful effects on the environment and biota are already known. Therefore, identifying possible sources and quantifying the distribution of MPs can contribute to the development of mitigating measures. Thus, the present study investigated the presence of microplastics in soil and groundwater in the municipality of Bauru, São Paulo, SP, where two monitoring wells were installed and three boreholes were carried out at each 0,5 m until reaching the saturated zone. Thus, the existence of fibers and fragments of MPs in groundwater were visually identified, with a predominance of colored fibers from 0,063 to 1 mm. In the soil, only MP fibers with a predominance of 0,063 to 1 mm were determined in the layers of 0,5, 2,0 and 2,5 m, with an evident preponderance of colored fibers in the saturated zone (2,0 and 2,5 m). Thus, the results suggest different sources of contamination for the surface soil layer (0,5 m) and the saturated zone (2,0 and 2,5 m), the first coming from the flooding of the Bauru River, runoff and inadequate disposal of solid waste and, for the second, underground flows contaminated by septic tanks and leaking sewer pipes.