Estudo da viabilidade de gestão de biodigestores anaeróbicos em espaços urbanos, no tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos - RSO
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Após constatação da situação dos aterros sanitários no Brasil, em 2010, autoridades e organizações ligadas ao reciclo tomaram a iniciativa de criação de um projeto que no mesmo ano originou a lei n° 12.305/2010, que descreve o Plano Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Atualmente o Brasil conta com cerca de 3.000 mil aterros sanitários, local que muitas vezes não possui tratamento e destinação correta dos resíduos orgânicos. As principais justificativas governamentais para tantas irregularidades no processo de tratamento dos resíduos sólidos, é a falta de uma pasta financeira destinada as soluções tecnológicas no manejo dos resíduos e a crescente população nos centros urbanos. Assim apesar de lenta, mas não tardia, o incentivo de tecnologias viáveis para o tratamento de resíduo sólido orgânico (RSO) no ambiente urbano é de caráter crescente. A biodigestão anaeróbia parece ser a solução mais ampla e plausível neste momento de desenvolvimento do país. Em síntese a digestão anaeróbia tem a função de reduzir resíduos, participar da geração de recursos de consumo como energia elétrica e contribui para um bem-estar socioambiental. Desta forma, esse trabalho levantou a discussão da (in)viabilidade da gestão de um biodigestor anaeróbio, alimentado com RSO, dentro dos desafios de um ambiente urbano. A metodologia desenvolvida neste trabalho, envolveu o estudo de uma ferramenta (matriz ISWM), como meio facilitador de exposição dos fatores que influenciam e impactam a implantação de um biodigestor. Conjuntamente foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a biotecnologia digestora, sempre observando a relação da solução com os meios de controle e avaliação dos processos. A utilização da matriz ISWM, a avaliação dos artigos utilizados, junto com o levantamento de parâmetros essenciais do sistema de biodigestão, possibilitaram a base de premissas que responderam a indicação de pH ideal do sistema, a importância do controle da temperatura, a qualidade do substrato na essencialidade do projeto de biodigestores em ambiente urbano. Como resposta a avaliação do risco de viés que objetivou avaliar a quantidade e qualidade das informações presente nos artigos e que poderiam responder questões relativas à implantação de biodigestor em ambiente urbano, os artigos que tiveram um risco de viés alto e baixo são da ordem de 8,1% e 59,5%, respectivamente. Indicando respostas incompletas e respostas completas sobre os parâmetros pesquisados.
After verifying the situation of sanitary landfills in Brazil, in 2010, authorities and organizations linked to recycling took the initiative to create a project that in the same year gave rise to law n° 12.305/2010). Currently, Brazil has about 3,000 sanitary landfills, a place that often does not have proper treatment and disposal of organic waste. The main governmental justifications for so many irregularities in the solid waste treatment process is the lack of a financial portfolio destined to technological solutions in waste management and the growing population in urban centers. Thus, despite being slow, but not late, the encouragement of viable technologies for the treatment of solid organic waste (SOW) in the urban environment is growing. Anaerobic digestion seems to be the broadest and most plausible solution at this time of the country's development. In summary, anaerobic digestion has the function of reducing waste, participating in the generation of consumption resources such as electricity and contributing to socio-environmental well-being. In this way, this work raised the discussion of the (un)feasibility of managing an anaerobic digester, fed with RSO, within the challenges of an urban environment. The methodology developed in this work involved the study of a tool (ISWM matrix), as a facilitator of exposing the factors that influence and impact the implementation of a biodigester. At the same time, a bibliographic survey was carried out on digester biotechnology, always observing the relationship between the solution and the means of control and evaluation of the processes. The use of the ISWM matrix, the evaluation of the articles used, together with the survey of essential parameters of the biodigestion system, made possible the basis of premises that responded to the indication of ideal pH of the system, the importance of temperature control, the quality of the substrate in the essentiality of the biodigester project in an urban environment. As a response to the risk of bias assessment, which aimed to assess the quantity and quality of information present in the articles and which could answer questions related to the implementation of biodigester in an urban environment, the articles that had a high and low risk of bias are on the order of 8.1% and 59.5%, respectively. Indicating incomplete answers and complete answers on the searched parameters.
After verifying the situation of sanitary landfills in Brazil, in 2010, authorities and organizations linked to recycling took the initiative to create a project that in the same year gave rise to law n° 12.305/2010). Currently, Brazil has about 3,000 sanitary landfills, a place that often does not have proper treatment and disposal of organic waste. The main governmental justifications for so many irregularities in the solid waste treatment process is the lack of a financial portfolio destined to technological solutions in waste management and the growing population in urban centers. Thus, despite being slow, but not late, the encouragement of viable technologies for the treatment of solid organic waste (SOW) in the urban environment is growing. Anaerobic digestion seems to be the broadest and most plausible solution at this time of the country's development. In summary, anaerobic digestion has the function of reducing waste, participating in the generation of consumption resources such as electricity and contributing to socio-environmental well-being. In this way, this work raised the discussion of the (un)feasibility of managing an anaerobic digester, fed with RSO, within the challenges of an urban environment. The methodology developed in this work involved the study of a tool (ISWM matrix), as a facilitator of exposing the factors that influence and impact the implementation of a biodigester. At the same time, a bibliographic survey was carried out on digester biotechnology, always observing the relationship between the solution and the means of control and evaluation of the processes. The use of the ISWM matrix, the evaluation of the articles used, together with the survey of essential parameters of the biodigestion system, made possible the basis of premises that responded to the indication of ideal pH of the system, the importance of temperature control, the quality of the substrate in the essentiality of the biodigester project in an urban environment. As a response to the risk of bias assessment, which aimed to assess the quantity and quality of information present in the articles and which could answer questions related to the implementation of biodigester in an urban environment, the articles that had a high and low risk of bias are on the order of 8.1% and 59.5%, respectively. Indicating incomplete answers and complete answers on the searched parameters.
CARDOSO, Daniela de Araújo. Estudo da viabilidade de gestão de biodigestores anaeróbicos em espaços urbanos, no tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos - RSO. 2022. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioprodutos e Bioprocessos) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.