Letramento digital na formação inicial do professor de língua portuguesa
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Este trabalho insere-se na área dos Estudos Linguísticos, na linha de pesquisa Linguagem em Novos Contextos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal de São Paulo e encontra-se fundamentado nos estudos de Coscarelli (2005, 2016), Ribeiro (2016, 2021) em diálogo com a BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), BNC-Formação (BRASIL, 2019), numa perspectiva freireana (FREIRE, 2019a); HOOKS, 2019). O tema desta pesquisa volta-se para uma reflexão sobre o letramento digital na formação inicial do professor de língua portuguesa. Como objetivo geral delimitou-se a compreender como o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso (PPC) de Letras/ Português aborda/ trata o letramento digital de modo a desenvolver a competência leitora no futuro professor de língua portuguesa. Como objetivos específicos delimitou-se investigar, no PPC de dois cursos de Letras/ Português, a presença do letramento digital; averiguar em que medida o Projeto Pedagógico de Letras/ Português, de duas instituições de ensino superior – uma pública e outra particular – dialoga com a competência leitora proposta pela BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), especificamente, nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e discutir a relevância do letramento digital para o desenvolvimento da competência leitora do futuro professor de língua portuguesa da escola de educação básica. As inquietações referentes ao uso das tecnologias em sala de aula na educação básica brasileira emergiram a partir do contexto pandêmico. Na pandemia em 2020 e 2021 houve um momento abrupto de migração das aulas presenciais para o ensino remoto emergencial com a escola pouca equipada com as tecnologias digitais e preparada com o letramento digital. A metodologia da pesquisa foi desenvolvida numa abordagem qualitativa e análise documental. Entre os resultados foram confirmadas as duas hipóteses desta pesquisa: 1) os PPCs evidenciam o desenvolvimento da competência leitora, a partir do letramento digital parcialmente, favorecendo as ações que conciliam a teoria e a prática e 2) os PPCs trazem conexões parciais no que se refere à interface entre a leitura e o letramento digital quando comparados ao que é proposto pela BNCC (BRASIL, 2018).
This study was developed within the area of Linguistic Studies at the Federal University of São Paulo. It integrates in the research field of Language in New Contexts of the Graduate Program in Languages and is based on Coscarelli (2005, 2016), Ribeiro (2016, 2021) in a dialogue with BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), BNC-Training (BRASIL, 2019), based on Freirean perspective (FREIRE, 2019a; HOOKS, 2019). This research theme focuses on a reflection on digital literacy during the initial training of portuguese language teachers. The general objective was to understand how the Pedagogical Project of the Letters Course (PPC) approaches/deals with digital literacy in order to develop reading competency in the future portuguese language teacher. The specific objectives were to investigate the presence of digital literacy in two PPCs; analyse how the Pedagogical Project of two higher education institutions – one public and the other one private – approaches the reading competency proposed by BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), specifically, in the final years of Elementary School and discuss the relevance of digital literacy for the development of the reading competence of the future Portuguese language teacher of the basic education school. The concerns regarding the use of digital technologies in the classroom in Brazilian basic education emerged from the pandemic context. In the pandemic in 2020/ 2021, there was an abrupt moment of migration from face-to-face classes to emergency remote teaching with schools little equipped and prepared. The research methodology was developed in a qualitative approach by bibliographic review and document analysis. Two hipotesis of this research are confirmed among the results: 1) the PPCs expose the development of the reading ability, partially since the digital literacy, supporting the actions that arrange the theory and practice and 2) the PPC's bring partial connections regarding the interface between the digital literacy and reading ability, as proposed by the BNCC (BRASIL, 2018).
This study was developed within the area of Linguistic Studies at the Federal University of São Paulo. It integrates in the research field of Language in New Contexts of the Graduate Program in Languages and is based on Coscarelli (2005, 2016), Ribeiro (2016, 2021) in a dialogue with BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), BNC-Training (BRASIL, 2019), based on Freirean perspective (FREIRE, 2019a; HOOKS, 2019). This research theme focuses on a reflection on digital literacy during the initial training of portuguese language teachers. The general objective was to understand how the Pedagogical Project of the Letters Course (PPC) approaches/deals with digital literacy in order to develop reading competency in the future portuguese language teacher. The specific objectives were to investigate the presence of digital literacy in two PPCs; analyse how the Pedagogical Project of two higher education institutions – one public and the other one private – approaches the reading competency proposed by BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), specifically, in the final years of Elementary School and discuss the relevance of digital literacy for the development of the reading competence of the future Portuguese language teacher of the basic education school. The concerns regarding the use of digital technologies in the classroom in Brazilian basic education emerged from the pandemic context. In the pandemic in 2020/ 2021, there was an abrupt moment of migration from face-to-face classes to emergency remote teaching with schools little equipped and prepared. The research methodology was developed in a qualitative approach by bibliographic review and document analysis. Two hipotesis of this research are confirmed among the results: 1) the PPCs expose the development of the reading ability, partially since the digital literacy, supporting the actions that arrange the theory and practice and 2) the PPC's bring partial connections regarding the interface between the digital literacy and reading ability, as proposed by the BNCC (BRASIL, 2018).