A participação popular na luta contra a epidemia de HIV/aids: O papel do Grupo de Apoio à Prevenção à Aids na Baixada Santista (1988-1993)
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Considerada, entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990, a "Capital da aids", Santos foi divulgada como a cidade com a maior taxa de casos de HIV/aids no Brasil. Com o foco na participação popular, esta pesquisa pretende ampliar a memória das lutas e resistências dos grupos vulneráveis à doença e sua contribuição no processo de construção de estratégias e políticas públicas para o enfrentamento à epidemia de HIV/aids no município. Seu objetivo é investigar a participação do Grupo de Apoio à Prevenção à Aids da Baixada Santista (GAPA/BS) na luta contra o HIV/aids entre 1988 e 1993. O seu recorte temporal abrange desde a fundação do GAPA/BS até o momento em que foi reconhecido como de utilidade pública. Emprega como fonte principal a imprensa escrita, recurso privilegiado para compreender o contexto sócio histórico no qual o GAPA/BS esteve inserido. Analisa notícias do jornal local A Tribuna, levantadas na Hemeroteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil. A pesquisa conclui que o GAPA/BS teve um papel ativo e de grande relevância na luta contra o HIV/aids, sobretudo para a formulação de políticas públicas e conscientização da sociedade civil. A sua fundação e as suas ações, como campanhas, oficinas e treinamentos, foram fundamentais para a ampliação do debate sobre a epidemia, assim como para reivindicar, alimentar e complementar as políticas públicas instituídas pela prefeitura de Santos. A pesquisa destaca a importância de recuperar a participação social na luta contra o HIV/aids, uma participação frequentemente negligenciada e ausente das memórias e relatos oficiais de Santos.
Considered the "Capital of aids" between the 1980s and 1990s, Santos was reported as the city with the highest rate of HIV/AIDS cases in Brazil. Focusing on public participation, this research aims to broaden the memory of the struggles and resistances of vulnerable groups to the disease and their contribution to the development of strategies and public policies for addressing the HIV/aids epidemic in the municipality. Its objective is to investigate the participation of the Grupo de Apoio ‡ PrevenÁ„o ‡ Aids da Baixada Santista (GAPA/BS) in the fight against HIV/aids between 1988 and 1993. The time frame covers from the foundation of GAPA/BS to the moment it was recognized as a public utility organization. It uses written press sources, a key resource for understanding the socio-historical context in which GAPA/BS was involved. The study analyzes articles from the local newspaper A Tribuna, accessed through the Digital Hemeroteca of the National Library of Brazil. The research concludes that GAPA/BS played an active and significant role in the fight against HIV/aids, particularly in the formulation of public policies and raising civil society awareness. Its foundation and actions, such as campaigns, workshops, and training sessions, were essential for expanding the debate on the epidemic, as well as for advocating, supporting, and complementing the public policies established by the Santos government. The research highlights the importance of recovering social participation in the fight against HIV/aids, a participation that is often neglected and absent from the official memories and accounts of Santos.
Considered the "Capital of aids" between the 1980s and 1990s, Santos was reported as the city with the highest rate of HIV/AIDS cases in Brazil. Focusing on public participation, this research aims to broaden the memory of the struggles and resistances of vulnerable groups to the disease and their contribution to the development of strategies and public policies for addressing the HIV/aids epidemic in the municipality. Its objective is to investigate the participation of the Grupo de Apoio ‡ PrevenÁ„o ‡ Aids da Baixada Santista (GAPA/BS) in the fight against HIV/aids between 1988 and 1993. The time frame covers from the foundation of GAPA/BS to the moment it was recognized as a public utility organization. It uses written press sources, a key resource for understanding the socio-historical context in which GAPA/BS was involved. The study analyzes articles from the local newspaper A Tribuna, accessed through the Digital Hemeroteca of the National Library of Brazil. The research concludes that GAPA/BS played an active and significant role in the fight against HIV/aids, particularly in the formulation of public policies and raising civil society awareness. Its foundation and actions, such as campaigns, workshops, and training sessions, were essential for expanding the debate on the epidemic, as well as for advocating, supporting, and complementing the public policies established by the Santos government. The research highlights the importance of recovering social participation in the fight against HIV/aids, a participation that is often neglected and absent from the official memories and accounts of Santos.
MARTINS, Felipe Soares. A participação popular na luta contra a epidemia de HIV/aids em Santos: O papel do Grupo de Apoio à Prevenção à Aids da Baixada Santista (1988-1993). 2024. 68 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.